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Ningbo Bird CO.,ltd. Financial Diagnosis

导  师: 邵希娟

学科专业: 120202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 中国手机市场开始是洋品牌一统天下,经过几年的发展,国产手机品牌开始与洋品牌分庭抗礼,并且经历了一个发展、顶峰、低谷的过程。波导公司作为国产手机中的一员,具有很好的代表性。通过收集大量的国内外文献资料,运用文献研究、横向诊断和纵向诊断等方法,对波导公司进行财务诊断,从而发现波导公司的发展方向,提出相应的建议。 本文以宁波波导股份有限公司为诊断对象,先对波导所处的手机行业发展背景及经营战略进行分析,发现手机行业经历了萌芽阶段、产生发展到顶峰时期、由顶峰下滑到低谷时期、持续恶化期四个阶段。再利用五力模型对手机外部环境进行分析,发现黑手机和山寨机是新进入者,对波导手机产生威胁,手机零售商的议价能力在不断加强,供应商的成本要高一些,受到国外公司的限制,同时面临小灵通的威胁,明确提出与现有竞争对手的竞争是外资手机、山寨机及其他国产品牌手机的竞争。在此基础上,收集波导公司2007年、2008年、2009年的资产负债表、利润表和现金流量表等财务数据,利用财务工具对波导公司进行纵向和横向诊断。纵向诊断主要包括:盈利能力,从销售利润率、营业利润率、总资产利润率、权益资本报酬率四个指标来分析;营运能力,从总资产周转次数、存货周转天数、应收账款周转天数三个指标来分析;偿债能力,从流动比率、速动比率、资产负债率三个指标分析;成长能力,从主营业务增长率、净利率增长率、净资产增长率、总资产增长率四个指标来分析,并且,对2007年至2009年的资产负债表、利润表和现金流量表进行结构分析。接下来,用雷达图对波导公司进行综合诊断。并用杜邦分析法分析2009年波导公司盈利差的原因,发现波导公司亏损的主要原因是制造成本高,管理费用高,流动资产和固定资产利用效率低,业务萎缩。并对波导公司进行战略矩阵分析,波导公司处于第三象限。 最后,针对波导公司的内部存在的问题,采取产品差异化战略的建议,以开发新产品,提高价格。同时提出精简销售渠道和健全售后服务,及开发手机核心技术的建议。并针对应收账款存在的问题,提出应收账款的管理建议。针对固定资产闲置问题,提出扩大代工业务的建议。 The Chinese mobile phone market is the foreign brand monopoly at the begin.After several years development,domestic brand handset compete against foreign brand handset,and has experienced a developement,the crest,trough process.Bird company act as one of domestic handsets,has a good representation.Through the collection massive domestic and foreign literature material,the uitilization literature methodology.the vertical and horizontal diagnose methodolgy,carry on the financial diagnosis to the bird company,thus discover bird company’s development direction,formulates the relevant development strategy suggestion. This article take the Ningbo bird company as the diagnosis object ,and analyse the handset profession development background which bird company locate first and strategy,discovered that handset profession experienced the beginning stage,to produce develop the crest time,to slide from the crest to the ebb tide time,worsen the four stages continually.The article use poter five strength model to carry on the analysis again to the handset external environment,discover that the black handset and village handset is the new entrant,has the threat to the bird company,the handset retail merchant’s bargaining power is strengthening unceasingle,supplier’cost is high somewhat,and is restricted overseas company’s limit,at the same time,face Xiaolington’s threat,proposed explicitly with the existing competiter’s competition is the foreign capital handset,village handset and other domestic brand handset’s competition.The article collect bird company’s 2007,2008,and 2009 balance sheet,income statement and cash flow statement and financiall datas and ect.,utilized the finaical tool to bird company to diagnogy vertically and horizontally.Vertical diagnosis mainly include:profitability,net income to total revenues,sale income to total revenues,return on total assets;operateability,turnover number for total assets,turnover day for inventories,turnover day for receivables;creditability:current ratio,quick ratio,debt ratio;growthability:sale growth rate,net profit growth rate,net asset growth rate,total assets growth rate.and structurely analyse the 2007 ,2008 and 2009 balance sheet,income statement and cash flow statement.Then carry on the generalized analysis with rada map to bird company,and analyzes in 2009 with the Dupont analytic method why bird company deficit,discover the main reason why bird company deficit is that the production cost is high,the management charge is high,the current assets and fixed asset use efficiency is low, service atrophy.And carry on the strategy matrix analysis to bird company,the bird company is in the third quadrant. Finallly,in view of bird company’s internal existence question,adopts the product variation strategy,develops the new product,raises the price, Propose streamline sales channel and perfect after-sales service, and the development of mobile phone of core technology advice . And aims at the receivables existence question,put forward the receivable management proposal.For fixed asset problem,put forward expand OEM business.

关 键 词: 财务诊断 波导公司 手机企业

分 类 号: [F426.6 F406.72]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 许波
作者 邓智明
作者 张转玲
作者 左忠华
作者 武爱军


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中央财经大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 深圳大学管理学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟