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Based on the New Curriculum Reform of High School Geography Teaching Strategy Research

导  师: 谢献春;梁汉强

学科专业: 040102

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

摘  要: 地理概念是对各种地理事物本质属性的抽象概括,它能深刻反映地理事物最本质的特征,是地理课程的重要组成部分,是地理知识的“基石”。高中地理概念不仅具备地理概念的特征,同时还具备自身的特殊性。当前,新课程改革背景下,在实际地理教学过程中,教师对概念的重视程度较高,但并未采取适合的教学策略;学生惧怕概念、轻视概念的现象仍然存在。针对这一现状,通过对高中地理概念体系分析,结合高中地理概念体系特点,本文尝试从学生认识心理学角度出发,归纳出以现代教育理念为指导的高中地理概念教学策略。 在前人研究的基础上,本文以教育学、心理学等理论为指导,结合教育实践,对高中地理概念进行教学策略研究。在研究中主要运用了文献法、观察研究法、实证分析法、调查法、行动研究法等。 论文前半部分综合了前人对于地理概念教学的研究成果,在新课程改革背景下,以建构主义、认知心理学相关理论为指导,通过对高中学生与教师进行问卷调查、网络教学案例的分析并结合自身教育实践,分析高中地理概念教学现状,总结了地理概念教学中出现的问题,从问题追本溯源得出在概念教学中教师较少分析概念所属体系及其特点,并据此采取相应的课堂教学策略。论文后半部分重点对高中地理概念体系/(以必修模块为主线/)及其特点进行研究,提出必修模块三部分概念体系构成特征,在此研究基础上提出构建教学策略,分别是借助情境创设获得感性的认识、联系已有认知推动概念的形成、注重过程解析促进概念的理解、深入剖析概念达成反馈与再认、培养学习兴趣、优化学习策略,最后进行实践的应用,例举了运用高中地理概念教学策略进行的教学设计。 The definition in geography is an abstract summary of all the essential attributes, which can deeply reflect the characteristics of geographic matters. It's an essential part of geography course as well as geography learning. The geographic definition in high school have all the characteristics of its own, however, it varies from each other. Nowadays, under the background of the curriculum reform, the teachers attach highly attention to the definition but they still don't have propelled teaching strategies. There are many students who think little, or even afraid of the definitions. Aiming at solving the problems, the author tries to generalize the teaching strategy based on the ideal of modem education after analyzing the high school geography system and its traits from the students'visual angle. On the basis of previous studies, pedagogy and psychology, the writer did a teaching strategy research of the high school geography, combining with the education practice. The methods of literature, observation research, empirical analysis, survey, action research are used in the research. Papers on previous half synthesize the previews research achievements. on the circumstances of the curriculum reform, constructivism and the cognitive psychology as the guide, the author carried a questionnaire survey in high school students and teachers, an d she analyses the current situation and conclude the problems during the teaching according to the analysis of network teaching case and self-education practice. When getting to the root of the matter, teachers rarely to analyze the system and features. Papers second half part of high school geography key conceptual systems and required module for main characteristics, and some conceptual system required module three parts formation, in this study are put forward based on constructing teaching strategy, respectively is using situation creation get perceptual, contact the formation of cognitive drive concept already, paying attention to promote the understanding of concepts process analysis, explores a feedback and then recognize concept, cultivating students' interest, optimization of learning strategies, finally to carry on the practice, enumerated the application using high school geography teaching strategies for teaching design.

关 键 词: 新课程改革 高中地理概念 概念体系与特点 教学策略

分 类 号: [G633.55]

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 易雅丹
作者 左浪
作者 牛莉
作者 马燕辉
作者 马学琼


机构 华南师范大学
机构 广州大学
机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院
机构 深圳大学师范学院
机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院国际与比较教育研究所


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟