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IB Chinese Courses under the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program

导  师: 李海鸥

学科专业: 050102

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学

摘  要: 国际文凭大学预科项目是由国际文凭组织于1968年在瑞士日内瓦设立的,它旨在为流动家庭的子女提供一种高质量、国际化的教育。它是在高中最后两年学习的大学预科课程,根据相应的学分可申请世界各地的大学,目前全球的IBO授权学校有3371所,覆盖141个国家。同时,IBO所提供的大学预科课程被全世界上千所大学认可。 国际文凭组织/(IBO/)所提供的大学预科课程/(IBDP/)并不是孤立的,而是与小学课程(PYP)、中学课程(MYP)一脉相承的。IBO的整体教育理念是将学生培养为勤学好问、知识渊博、富有爱心的年轻人,他们通过对多元文化的理解和尊重,为开创更美好、更和平的世界贡献力量。 本文以IBDP的中文课程为研究对象,采用文献研究法、资料搜集法、对比分析法等途径来呈现IBDP中文课程的教学大纲、教学内容以及评估方式等方面的特征。同时,笔者有机会到广州美国人国际学校进行三个月的教学实习,并在实习期间及后来数次回到该校进行教学观摩,通过案例研究、体验观察、实堂听课、个人访谈等方法具体了解到IBDP中文课程的实施情况及学生的学习效果。 国际文凭大学预科项目/(IBDP/)的部分中文课程也是属于第二语言的范畴,它已有一个成熟的教学方式和其独特的评价体系,所以本文欲将其与中国的对外汉语教学相结合,以发现一些有益的启示,从而促进我国对外汉语教学事业的发展。 The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program /(IBDP/) was foundedby the International Baccalaureate Organization /(IBO/) in1968in Genevaof Swiss. It aimed to offer a high-class and international education forthe kids from the family moving often from one country to another. Thecourses IBDP offered are for the students in the last two years of highschool. They could apply for university around the world by credits getfrom IBDP program. There are3371schools over140countries in theworld which are granted by IBO. Meanwhile, the IBDP courses offered byIBO are accepted by1000universities or so globally. The Baccalaureate Organization offered the Primary Years Program/(PYP/), the Middle Years Program /(MYP/) and the Diploma Program /(IBDP/)continually. The IBO’s Education Philosophy is to cultivate studentsbecome inquiring, knowledgeable and caring and they could make effortsto create a peaceful world by the understanding and respect to the understanding of multicultural. This essay will study the IBDP Chinese courses and adopt the researchmethod of studying literatures, gathering materials, contrasting andanalyzing to get further known about the teaching syllabus, teachingmethods and evaluation systems. In addition, the writer was intern inAmerican International School in Guangzhou for three months and got backagain to observe the IB Chinese classes for more than one month. And thenget to know how the IBDP Chinese courses works in international schooland the students’ study effort. Most part of Chinese courses in the Diploma Program belongs to thefield of Second Language Acquisition. It already has it’s own teachingsyllabus and evaluation system, so this essay will try to find someadvantages from the IB Chinese courses and will use them to improve thesubject of teaching Chinese as Second Language.

关 键 词: 国际文凭大学预科 中文课程 对外汉语教学

分 类 号: [H195]

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 冯洋
作者 李伊琳
作者 林晓群
作者 苏春
作者 何修文


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学华文学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广州大学


作者 彭川
作者 彭晓春
作者 徐云扬
作者 成海涛
作者 曾小敏