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A Comparative Study to "the South African World Cup"

导  师: 范东升

学科专业: 050301

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 汕头大学

摘  要: 获取新闻已经成为网民利用网络的主要目的之一。但随着网络新媒体技术的日益发展,尤其近年社交网络与微博等新生传播形态的出现,网络媒体在提供新闻方面的竞争也日渐增大。“网民更愿意接受什么样的新闻?”“网民更喜欢利用何种方式来接收新闻?”等一系列问题成了业界和学术界不断关注的热点话题。 本文选取网络新闻专题这一角度,以世界杯这一典型性的新闻事件作为切入点,来比较人民网与新浪网存在的不同和差距,以此来总结归纳近几年网络新闻专题发展的经验和优势,提出现存在的不足,并为网络新闻专题发展的方向提出一定的建议和思考。 本文主要分为两部分:第一部分针对网络新闻专题提出了一个具有可操作性的二维指标评价体系。该体系的出发点是用户,落脚点是新闻操作。从网络用户阅读新闻的顺序,分别对新闻专题的首页及各条新闻的风格形式及内容分别进行测评,然后得出网站在新闻操作方面的优势和不足。新闻操作主要分为了四大部分:新闻选择、新闻加工、新闻展示和新闻延展。 第二部分主要依据第一部分提出的指标评价体系,结合世界杯这一新闻事件,利用内容分析的方法,借鉴新闻比较学理论,对比分析新浪网与人民网的差别,并得出了一些结论: 从“新闻选择”上来说,将专业性媒体作为主要新闻源,是确保网络新闻专题专业性的关键;增加更多的原创性报道、地方网站增加更多新闻本地化操作的内容,是新闻网站发展的重要途径之一。从“新闻加工”方面来说,新闻专题的内容更注重背景化、外延化或娱乐化;而“不断充实新闻类信息”与“将新闻与新媒体技术恰当整合”这两点已成网络新闻专题是否有影响力的最重要的两个指标;从“新闻展示”方面来说,在一些栏头设置、版式设置、网站结构等方面并没有明显的差距,而内容与多媒体的整合才是网络新闻专题发展的当务之急;网络专题越来越侧重于用户体验及用户对新闻的接受需求;从“新闻延展”方面来说,对新媒体技术的研发,包括新闻动画、ipad等多客户端等,国内网站已在“起跑线”上拉开不小的差距。 Accessing to news has become one of the main purposes of using the Internet for netizens. But with the growing of new media technology development, especially the emergence of new communication patterns such as microblog and other social network in recent years, the competition of providing news on network media has stepped up. This article chooses Network News Feature Story as an angle, and takes the World Cup topic as an entrance to compare the differences of People.com and Sina.com when reporting news. With the comparison, the article summarizes the development experience and advantages of Network News Feature Story these years, raises its existing weakness and comes up with suggestions and thinking for its developing direction. This thesis consists of two parts: the first part puts forward a practical two-dimension evaluation system towards Network News Feature Story. The system is based on users and ended up at the operation of reporting news. It analyzes feature story’s first page and news reporting style from users’reading habits, and come up with the advantages and disadvantages of news operations, which is made up of four sections– News selecting, news processing, news displaying and news extending. The second part is mainly based on the index evaluation system concluded from the first part. It takes the World Cup as a study case and uses content analysis method and news comparison theory to compare the differences of Sina.com and People.com, which reaches the conclusions below: Starting from“news selecting”, to get news and sources from professional media is the guarantee network news professionalism; to increase original reports and local network to add more local news is a significant way to news network development. From the facet of“news processing”, enriching news category and integrating news reporting with new media technology are the two indexes of deciding whether a Network News Feature can have influence to readers. Saying of“news displaying”, there is no significant difference among column, layout and website structure settings, while the integration of news content and multimedia technology has become the urgent affairs of network news feature development. Network feature story has been focusing to users’experience and acceptation to news. As for“news extending”, domestic websites has widen their gaps with their creation and deployment of new technology such as news animation, Ipad client among others.

关 键 词: 新闻网站 商业网站 网络新闻专题 世界杯

分 类 号: [G206]

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 李志中
作者 孙宜辰
作者 宋依吟
作者 林波萍
作者 戴晓蓉


机构 暨南大学新闻与传播学院
机构 广州体育学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学教育信息技术学院
机构 中山大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟