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The Impact of Relationship Learning on Channel Performance: an Experiential Study of Household Electric Appliance Industry in China

导  师: 沙振权

学科专业: 120202

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 经过20多年的发展,家电行业已逐渐成为我国最成熟、竞争最残酷的行业之一。行业内各企业产品趋于同质化,促销和广告手法也大体雷同,导致竞争的焦点开始集中于两个领域:产品开发领域和营销渠道领域。因此,企业对营销渠道的掌握已成为市场竞争的关键因素,拥有良好的营销渠道关系成为企业营销竞争的制胜法宝。但是,21世纪企业间的竞争不再是企业单体间的竞争,而是企业所处的供应链之间的竞争,同处在一条供应链上的厂家和商家不仅仅是简单的买卖关系,而应该是战略合作关系。因此,营销渠道的关系相比以往有了全新的变化,其研究重心逐渐从交易营销范式转向关系营销范式,渠道成员从关注经济利益转向关注合作的关系利益,从关注合作的短期利益转向关注合作的长期利益。 在这样的背景下,本文通过探讨关系学习对渠道绩效的影响机制,期求找出两者之间的作用关系,从而得出对改善渠道关系并提高渠道绩效有建设性的结论,这对于企业的营销活动有积极的实用价值。 首先,论文在回顾国内外学者研究的基础上,系统地对关系学习、关系信任、关系承诺、关系满意和渠道绩效的文献进行了归纳和整理,重点探讨了目前学术界还没取得统一认识的关系学习的内涵及研究的角度;关系质量其主要维度的关系信任、关系承诺和关系满意的涵义及其衡量维度;还有基于价值的渠道绩效观,明确了现有研究取得的成果,同时也指出了目前所存在的研究不足,为本研究理论模型的构建及研究假设的提出奠定了理论基础。 其次,在对文献的回顾后,本文构建了关系学习对渠道绩效影响机制的实证模型,探讨关系信任、关系满意与关系承诺在关系学习与渠道绩效之间关系的作用机理,认为关系学习影响渠道绩效的路径主要有以下五条:1、关系学习通过关系满意影响渠道绩效;2、关系学习通过关系满意再通过关系承诺影响渠道绩效;3、关系学习通过关系信任影响渠道绩效;4、关系学习通过关系信任再通过关系承诺影响渠道绩效;5、关系学习通过关系满意再通过关系信任再通过关系承诺影响渠道绩效。该部分明确了本研究的整体理论模型以及研究假设,并以此为基础设计了整个研究过程。 再次,模型建构后,通过问卷调查的方式收集企业营销活动中的渠道相关信息,使论文的研究更具有针对性。论文对全国398个家电分销商进行了调研,对回收的有效问卷进行了数据分析和处理,完成基本数据的收集。运用SPSS、AMOS等软件对数据进行归纳、整理,并检验数据的信度和效度,验证所提出的8个关于关系学习、关系满意、关系信任、关系承诺和渠道绩效的假设。本文通过结构方程模型的分析得出以下研究结论:关系学习对关系信任和关系满意有直接的正向影响,关系满意对关系信任、关系承诺和渠道绩效有直接正向影响,关系信任对关系承诺有直接正向影响,关系承诺对渠道绩效有直接正向影响,而假设关系信任对渠道绩效有直接正向影响并未获得支持,与预期相反。 最后,文章根据数据分析的结果提出了一些重要的研究结论,以便为国内家电渠道管理实务人员提供参考与借鉴,同时也希望能进一步丰富国内家电业渠道关系管理理论的研究。 After more than 20 years of development, household electric appliance industry has become the matures and cruest industry in China. Products’homogenization, promotion and advertising practices’largely identical, make the competition focus on two fields: product development and marketing channel. Therefore, business-to-grasp of marketing channels has become a key factor in market competition, and having a good relationship between marketing channels become a winning point. Competition among enterprises in the 21st century is no longer a competition between enterprises monomer, but rather the enterprise in which competition between the supply chain. In fact, in a supply chain with manufacturers and merchants is not just a simple buyer-seller relationship, but a strategic and cooperative relation. So the relationship between the marketing channels with new changes compared to the previous: Its research focus gradually shift from transaction marketing paradigm to relationship marketing paradigm; Channel members concern about the economic benefits from the co-operative relationship toward a focus on the interests of relational benefits; From a focus on short-term benefits of cooperation toward a focus on long-term benefits of cooperation. In this context, we explore the impact of relationship learning on channel performance and identify the relationship between them. So as to obtain some constructive conclusions of improving channel relationships and increasing channel performance. Firstly, in reviewing the research papers on the basis of domestic and foreign scholars, we systematically summarized and organized the literatures of relationship learning, relationship trust, relationship commitment, relationship satisfaction and channel performance. The paper focus on relationship learning’s content and research points of view which have not achieved common understandings; the main dimensions-relationship trust, relationship commitment and relationship satisfaction’s contents and points of view of relationship quality; and value-based view of the channel performance. Not only clear the results of existing studies, but also point out the lack of research currently exists which is to structure the theoretical models and research hypotheses. Secondly, after a review of the literatures, this paper constructed an empirical model between relationship learning and channel performance. We researched relationship trust, relationship satisfaction and relationship commitment in the relationship between relationship learning and channel performance that the relationship between the path of relationship learning affecting channel performance mainly lie in the following five: relationship learning has an impact on channel performance through relationship satisfaction; relationship learning has an impact on channel performance through firstly relationship satisfaction and then relationship commitment; relationship learning has an impact on channel performance through relationship trust; relationship learning has an impact on channel performance through firstly relationship trust and then relationship commitment; relationship learning has an impact on channel performance through firstly relationship satisfaction, and secondly relationship trust and then relationship commitment. This part make clear that the overall theoretical model and research assumptions, and design the entire research process on the basis of it. Again, after the model construction, we collected the relevant information in the channel for corporate marketing activities through the questionnaire survey, for making the research more pointedly. The paper investigated 398 appliance distributors across the country and carried out the recovery of the data analysis on valid to complete the basic data collection. In the process of the research, we use SPSS and AMOS to inducted and sorted the data. What’s more, we test the data reliability and validity, also validated the proposed assumptions on relationship learning, relationship satisfaction, relationship trust, relationship commitment and channel performance through factor analysis, variance analysis, interaction analysis and other methods. In this paper, the analysis of structural equation model reached the following conclusions: relationship learning has positive effect on relationship trust and relationship commitment; relationship satisfaction has positive effect on relationship trust, relationship commitment and channel performance; relationship trust has positive effect on relationship commitment; relationship commitment has positive effect on channel performance. However, relationship trust having positive effect on channel performance is not supported, which is contrary to expectations. Finally, according to the results of data analysis, the paper raised some important research findings, in order to provide references for domestic channel management practices. We also hope to further enrich the channel relationship management research of domestic appliance industry.

关 键 词: 关系学习 关系信任 关系承诺 关系满意 渠道绩效

分 类 号: [F274 F426.6 F224]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 高以成
作者 蒋雨薇
作者 沙振权
作者 门浩
作者 温飞


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟