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The Collaborative Governance of Government in the Cities Inosculation between Guangzhou and Foshan

导  师: 黄滨

学科专业: 120401

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

摘  要: “广佛同城”作为一项由政府主导的区域发展战略,一衣带水的地理位置、同宗同源的历史文化体系、雄厚的经济实力、以及错位发展的城市产业布局为其一体化的发展提供了可能性;另一方面,行政隔阂制约了广佛区域经济的发展,现实的迫切需求以及在更大范围内高效配置资源的区域可持续发展客观规律是广佛走向一体化的必然趋势。由广佛两市政府主导推进的“广佛同城化”即是结合了可能性与必然性,主动以行政力量来突破行政制约,走出原有的行政区域发展模式,转而以市场区域的理念来加强区域间的资源共享、要素配置以及政府协同治理。可以说,“广佛同城”是目前珠三角一体化发展的前奏,其机制、体制、管理模式和组织上的创新,以及如何协调不同行政主体的利益都为我国区域发展提供了实践和理论的参考。 自2009年“广佛同城”正式推进以来,两地在基础设施建设、公共服务、产业对接、区域生态治理等方面都取得了显著的成绩,但其中也出现了诸多障碍阻碍一体化的进程。文章的整体脉络即是以协同治理和区域发展的理论为基础,试图通过对阻碍“广佛同城化”的表象和深层次的缘由进行尝试性的剖析,并从政府协同的角度,从改革行政管理体制以促进内部机构、职能与目标的协同;打造区域要素大流通平台以促进人财物的协同;协调各方利益冲突以寻求共赢;以及建立区域合作约束机制以保障所有的协同合作都在一定的契约规则下进行四个方面提出相关建议,以期完善“广佛同城”的政府协同。 The cities inosculation between Guangzhou and Foshan as a region strategy, has its own basement. On the one hand, the close locations, same original social culture, rich economy power, and the supporting industry structure provide a possibility to this policy; on the other hand, the district hedge restrict the economy development of this region, the reality demands a better use of resources in a wider area in order to promoting the sustainable development is the certain trend. This policy which dominant by local governments combines the possibility and necessity, try to break up the administrative limits initiatively, and make a change from traditional district development to marketing area development, which enhances the resources sharing, collocating and using, and the governments cooperation. As a sinfonia of Pearl River Area integration, this policy provides precious reference both on the innovation of organization, manage model, and system, and how to harmonize different interests from different subjects. Since the cities inosculation between Guangzhou and Foshan put into practice in 2009, they get a great achievement in the public infrastructure, public service, industry integration, and environment protection. However, there come forth some problems which object to the policy. This thesis based on the synergetic and region development theory, tries to analysis the appearance and reasons which hold-up the process, from joint-up government angle, put forwards proposals in four aspects as follows and try to perfects the processes of collaborative governance: Reform administration model in order to promote the synergy of organizations, functions and targets; build up free regional circulation in order to strengthen the connection among resources include people, fund and material; harmonize interests crash from different subjects in order to reach the win-win situation; and set up restrict mechanism in order to ensure all the cooperation are running under certain covenants and rules.

关 键 词: 广佛同城化 政府协同 区域一体化 协同

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟