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On the Study of the Interpretation of the Bisyllable Adjective in the Commercial Press Learner's Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese

导  师: 贾益民

学科专业: 050102

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: 本文在较全面地概述了词典释义研究的基础上,采用抽样统计分析和描写分析的方法,首次探讨了《商务馆学汉语词典》/(简称《学汉语》/)中286个双音节形容词的释义情况/(共计340个义项/),分析了其释义的特点,指出了《学汉语》释义方面存在的值得商榷的地方,提出了修改建议。 研究内容主要包括以下三个方面: 1.统计、描写和分析了《学汉语》双音节形容词的释义情况。其释义方式丰富多样,主要有三大类:词语或短语对释/(31/%/)、解述说明释义/(38/%/)、综合释义/(31/%/)。同义对释在“词语或短语对释”中占72/%,它不是单纯的光杆的同义词对释,近一半的同义对释括注了常见的或基本的“适用对象”。因而其同义对释与传统所说的“以词释词”有很大差别。解述说明释义方式是《学汉语》双音节形容词最重要的释义方式。这主要是因为这种释义方式能从多角度为被释义词提供丰富的释义信息,从而准确全面地展现语义内容。 2.从语义关系信息/(组合关系、聚合关系/)和语法信息/(词类、语法功能及语法环境/)两个方面描写分析了《学汉语》双音节形容词释义附加信息的情况。《学汉语》注重从系统的观点出发,把被释词放到整个语义系统中去解释,多角度多层次地描述和揭示了词义本身及词义以外的种种信息。 3.《学汉语》双音节形容词释义也存在一些不足:/(1/)“以难释易”;/(2/)循环释义;/(3/)被释词出现在释文中;/(4/)“顾”简略性,“失”准确性;/(5/)反义关系体现不充分,有些词性的标注不准确,有些词语的主要句法功能揭示不足,没有标注词语感情色彩义等。 总体上《学汉语》双音节形容词释义遵循了“准确揭示词语的基本义,丰富词语的附加义”的释义原则,有利于外国学生正确理解和运用词语;其“解述说明”和“综合”释义方式体现了学习型词典释义的趋势,其它对外汉语学习词典可以此为基础进行编纂或修订完善。 On the basis of the comparative and comprehensive summary about the situation of the interpretation in the dictionary of Chinese as a foreign language, this paper describes and analyses the feature of the bisyllable adjective in the Commercial Press Learner's Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese/(short for CPDC/). Firstly, the methods of the bisyllable adjective definition in the CPDC are multiple. They contain three main kinds, namely words or phrases mutual explanation /(31/%/), the description /(38/%/) and comprehensiveness /(31/%/) In detail, the methods of the bisyllable adjective definition in the CPDC mainly include synonym mutual explanation, sentence-form description, gemination and progressive comprehensiveness. In order to make the explanation easier to be understood, nearly half of the synonym mutual explanations have used brackets to introduce the biscal or common applicable targets. So it makes much difference from traditional mutual explanation. Sentence-form description becomes the most important method of the interpretation in the CPDC, because it can load much more semantic information, as a result it can accurately reveal the semantic content. Much importance also have been attached to gemination and progressive comprehensiveness which are substantially applied in the bisyllable adjective interpretation in the CPDC, because of their characteristics,that is both of them can define a word from many dimensions with plenty of semantic information. Secondly, the additional contents of definition reflect its comprehensiveness of definition of dictionaries. It involves the language meaning of the explained word, grammar and various information of the language usage. This paper discussed the additional contents of definition from two aspects:the relation of the language meaning /(syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations/), grammar /(word class, grammar function and environment and etc/). From overall point of view, the CPDC emphasized the standpoint of semantic system, that is to say, it tried to make each word be explained or revealed in semantic system from Multi-dimension. Thirdly, when these methods were applied in the bisyllable adjective interpretation in the CPDC,there inevitably exists some faults, for example, /(1/) some easy bisyllable adjective was explained by using complex words or sentences; /(2/) appeared defects of definition of circulation definition; /(3/)the words which need to be interpreted appeared in the interpretive part, so it can hardly reach the aim of explanation; /(4/) it did not perfectly deal with the relationship between accuracy and simplicity or popularity. Finally, from the statistics and analysis of the paper, we draw a conclusion:the interpretation in the dictionary of Chinese as a foreign language should abide by the basical principle which is that correctly reveal the basical meaning of a word, meanwhile rich other related meaning; besides the methods of the description and comprehensiveness are one of the important ways to carry out the principle.

关 键 词: 对外汉语学习词典 双音节形容词 释义 释义方式

分 类 号: [H164]

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 朱金平
作者 李守纪
作者 罗会同
作者 梁青
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机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学华文学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 中山大学
机构 学院


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