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The Empirical Study of Supermarket Service Quality on Customer Trust and Loyalty

导  师: 程飚

学科专业: 120202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: 随着我国经济的发展和人民收入的提高,超市行业得到了长足的发展,日益成为促进我国经济发展和人民生活水平提高的重要力量。但是,我国超市特别是大型连锁超市在服务质量上依然存在许多让顾客不满意的问题,极大地降低了顾客的信任感和忠诚度,造成大批顾客的流失。市场经济中,商品竞争异常激烈,企业营销的重点从以产品为导向转为以顾客为导向,企业之间的竞争已经不仅仅是产品和服务的竞争,更是争夺顾客的竞争。谁能在激烈的竞争中获得顾客的信任,在争取新顾客的同时又能很好地挽留住老顾客,谁就获得了胜利。因此,关注超市的服务质量、顾客信任与顾客忠诚,并研究服务质量对二者的影响有着重要的理论研究价值和现实意义。 本文在文献综述的基础上,通过借鉴前人的研究成果,构建了一个综合了服务质量、顾客信任和顾客忠诚的研究模型。在此基础上,设计出服务质量、顾客信任及顾客忠诚的调查问卷,提出研究的框架和假设。以超市行业为研究背景,通过问卷的发放与数据的收集分析,验证研究假设,并提出重要结论:/(1/)实体性、可靠性、员工互动性、问题解决对顾客信任产生正向显著影响,公司政策对顾客忠诚不产生正向显著影响;/(2/)实体性、可靠性、员工互动性、问题解决、公司政策对顾客忠诚产生正向显著影响:/(3/)顾客信任对顾客忠诚产生正向显著影响;/(4/)服务质量不仅对顾客忠诚产生直接影响,还通过顾客信任对顾客忠诚产生间接影响。本文根据研究结论提出了超市营销管理的几点建议:首先,重视服务质量,全方面提高服务质量;其次,树立诚信经营理念,建立顾客信任关系;最后,提高经营管理水平,提升顾客忠诚度。 As China's economic development has improved people's income, the supermarket industry has been developing greatly.lt has increasingly became the promotion of economic development and improved living standards in an important force. However, our supermarkets, major supermarket chains in particular, still have a lot problems that customers are not satisfied with, which has greatly reducd the customer's trust and loyalty, and resulting in the loss of a large number of customers. Market economy, highly competitive products, the focus of marketing from product orientation to customer orientation, competition among enterprises has been more than just products and services,but competition for customers. He who get the trust of customers in the fierce competition will win new customers at the same time retain a good living and old customers. Therefore, paying attention to supermarket service quality, customer trust and customer loyalty, and to study the impact of service quality on both the theory has important research value and practical significance. This paper, based on the literature review, draws on previous research results, builds an integrated service quality, customer trust and loyalty of the research model. On this basis, the design quality of service, customer trust and customer loyalty surveys, the proposed study of the framework and assumptions. The supermarket industry as a research background, through the issuance of questionnaires and data collection, analysis, verification of assumptions, and made important conclusions:/(1/) entity, reliability, staff interaction, problem solving, customer trust in positive significant effect company policy on customer loyalty does not produce a significant positive impact; /(2/) entities, reliability, staff interaction, problem solving, company policy on customer loyalty significant positive effect; /(3/) customer trust on customer loyalty is positively significant impact; /(4/) quality of service is not only a direct impact on customer loyalty, customer trust through indirect effect on customer loyalty. Based on the conclusions of this paper, the supermarket marketing management some suggestions:Firstly, to improve service quality in a comprehensive way; Secondly, Establish the business philosophy of integrity to build customer trust; Thirdly, to improve the management level and improve customer loyalty.

关 键 词: 服务质量 顾客信任 顾客忠诚

分 类 号: [F274 F721.7 F224]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 袁亚忠
作者 黄永哲
作者 谢礼珊
作者 吴建齐
作者 蒋廉雄


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟