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Communication Protocol of the Wireless System for Vioce and Data on STM32

导  师: 许洪光

学科专业: 081001

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 哈尔滨工业大学

摘  要: 随着移动通信技术/(UMTS、LTE、WIMAX/)的迅猛发展,人们的生活方式也在不断地改变着。通信设备的小型化和便携化,已经成为一种移动设备的发展趋势。这就要求工程师们设计出符合大众需求的移动通信产品。作为移动通信技术最基本的业务之一的话音业务,也随着移动通信技术的不断进步发生了很大的变化。形形色色的对讲机、3G电话等等移动终端在不断的丰富着我们的日常生活。 与此同时,为了迎合移动通信的发展趋势,也为了给日新月异的移动通信技术一个展现的舞台,芯片IC产业也逐渐朝着集成化,专业化的趋势发展着。并且广泛应用于视频音频编解码,RF收发等与移动通信关系紧密的领域。 Speex编//解码算法是近年来开发出的一种基于码激励线性预测算法的开源的语音编解码算法。其主要设计目标是为了提供高质量和低比特率的语音编码,并且具有变比特率的特点,因此非常适合应用到无线语音传输系统中来。 本为研究的课题是基于一种无线的语音传输系统,设计一种传输协议。该语音传输系统嵌入了Speex语音引擎。运用两款低成本,低功耗的语音编解码芯片和射频芯片,充分考虑的设计时的低沉本低功耗的要求。并且在众多种类的主控机芯片中选择了STM32F103xx系列超低功耗并且性能优异的微控制器,为系统提供了稳定高效的处理器。 本文首先介绍了无线语音传输系统的软硬件构成和系统设计思路。然后介绍了Speex编//解码算法的优势,以及分析了CELP编//码算法的基本原理,重点分析了Speex的窄带及宽带子模式的编码原理。最后,本文根据系统的软硬件特点,设计了一套能够支持该系统的语音通信协议。在这个基础上,对系统的通信性能及误码率进行了测量。并且整理和分析了测量结果、提出了改善系统通信性能的方案。 With the development of mobile communication, people’s life style is changed. More people love thee small, portable, powerful communication equipment gradually. This promotes the development of wireless communication technology. With the high speed of communication and information technology in today, voice communication is still the basic and important information interchange style. But in voice transmission the band width means cost and the compressed voice signal can save band width and improve the efficiency of transmission, so it is important to compress the voice signal in voice transfer. Speex codec is developed into open-source software based on the code-excited linear prediction algorithm. It aims mainly at the voice communication wireless network. It’s designed for providing high quality and low bit-rate voice encoding. So it fits for the wireless voice transmission system very much. This thesis is to design a wireless voice transmission system and apply the speex codec into this system. According to the need of wireless voice system, this is proposed the design idea and implementation program of wireless voice transmission system, and also selects the chip according to the needs of the project. In many types of micro-controllers, we select the STM32F103xx series with ultra-low power; we select the audio processing chip W681310 with high performance, low power, less peripheral devices. We select A7102 transceiver special designed for 433MHz ISM band. The schematic and pcb are designed. And the drivers of voice chip and RF chip are designed. Then this paper introduced the advantage of Speex codec, and analyzed the basic principle of CELP coding algorithm, mainly analyzed the narrow-band and wide-band sub-mode encoding principle of Speex. At last, according to the principle of TDD, this paper designed and implemented a wireless voice transmission system based on TDD mode, and also verified the feasibility of Speex codec in this system.

关 键 词: 语音引擎 无线语音 传输协议 射频收发芯片 语音编解码芯片

领  域: [电子电信] [电子电信]



机构 嘉应学院


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