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Li Hongzhang and the 'Capital Appealing'from Zhili /(1870-1881Years/)

导  师: 谢放

学科专业: F0107

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学

摘  要: 自同治九年(1870年)李鸿章任直隶总督以来,因日益严重的内忧外患,加之直隶距北京较近,一直面临着大量的京控等诉讼案件急需处理。这些京控案件成因不一,或因税捐和差徭增加,或因小事互殴而发生的命案,或因田亩、借债等经济纠纷。由拟结这些京控案可以看到,李鸿章在其僚属的协助下通过减免差徭、重责讼棍和不法监生、严厉打击恶霸、对匪徒处以斩立决、对淮军将士犯法者以严惩、清除蠹吏、进贤退庸等措来清理京控案件所反映的问题,显示了他重视民生、整顿民风、澄清吏治、实事求是的为政风格。众多贤员的任用和大批庸员的斥退使大量的京控等诉讼案件得到了及时的审结,同时对于晚清后期社会的稳定起了不可替代的作用。 Since the ninth year during EmperorTongZhi’s reign /(1870/),Li Hongzhang hasbeen the Governor of Zhili district, As internal and external problems grow and, Zhiliis quite near Beijing, There is a lot of control and other lawsuits which need treatment.The capital appealing cases have different causes, for example, due to increased taxes,or because of minor melee murder occurred, or because of Tian Mu, borrowing andother economic disputes. To be controlled by the end of these cases can be seen inBeijing, The effective measures taken by Li Hongzhang to solve those troublingcapital appealing cases suggest his emphasis on people's livelihood, rectification ofthe society, clarification of the official personnel, seeking truth from facts.He kepttaxes down by reducing the bad, the heavy responsibility of pettifogging and unlawfulprison life, cracking down on bullies, standing on the culprits cut decision on the HuaiArmy soldiers to severely punish offenders, removing beetle officials, Jinxian backYong and other measures to clean up Beijing control cases, The dismiss of a largenumber of irresponsible official members and the appointment of those excellentplayed an irreplaceable role in the social stability of the late Qing Dynasty. While atthe same time a large number of the capital appealing and other lawsuits have alsobeen concluded in a timely manner.

关 键 词: 李鸿章 京控 直隶 诉讼

领  域: [历史地理] [历史地理]


作者 罗筱琦
作者 刘兴莉
作者 宋明
作者 田志荣
作者 周湘


机构 中山大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广东行政学院法学系
机构 广东财经大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院历史系


作者 徐佳宁
作者 曾彧
作者 杨卫华
作者 欧阳娟
作者 武小平