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Innovation of Modern University System Under the Perspectives of Service-oriented Government

导  师: 莫岳云

学科专业: 120401

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 上世纪末、本世纪初以来,随着中国政府在转变管理职能的过程中彰显治理理念,服务型政府的治理方式在逐步为大学“松绑”,大学组织的主体地位得到显现,大学自主的制度创新机制开始涌现。但由于计划体制的“惯性”,社会管理职能弱小,在宏观高等教育体制改革取得阶段性成果以后,面对高等教育大众化与教育资源相对短缺的机遇和困境,大学发展却长期不能得到自身制度改革的呼应,大学内外部制度之陈旧和滞后严重影响其健康发展。大学的变革明显落后于政府的改革、社会的转型,制度滞后是不争的事实,大学如何发展、政府如何治理大学是当下迫切需要解决的问题,“推进政校分开、管办分离”、“完善中国特色现代大学制度”是《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要/(2010-2020年/)》中提出的重大任务,建设现代大学制度成为我国大学发展的现实取向。现代大学制度的外部关系主要就是理顺大学与政府、大学与社会的关系,根据我国国情和大学现状,政府职能如何转变、大学与政府的关系如何再造、大学制度如何创新就成为现代大学制度构建过程中的核心问题,这也是本研究的重点所在。 本文以大学制度为分析单元,沿着建立现代大学制度的内外部关系这一主线,重点突出政府与大学关系的理论依据、历史对比、现实基础和存在问题,分析大学发展与政府管理、自主办学与宏观调控的互动关系,探索政府、社会和大学在高等教育系统中的相互作用,寻求管理创新的路径和选择。在分析现代大学制度内涵的基础上,运用文献研究、比较研究、历史分析、案例研究等方法,通过对国外大学与政府关系及我国现存问题的分析,着眼于在服务型政府视角下大学改革、大学与政府的体制创新,以及政府如何治理大学等问题,为构建政府与大学的新型关系提出对策。 本文主要解决两大问题:一是以学术权力为主导如何建立现代大学制度,完善其内外部关系;二是在现代大学制度构建中如何完善政府对大学治理的制度创新问题。 突破与创新点:在构建现代大学制度外部关系与政府治理大学的结合点上,变政府与大学的行政隶属关系为平等法律关系,完善中国特色现代大学制度,真正实现大学作为学术性组织的回归。 Since the end of last century to the beginning of this century, the Chinese government has strived to transform its administrative function form an administrative one towards a service-oriented government, loosening its managed-oriented relationship with university, which effectively manifests the subject status of university, leading to certain kinds of innovative practices in university. Owing to the deep-rooted exercise of the planned system, social administrative functions are rather weak, after the initial achievement of macro-reform of higher education system. On the one hand, high education is getting increasingly popular; on the other, educational resources are in short. Universities indeed need to reform their usual systems and practices; otherwise, such systems would greatly hinder their automatic development. It is very evident that the reforms of university have already lagged behind those of the government. The most critical problem faced now is how our government runs university to foster the division between the government and university, the division between administration and operation , to perfect modern university system in the Chinese context are the main requirements of the National Education Reform and Development of Long-term Planning Programs /(2010-2020/). It is of great significance to establish modern education system by law. The construction of modern university system is the right choice for the development of any Chinese university. It is understood that modern university system should balance the relationships among the university and the government and the society. According to the present situations of university and our national conditions, the key problem to establish modern university system lies in how to transform the government’s function, and how to reset the relationship between the government and university, which is too the major research problem. This paper points out that to establish a modern university system is to build a sound internal and external relationship between the government and university. The author attaches great importance to basic problems which appear to be major obstacles to construction of a modern university system. The core power among the government, the society and the university which would exert great influence on the development of higher education is also explored. The author makes great effort to seek a new administrative model and innovative path, which focuses on the intension of a modern university system. By detailed and profound analysis of the existing problems, the author puts forwards some suggestions to establish a new relationship between the government and university. Two research problems to be explored in this paper are: to discuss the relationship between the service-oriented government and university; to discuss how a service-oriented government can improve its administration to university in an innovative way. Breakthroughs and innovations: to change the administrative principal and subordinate relationship between the government and university into an equal contract relationship; to improve a Chinese-style modern university system, to the realization of genuine academic organization as a university.

关 键 词: 现代大学制度 服务型政府 管理创新 自主办学

分 类 号: [D630 G649.2]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律] [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 陈蕴哲
作者 胡炎平
作者 朱最新
作者 谭红秀
作者 李鲁云


机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 华南理工大学公共管理学院
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学


作者 成然
作者 朱丽敏
作者 李明华
作者 杨春玲
作者 梅醒斌