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导  师: 金定海;张家平

学科专业: 050302

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 上海师范大学

摘  要: “第三人效果”描述的是在大众传播过程中广泛存在的一种认知偏差,即人们往往认为他人比自己更容易受到媒体的负面影响。这一假说自1983年以来已经得到众多研究的证实。这种认知偏差可能会导致人们采取某种实际行动来回应——这就是第三人效果在行为层面上的表现。本研究将运用这一假说来研究中国网络民族主义的传播,并且探讨第三人效果的影响因素,以及第三人感知和后续行为之间的关系。 2010年9月的“中日撞船事件”是近年来中国和日本在领土主权争端上一次典型的外交冲突。事件发生后,网民们自发地通过网络媒体或组织或参与到一场以“钓鱼岛,妈妈爱你”为主题的网络民族主义运动中。通过网络所传播的活动信息发挥了组织活动和形成公共舆论的重要作用,因此去研究它的传播效果很有必要。 研究者通过在线调查问卷成功访问了404个中国在校大学生,所收集的数据主要用于测试他们的第三人感知和后续行为。除了以往研究中常见的支持媒体审查制,研究者还将转发消息、抵制日货和拒绝去日本旅游观光同样作为“设想中的影响造成的影响”列入本研究中。 研究发现,第三人效果是普遍存在的。无论之前是否曾经接收过消息,无论对消息的评价如何,受众都会表现一种低估自己而高估别人所受媒体负面影响的倾向。即使是认为消息符合社会期望的受访者亦认为他人比自己更容易被消息所说服。并且,在控制了对网络的第三人感知这一因素后,受众对消息的第三人感知依然是显著的。 多元回归的结果表明,网龄和对消息的第三人感知与受众对消息的第三人感知呈正相关。对消息的主观了解程度、政治兴趣、自尊和对网络的第三人感知是对消息的第三人感知的正向预测变量,而人际传播和民族主义倾向则是负向� The Third-Person Effect /(TPE/), which has been demonstrated as a widely-exist perceptual bias in the field of mass communication by a host of scholars since 1983, indicates a tendency that audiences will perceive others to be more vulnerable to the negative media content than self. As a result, individuals may take some following actions to response, which is defined as the behavioral component of TPE. This study aims to explore this hypothesis in the context of nationalism message on Internet and identify the underlying factors and explore the relationship between the third person perceptual component and its consequent behavior. The Collision Event happened in September 2010, which refered to the territorial problem of Diaoyu Island, had gone into a far-reaching and typical diplomatic conflict between China and Japan in recent years. Subsequently, an activity entitled“Diaoyu Island, Mother Loves You”was voluntarily hosted in Internet with a message playing an important role in organizing the activity and shaping the public opinion in cyber-space. It is necessary to investigate its prefound communication effect on audiences. An online survey of 404 Chinese college students was conducted to collect data and tested both their perceptual and behavioral component on TPE. Not only audiences’support for media censorship, which was usually defined as the behavioral component of TPE in most previous studies, but also their behavior of retransmitting the nationalism message to others, their intention to boycott Japanese goods and to refuse sight-seeing trips to Japan have been examined as the“influence of persumed influence”in this study. From the results of analysis we can see TPE is a common social phenomenon. People tend to underestimate negative media effect on self but overestimate that on others, no matter whether they have been exposed to the message before, and no matter how they evaluate social desirability of media content. Even those who persumed this message to be socially desirable

关 键 词: 第三人效果 民族主义 网络媒体

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 杨莉明
作者 卢笑
作者 任光璋
作者 曾艳宏
作者 刘冬云


机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学新闻与传播学院
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南师范大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟