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An Analysis of the Developmental Level and Effects of Industrial Services

导  师: 张振刚

学科专业: 1201

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 发达国家和部分发展中国家服务经济的崛起已经创造了新的经济前景。在服务经济化和经济服务化纵深发展中,以中间投入为本质属性的生产者服务业获得了快速发展,不仅为经济发展做出了直接贡献,更为重要的是它提高了服务对象的效率和质量,进而提高了国家和区域经济的整体效率和适应能力,在现代经济增长和结构重构中起到了十分重要的作用。因此,吸引了国内外学术界广泛关注,成为研究热点。 然而,迄今大量文献在“生产者服务业”相关研究中,广泛存在着内涵定义与统计定义的不一致,集中表现在具体行业划分的随意性和生产者指向的不完备性。前者表现为多数研究者采用列举法,只将某些服务门类划归生产者服务业,采用行业累加的计量方法,而忽视了服务业每一部类不仅为中间需求提供服务,同时也为最终需求提供服务这一事实,导致了计量结果要么高估要么低估生产者服务业发展水平和作用的后果;后者反映在服务对象上,主要指向工业,而忽视了对农业和服务业的生产服务,带来了对服务对象产业属性的同质化,也带来了对生产者服务业发展动因分析的局限。本文之所以以“工业服务业”为研究对象,对其概念界定、计量方法、发展水平、地位和作用进行分析,正是对当前研究中所存在问题批判性辨析的结果。对工业服务业的研究,既是对生产者服务业研究的深化和细化,具有其理论价值,也是切合我国经济发展阶段性特征,对我国产业结构调整和优化升级,走新型工业化道路,构建现代产业体系,具有其现实意义。 本文研究主要采用规范和实证、定量和定性相结合的方法。通过大量第二手资料文献的定性分析,以发现研究对象的“应然”状态;通过定量分析,以发现研究对象的“实然”本质。本文还采用比较分析的方法,对部分发达国家和新兴国家与我国的实际情况进行对比分析。 本文研究的主要结果和结论有: 1、作为工业服务业研究的逻辑前提,对服务及其价值创造问题进行了历史和现实的考察。得出的初步结果是:首先,由于时代的局限性,古典价值范畴基本上是实物型劳动产品的价值论,而对服务,不是将其忽略掉,就是论述不彻底,仅仅限于最终个人消费,认为服务劳动是非生产性劳动,因而不创造价值;其次,就什么样的劳动创造价值人们至今尚未完全解决;第三,对服务的界定,基本上停留在与实物产品相比较的感性认识层面。为此,本文所做的基础性工作是,在坚持劳动创造价值前提下,澄清了生产性劳动和非生产性劳动不能成为价值创造的判据,无形产品和有形产品生产不能作为生产性劳动和非生产性的判据,进而也不能成为价值创造的判据;沿着古典实物型产品价值理论分析框架,对服务进行古典价值地位复归。就服务产品和实物产品的区别,认为不在于那些感性特性,也不在于生产和消费上,最大区别在于交换特性上。 2、指出目前在生产者服务业相关研究中,存在的核心问题是内涵定义与计量结果的不一致。其根源在于依据统计口径指定的行业累积计量方法与内涵定义的不一致。本文对工业服务业的分类始终坚持两条标准:一是保持内涵定义与外延定义的一致性,进而达到内涵定义与计量结果的吻合性;二是从经济用途和统计口径两个维度进行分类,既满足了研究需要,也便于利用现有统计数据。在计量方法上,采用“投入产出法”,因为,实证显示它明显优于“行业划分法”。 3、美国、日本、英国和韩国,在经济进入发达阶段,工业服务业增加值占GDP比重基本上趋于稳中有降的趋势,介于5/%-10/%的区间。我国与“四国”工业服务业比重演进趋势基本一致,而且,在总体上略高于“四国”。因此,今后我国工业服务业发展重点在于质量的提高和与工业关联度的增强。 4、工业服务业发展作用,发生在多个层面,既体现在工业服务业所提供的服务作为工业企业的投入要素而产生的微观基础作用,也体现为工业服务业对工业产业链、工业产业的组织和管理运营模式变革的作用,工业服务业通过直接和间接途径对经济增长做出贡献。工业服务业对工业企业发挥作用的内在机理,是通过工业服务与工业企业价值活动的渗透和融合,使得价值链不断解构和重构,而实现工业企业总价值最大化的过程。技术进步和制度创新成为工业服务业作用发挥的重要外部条件和激活因素。 5、从微观层面实证分析了工业服务业发展对工业企业创新能力提升的影响作用。分析表明,样本企业服务价值占总创造价值比重与企业创新能力呈显著相关关系,对企业创新能力产生了直接影响。工业企业业务相关者、与网络媒介联系的紧密程度、外显知识的传播、人力资本、法律会计等专业服务、区域内配套支撑条件与工业企业服务价值比重提高均呈正相关。而知识机构、隐性知识的传播、金融资本的使用成本考虑、培训咨询与工业企业服务价值提高不呈现显著相关关系。外显知识的有效传播和利用法律会计专业服务对工业企业服务价值比重提高具有显著的因果关系,成为关键因素。 6、从定性和定量分析得出,我国服务业中间需求率总体上呈现出下降的趋势,同时工业对服务业的需求系数也是逐年降低。服务业中间需求率的下降和工业对服务业的需求系数下降共同作用的结果,使得我国工业服务业对工业快速发展的推动作用减弱。就工业服务业内部结构而言,对工业推动作用较大的行业是交通运输及仓储业、住宿业和餐饮业、租赁和商务服务业等传统服务业行业,而教育事业、科学研究事业、综合技术服务业等为工业提供高级生产要素的工业服务行业对工业的推动作用不明显。 7、分析表明,工业服务业在经济中的地位和作用具有明显的阶段性特征,即本文提出并实证的“两阶段论”:在工业化初、中期生产者服务业发展以工业为主要需求来源和工业服务业为主要动因的第一发展阶段,和工业化后期至经济发达阶段以服务业自身为主要需求来源和服务生产服务业为主要动因的第二发展阶段。我国正处于由第一阶段向第二阶段转型时期。 8、与工业服务业对经济的直接贡献比较而言,其间接贡献更大。以广东为例,对工业服务业发展对经济的倍增作用进行了实证,结果表明,广东省工业的服务业完全增加值平均是工业服务业增加值的8倍多;工业的服务业直接增加值平均是工业服务业增加值的2倍多。工业服务业增加值与工业的服务业直接增加值之和占GDP比重达到15.1/%;工业服务业增加值与工业的服务业完全增加值之和占GDP比重达到45.5/%。这充分说明了工业服务业不仅为国民经济增长做出直接贡献,更为重要的是通过对工业提供服务进而对国民经济产生倍增效应。 With the development of economy-oriented service and service-oriented economy, the producer services, intermediate input as the essence, has also achieved rapid development. The development in producer service has made immediate contribution to the economic development, and more importantly has improved the efficiency and quality of the service objects, which further improves the overall efficiency and adaptability of national and regional economy, and therefore plays a very significant role in the development and reconstruction of modern economy. As a matter of fact, it is a research focus that attracts interests from researchers both at home and abroad. A new economic prospect has been formulated with the prosperity of service industry in developed countries and some of the developing countries. However, in the large volume of documents concerning producer service, inconsistence between its connotative definition and statistic definition is no rare phenomenon due to the arbitrary assortment of industry and the incompleteness of producer orientation. The arbitrariness results from the different enumeration methods adopted in assorting the industry: some of the service industries are included into producer services, ignoring the fact that each component of the service industry not only provides services for the intermediate needs but also for the terminal use as well. Therefore, the development level and effects are always either overestimated or underestimated. The incompleteness of producer orientation means that the service objects are often industry-oriented /(manufacturing-oriented/), ignoring the production service in agriculture and service industry. Therefore, the industry attribute of the service object has been homogenized and the developmental impetus analysis of the producer services industry has been restricted. Based on the critical analysis of the problems existing in the previous researches concerning producer services industry, this paper, with“industry services”being the research object, has delved into its definition, metering measures, developmental level, status and function, which is not only of theoretical value by detailed and in-depth exploration of the research on producer services industry but also of practical significances in formulating modern industrial system that fits in the salient features of the developmental status of China. The research measure this paper applies is a combination of standardization, empirical study, quantitative as well as qualitative analysis. Through the qualitative analysis of second-hand resources, the“supposed”nature of the research object is found; through quantitative analysis, the“actual”nature of the research object is found. The comparative analysis is also adopted in this paper; a comparison between the developmental status in our own nation and in that of some developed countries as well as some newly emerging countries is made. The major findings and conclusion of this paper are as follows: 1. The historical and empirical investigation in terms of service and value creation is conducted as the logical prerequisite of the research on industry services. The primary findings are: first of all, the classical value scope is basically the axiology about products in kind due to the historical limitation, and service is either ignored or incompletely discussed, also, it is believed that service labor belongs to non-productive labor which produces no value; secondly, the question that which kind of labor produces value remains unanswered; thirdly, the definition of service is that is of contrast with products in kind, which is superficial. Therefore, the fundamental work this paper has done is to clarify that productive and unproductive labor, as well as invisible and invisible products can not serve as the criterion for value creation, and to redefine the classical value of service following the analysis framework of classical value theories concerning products in kind. Based on this, service is defined in this paper as the exchangeable labor product that adds value to another economic entity. Also, it is believed that the major difference between service products and products in kind, lies in the exchange features rather than in manufacturing or consuming. 2. This paper points out that the major problem in the previous researches on producer services is the inconsistency between its connotative definition and metering result due to the disaccord between the industry accumulation metering measure and its connotative definition. This paper sticks to two criteria in categorizing service industry and producer services industry: the first one is the consistency between extension and intention, aiming to achieve the consistency between connotative definition and metering results; the second one is to category from both economic usage and statistic scope, so as to satisfy the needs of research, and to avail existing statistical data. As far as metering measures are concerned, the“input-output econometric model”is adopted because it evidently outweighs“industry defining model”. 3. When USA, UK, Japan and South Korea entered the economic advanced stage, the proportion of their industry service in GDP has decreased by 10/% to 5/% while the overall stability is maintained. The proportion of industry service in GDP of our own nation is basically the same but a little higher than that of these four nations. Therefore, the major focus of our own nation’s service industry development shall be the improvement in quality and strengthening in inter-industry relations. 4. The effect of the development in industrial service is embodied in various aspects; one is micro effect by taking services in Service Industry as input factor, the other is the direct /& indirect contribution to economic growth made by the revolutionary effect Service Industry has on industry chain and industrial management and organization. The inner mechanism by which Industry Service affects industries and enterprises is that the industrial value chain carries on a ceaseless deconstruction and reconstruction through the interference and interfusion between Service Industry and enterprises, and finally maximizes the gross industrial value. Technical progress and institutional innovation provides the external condition and activation by which Service Industry brings its potential into full play. 5. This paper has analyzed and proved in micro-level the impact of Service Industry on the progress of industrial creativity. The result shows a prominent correlativity between the ratio of sample service value in the gross value and industrial creative capacity. A positive correlation is shown between the ratio rise of service value and such factors as industrial-related personnel, the transmission of explicit knowledge, human capital, legal and accounting services and regional support. No obvious correlation is displayed between the ratio rise of service value and such factors as knowledge institution, the transmission of implicit knowledge, the cost of financial capital, training and consulting. The transmissions of explicit knowledge, legal and accounting services are the key factors of the ratio rise of service value. 6. From the qualitative and quantitative analysis, a decrease can be detected both in the requirement within service industry and requirement of industry for service, which leads to the decreasing role industry service plays in industrial development. In terms of the internal structure of industry service, traditional services, such as transportation, warehousing, lodging, catering, leasing and business service industries are of great importance in industrial development, while the function of services providing high-level production factors, such as education, scientific research, and technical service is not so salient. 7. The analysis reveals the Industrial service impact on economy in different phases, that is, the developmental“two phases”hypothesis proposed in this paper: the first phase is from the early to the middle stage of industrialization, with industry being the major resource and industry service the major drive; the second phase is from the latter period of industrialization to the economic advanced stage, with the requirement of service itself being the major resource and producer industry being the major drive. China is in the transformation period from the first phase to the second phase according to the statistical data of USA, UK, Japan and South Korea. 8. Industrial service has made to economy greater indirect contributions than direct contributions. Take Guangdong province for example, an empirical analysis is applied to the function industry service possesses in economic development. The result shows that the increase rate of service industry is 8 times of that of industry service; industry-oriented service is twice of that of industry service. The total of the increase of industry service and immediate increase of industry-oriented service accounts for 15.1/% of GDP, and the total of the increase of industry service and whole increase of the industry-oriented service accounts for 45.5/% of GDP. The data shows that industry service has made immediate contribution to increase of national economy.

关 键 词: 工业服务业 生产者服务业 计量方法 发展水平 发展作用

分 类 号: [F424 F719]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 时春红
作者 毛倩


机构 暨南大学经济学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 广东金融学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟