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The Balance of Government Subsidies and Countervailing Measures

导  师: 白巴根

学科专业: 120401

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 汕头大学

摘  要: 政府补贴与反补贴问题是多边贸易体制的一个重要问题,补贴具有双重作用,既可以作为政府发展经济,实现各种社会目标的有利手段,同时也可能对别国贸易利益产生某种不利影响。不利影响既是补贴与反补贴问题的中心点,又是一个平衡点,只有受到补贴不利影响的国家才能采取反补贴措施。反补贴措施同样也具有两面性,它既可以影响补贴行为,保护公平贸易,又可能成为贸易保护工具。因此,不利影响的认定和救济是补贴和反补贴的核心问题。本文主要以补贴不利影响为主题,分析救济条件和途径,澄清在不利影响证明过程中一些容易模糊不清或是产生歧义的地方,以求得补贴与反补贴措施在“公平”,“合法”精神指导下运作。 首先,本文论述了政府补贴制度和补贴定义基本问题。从政府补贴起源和形成入手,明确补贴发展历程。从政治经济学角度分析补贴作用,引出反补贴的必要性。另外,着重分析了政府补贴的国际规则历史沿革和补贴行为认定。 其次,不利影响作为论文主要内容,主要研究救济制度中的“不利影响”的法律结构和法律解释,并结合WTO反补贴案例进行实证研究,分别分析“不利影响”三种情况及其认定标准,探讨不利影响三种形式及其内部逻辑关系。 最后,本文主要论述对不利影响进行救济的两种途径,一是进口国国内反补贴调查,二是通过WTO争端解决机制处理。首先论述两种救济途径的具体程序,对两种程序进行对比和评述。然后,分析在当前反补贴的严峻形势下,政府应如何进行职能定位及应对。 补贴与反补贴措施协议/(简称为SCM协定/)是WTO框架下专门规范补贴与反补贴措施的一个最主要的国际协议。2001年,我国加入WTO,在享受权利的同时,也要履行WTO框架下各项协议所规定的义务。中国作为WTO的成员,受制于SCM协议己经成为现实,因此,在补贴与反补贴方面,我国相关经济法律制度应与SCM规则相一致。SCM协定限制的补贴,首先它满足作为补贴的一般定义和专向性的特点,其次它必须对别国的经济贸易利益产生了不利影响,这样才能辩证地对待补贴与反补贴的问题,避免有干涉一国内部事务之嫌,从而维护原本属于一个主权国家的合法合理的补贴政策。补贴与反补贴制度宗旨不是要阻止所有的补贴,而是把各国的政府补贴与反补贴控制在一定的合法使用范围和限度内,从而有效的引导国际经济的发展与平衡。 Government subsidies and countervailing measures are important problems of the multilateral trading system. Government subsidies Has a dual role. On one hand, every nation around the world has ever used subsidies as a favorable means to promote the economy development and realize some aspects of social objectives. On the other hand, subsidies used by a government may sometimes cause adverse effects of trade interests. Adverse effects are not only central point but also a balance point of subsidies and countervailing measures. Only the countries affected adversely by subsidies can take countervailing measures. Countervailing Measures also exists dual characters: it can regulate subsidies behavior and protect fair trade, but also may become a tool for trade protection in the process of unreasonable application. Therefore, this article focuses on adverse effects of government subsidies and analysis of relief conditions and ways. It primarily discusses how some ambiguous places in the process of proving of adverse effects interact soundly under the guidance of correct theories and the spirits of“fairness”and“freedom”in international trade, and reach an overall balance favorable to the healthy and stable development of the global economy and society. Besides the preface and the conclusion, this paper is composed of the following three chapters: Firstly, this article discusses government subsidy system and definition of subsidies. through discussing the origin and formation of government subsidies, this article gives a clear course of subsidies development. With discussing subsidies effects of economy between economic schools, then this article analyzes that countervailing measures is necessary. Finally this article discusses legal system evolution progress of subsidies and definition of subsidies/(Definition of subsidies is divided into three topics: provider of subsidies, financial contribution and benefit. This three topics make an empirical analysis in light of typical report of the Group of Experts and the Appellate Body. Including specificity standard, this chapter discusses identified methods of government subsidies/). Secondly, adverse effects is the key issues of this paper. It is mainly about the study of "adverse effects", Based on typical cases, this paper discusses three sorts of "adverse effects"/(injury, nullification or impairment of benefits, serious prejudice/) and internal logic relationship. Finally, this paper discusses the relief measures of adverse effects, there are two mechanisms: one is dealing according to procedures of domestic countervailing law; the other is dealing through WTO Dispute Settlement Body. This chapter firstly discusses the interpretation and research on the two procedures. and then makes a brief contrast and comment between the two Procedures. Finally, this chapter discusses how the government carry out functions and cope in face of current grim situation of anti-subsidy. SCM/(Subsidies and countervailing measures/) agreement is a main international Subsidies and countervailing measures agreement. that is a specially standardized SCM under WTO frame. In 2001, China joined the WTO, while enjoying rights, at the same time, China should perform obligations under the framework of WTO agreement. As the member of WTO,China comply with SCM agreement becoming reality. Therefore, in subsidies and countervailing, our related economic law system should be consistent with the SCM agreement. Subsidies firstly meet the general definition /(government, financial contribution, benefit/) , specificity, and adverse effect, it is useful for we treat subsidies correctly, and avoid to interfere other countries affairs. The purpose of SCM agreement is not to stop all subsidies but to control subsidies and countervailing in certain legal scope, guide effectively the international economic development and balance.

关 键 词: 补贴 不利影响 损害 同类产品 国内产业 严重侵害

分 类 号: [F752.02]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


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机构 华南农业大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学


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