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Study on the Problem and Suggestions of Government Procurement Relief System for Supplier

导  师: 漆国生

学科专业: 120401

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

摘  要: 政府采购供应商救济制度是对在政府采购过程中合法权益受到侵害的供应商提供补偿或赔偿的法律规范的总和,它强调通过纠纷的解决,确保合法权益的实现与法定义务的履行,促使规范权力转化为现实权利。从理论上来讲,政府采购是政府以市场为平台,通过竞争机制与供应商发生交易的行为,政府采购中采购人和供应商应是平等的民事主体,但在事实上,供应商与采购人很难处于平等地位,采购人被赋予一些优益权,处于弱势地位的供应商的合法权利很容易受到侵害。为此,必须构建政府采购供应商救济制度。 我国现有的政府采购供应商救济体系,应包括法律所规定的救济以及各地方法规或政府规章所规定的对供应商的救济,其中,2003年正式实施的《政府采购法》构成了我国政府采购供应商救济法律体系的基础。为避免和解决政府采购当事人之间发生的各种矛盾或争议,保证政府采购活动有序进行,《政府采购法》设专章对供应商质疑、投诉以及行政复议和诉讼等政府采购救济途径作出了明确规定。尽管政府采购供应商救济体系初步形成,但其在国内仍属于新生事物,不可避免地存在某些方面缺陷,还需要在理论和实践中不断探索。 本文立足实际,对政府采购供应商救济制度进行深入分析。探索了政府采购供应商救济制度存在的问题,并在借鉴WTO、美国以及日本等政府采购供应商救济制度的有益经验的基础上,分别从完善政府采购救济法律体系,拓展政府采购救济范围,重新规范质疑、投诉、行政复议或行政诉讼的关系,设立独立的政府采购供应商救济机构,建立明确的政府采购民事救济方式,建立有效暂停制度几个方面提出了完善国内政府采购供应商救济制度的对策建议。 Government procurement relief system for supplier is the General statement of the laws about compensation in the government procurement.The relief system insures legitimate rights and interests realized, fulfill legal obligations, and promote the right it from abstract into reality. Theoretically, governmental agencies and suppliers are equal civil subjects in the government procurement. In a matter of fact, the suppliers’legitimate rights and interests are always infringed because of their vulnerable position. So, we must found the government procurement relief system for supplier. Our government procurement relief system for supplier includes remedies distributed in the laws ,rules and regulations ,which are legislated by different departments and areas. In the above, The Government Procurement Law formally implemented in 2003 constitutes the base of civil government procurement relief system. In order to ensure the progress of the government procurement and resolve the disputes, The Government Procurement Law made clear provisions on query, appeal and review. Although the government procurement relief system has been founded, it is still a new transaction at home and needs to be improved in theory and practice continuously. Based on the actual situation, The paper has a depth analysis of the government procurement relief system ,researches the shortages of it.On the basis of introducing the theory and experiences from foreign countries,such as WTO,America and Japan.the paper proposes some suggestions about the government procurement relief system in the end,such as complementing the legislation , expanding scope of government procurement relief for supplier, regulating questioned, complaints, administrative review or litigation relationship,setting up an independent government procurement supplier relief agency,establishing clear government procurement civil relief way,establishing an effective system of suspension.

关 键 词: 政府采购 供应商 救济制度

分 类 号: [F812.45]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 郑海静
作者 吴偲
作者 马彦臻
作者 王兰平
作者 叶嫒博


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东财经大学
机构 中山大学法学院
机构 华南师范大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟