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The Research of Chinese New Words and Expressions in 2009

导  师: 王光全

学科专业: 050102

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 吉林大学

摘  要: 20世纪80年代起,现代汉语新词语研究成为词汇学、社会语言学等学科的研究课题。近年,汉语新词语研究跨入年届研究阶段。笔者对刚刚完成搜集整理工作的2009年汉语新词语加以系统研究,采用对比研究的方法,截取共时层面的汉语新词语,通过与近年来出现的新词语进行对比,探究汉语新词语发展特点与趋势。同时,以2009年新词语为例,以微观描写和量化分析的方式对当年新词语的词长、成词材料、结构方式等特点进行全方位描写,得出相关结论。 全文分三个部分: /(一/)绪论。对文章研究对象进行界定,综述前人研究成果及不足,说明文章研究方法和语料来源。 /(二/)、2009年汉语新词语特点。从词长、成词材料、结构和旧词新义用法四个角度对2009年新词语进行量化考查,得出如下结论: 1.词长特点:三、四音节词语为主,三音节词语数量为202个,占全年总数51.01/%;2009年新词语中四音节及以上的多音节词语为117个,占全年总数29.74/%。从2007年起,新词语中四音节及以上的多音节词语数量紧随三音节词语,均超过双音节词。可见,新词语多音节化发展趋势日益显著。 2.成词材料特点:以纯汉字词语为主,完全由汉字构成的词语为390个,非纯汉字构成的词语为6个。但非纯汉字词语社会认同度显著提高。 3.结构方式特点:偏正式合成词占据主导,这一方式构成的词语为212个,占全年新词语总数的53.54/%。A+BB式叠音词显著增多,其中的A成分也由最初的姓氏扩展到其他领域,BB成分的陈述对象由人发展为其他事物。 4.旧词新义和旧词新用法现象突出:《2009汉语新词语》一书收录该年度新意义、新用法词语共28项。 /(三/)、社会语言学视角下的2009年汉语新词语 1.站在社会语言学视角下观察2009年新词语,我们发现:社会的发展是新词语发展的直接动力,2009 Since the nineteen eighties, modern Chinese new words of vocabulary, social linguistics research. In recent years, Chinese new words on the cross at research stage. The author of the just completed the collection work of 2009 Chinese new words system is studied in this paper, using the comparative research method, the interception of the synchronic level Chinese new words, and in recent years through the emergence of new words are compared, to explore the characteristics and tendency of the development of Chinese new words and expressions. At the same time, to 2009 new words as an example, to the microscopic description and quantitative analysis of the way to the new words and word length, word material, structure characteristics of the system for all-round description, reach relevant conclusion. The full text is divided into three parts: /(one/) the introduction. Research on the definition of objects, reviews previous research results and deficiencies of that article, research methods and data sources. /(two/), 2009 Chinese new words characteristic. From the word length, word material, structure and the new meanings of the old words usage four perspectives on 2009 new words were quantified research, draw the following conclusions: 1 word length features: three or four syllable words, three syllable word number is 202, the total number of 51.01/%; in 2009 the new words in four or more syllables and syllable word for 117, accounted for 29.74/% of the total number of.. From 2007 onwards, new words and expressions four syllables and syllable number of words with more than three syllable words and expressions, are more than double syllable words. Visible, new words and polysyllabic trend is increasingly remarkable. 2 word material characteristics: pure Chinese characters words, entirely by Chinese characters constitute words for 390, a pure Chinese characters constitute words for 6. But pure Chinese characters words social identity significantly improve. 3 structural characteristics: partial o

关 键 词: 新词语 量化研究 社会语言学

领  域: [语言文字]


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机构 暨南大学
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机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广州大学人文学院
机构 华南师范大学文学院


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作者 彭晓春
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