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The Language Introduction Design under the Guidance of Relevance Theory

导  师: 戴仲平

学科专业: 050102

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

摘  要: 语文课堂导入是教师在讲课之前,依据教学目标,围绕教学内容和学生心理特点而精心设计的一段教学语言,是语文课堂交际的第一个环节,也是创设良好教学情景的重要一环。Sperber和Wilson提出的关联理论是语用学研究中出现的一种新理论,它比以往的语用学理论对言语交际的解释更具说服力。关联理论具有极为广泛的应用价值,可以对诸多言语交际行为提供理论指导,同样也可以用来指导语文课堂导入的设计。 论文的前言部分界定了语文导入的内涵,介绍了语文导入的教学实践以及研究现状,介绍了关联理论的研究现状,指出关联理论可以用于指导语文导入的设计。 论文的第一部分介绍了关联理论的主要观点。首先简要介绍了关联理论的语境观和交际观,随后详细介绍了关联理论中的关联期待。关联期待是对最佳关联的解释,在关联理论的解释机制中起着重要作用。 论文的第二部分阐述了关联理论视角下的语文导入特点。首先论证了语文课堂交际是语篇交际,然后指出语文导入交际是明示—推理交际,接着指出语文导入必须以激发关联期待为依据。 论文的第三部分尝试性地从关联期待的角度构建了两类语文导入模式,即:单纯型导入模式和复合型导入模式。 论文第四部分从关联理论的角度提出了语文导入的四大类策略。分别是:消除歧义策略、指称指派策略、语义充实策略、隐含推导策略。 论文第五部分以问卷调查的方式对前一部分中基于关联理论而提出的语文导入模式和策略进行了验证。通过对调查结果的分析,指出语文导入的设计和教学要求教师具有广博的知识和创新精神,语文导入设计要有针对性。 Language classroom introduction is a section of carefully designed teaching language that according to the teaching objectives and revolves around teaching contents and the students' psychological characteristics before the lecturer. Relevance theory, which is proposed by Sperber and Wilson, is a new theory in pragmatic research. It has more theoretical support and the interpretation is more convincing than the previous verbal communication. Relevance theory has extremely extensive application value, can provide theoretical guidance to many speech acts. The introduction of this paper defines the connation of language classroom introduction, and introduces the research status. Points out that Relevance Theory can be used to guide the design of language introduction. The first chapter introduces important views of the relevance theory. Firstly, it briefly introduces context theory and communication view. Then discusses the expectations of relevance in relevance theory. The second chapter demonstrates the feasibility of that the relevance theory guides the design of language introduction . Firstly, it demonstrates the language classroom communication is discourse communication, and introduction communication is ostensive-inferential communication. Then it concludes that language introduction in high school must based on inspiring expectations of relevance. The third chapter is the focus of this essay, it discusses that the relevance theory applied in language introduction . This paper tentatively constructs two kinds of introduction mode in terms of expectations of relevance. The fourth chapter puts forward four categories of introduction strategy which based on the analysis of speech understanding in relevance theory and from the standpoint of cognitive pragmatics. They respectively are disambiguation strategy, reference assignment strategy, enrichment strategy and implicative identification strategy. The fifth chapter verifies the modes and strategies which the previous chapter proposed in the way of questionnaire survey. Through the analysis on the investigation results, it concludes three enlightenments that teachers should have extensive knowledge, innovation spirit and design should have targeted in language introduction in high school.

关 键 词: 关联理论 关联期待 语文导入 模式 策略

分 类 号: [H193]

领  域: [语言文字]


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机构 中山大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南师范大学文学院
机构 暨南大学


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