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The System of Trade Secret Protection in the United States and Its Reference Value for China

导  师: 沈仲衡

学科专业: 030105

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: 商业秘密是经济发展和市场竞争的产物。在知识与技术经济时代,知识和技术的分配代表财富的分配格局,保护商业秘密不仅事关商业秘密权利人切身利益,对国家的发展、民族的强盛乃至国际地位的提升也具有战略性意义。中国商业秘密保护起步晚,虽然形成了以《反不正当竞争法》为核心的商业秘密保护体系,但是这个体系散乱而缺乏统一性、对商业秘密保护的具体法律法规不完善且法律法规的实施效果不理想,侵犯商业秘密的案件屡见不鲜,商业秘密保护问题日益突出。而美国对商业秘密的保护体系完善、具体法律法规完备、制度配套措施齐全,在商业秘密保护方面走在世界的前沿,是各国商业秘密保护效仿的典范。因此,借鉴美国商业秘密保护的经验,结合中国国情,完善中国商业秘密保护制度既是现实所需,也是大势所趋。 本文首先概述了世界商业秘密保护制度,包括商业秘密保护在世界范围内的起源、发展和现状,各国对商业秘密的定义、立法模式以及商业秘密保护的重要意义,为本文的核心内容做好铺垫;其次详细阐述了美国商业秘密保护制度的具体内容,包括美国商业秘密保护的历史沿革、商业秘密的定义、范围、构成要件、侵权行为及其认定、法律救济制度等内容,说明美国商业秘密保护制度的可借鉴性;再次,客观分析了中国商业秘密保护的现状,指出了我国法律在对商业秘密定义、范围、权利主体、侵权主体、侵权行为及其认定、法律救济制度等方面的缺陷以及我国企业在商业秘密保护意识和制度方面的缺失,说明完善商业秘密保护制度的迫切性:最后借鉴美国经验,从以下三个方面对完善我国商业秘密保护制度提出了相应的建议:一是完善立法体系,从完善《反不正当竞争法》到制定专门的《商业秘密法》;二是健全具体法律法规,包括明确商业秘密的定义和范围、扩大商业秘密权利主体和侵权主体、完善侵权行为及其认定措施、健全商业秘密的法律救济制度;三是增强企业商业秘密保护的意识和完善企业的保密措施,以期能对解决中国商业秘密保护面临的问题有所帮助。 Trade secret is a product of economic development and market competition. In an era of knowledge and technology economy in which the allocation of knowledge and technology represents the pattern of wealth distribution, the protection of trade secret not only concerns vital interests of right owners of trade secret, but is also of strategic significance to national development, national strengths and promotion of international status. China's business secret protection started relatively late, though a system has already formed with Anti-Unfair Competition Law as its core; it lacks centrality and uniformity. Besides, the specific laws and regulations towards business secrets protection are still defective and its implementation is not very effective. Consequently such cases as infringing upon trade secrets are still often been seen. The problems on trade secret protection become increasingly serious. U. S. with a perfect business secret protection system, complete laws and regulations and supplementary measures, takes the lead in business secret protection field and sets an example for other countries. Thus, it is the urgent demand as well as general trend to draw experiences from U.S. business secret protection while combining specific national conditions of our country to perfect China's business secret protection system. The present thesis firstly gives an overview of the trade secret protection system in the world, including its origin, development and present state worldwide as well as different definitions and legislation mode of trade secret in different countries and the great significance of its protection. This part lays groundwork for the core content of the thesis. Secondly the present thesis elaborates on the concrete content of U.S. trade secret protection system, including its historical evolution, the definition of trade secret as well as its volatile area, constitutive requirements and violations as well as its confirmation and relief system and so forth. This part illustrates the reference value of U.S. trade secret protection system. Thirdly this thesis makes an objective analysis on the present state of China's business secret protection, pointing out the flaws in its definition, volatile area, the subject of right, subject of liability and violations as well as its confirmation and relief system and so forth. This part also points out a lack of complete system as well as awareness of the protection on trade secret among Chinese enterprises, thus indicating the urgency of perfecting the trade secret protection system. Finally the thesis will, by drawing experiences from U.S., provide proposals on perfecting the trade secret system in our country from the following three aspects: first, perfect the legislation system, from perfecting Anti-Unfair Competition Law to formulating specialized Trade Secret Act. Second, improve specific laws and regulations, including making explicit the definition and volatile area of trade secret, expanding its subject of right and subject of liability, improving the confirmation measures of tort and perfecting the law relief system of trade secret. Third, increase enterprises'awareness of trade secret protection, improve their security measures.

关 键 词: 商业秘密 美国 中国 借鉴

分 类 号: [D971.2 D922.29]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律] [政治法律]


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机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学法学院
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机构 广州大学


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