导 师: 杨春华
学科专业: 030107
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 暨南大学
摘 要: 对于第三方物流的准入制度的研究,目前还未形成系统的规范。分散式的内容包括有快递,邮政等政府或有关部门已经出台了相关的进入与退出机制。综观当前我国物流的发展趋势与我国政府的经济政策是分不开的,为了促进中小企业的发展,加强其融资能力,以仓单融资质押的方式向银行进行融资。第三方物流公司在这项业务中则充当了第三方监管的角色,但对于这监管方的在监管又有谁呢?本文就以此为切入点,借物流银行风险为例,从理论与实践两个方面进行引入,进而论述如何了第三方物流准入的实质条件与程序条件,当前我国的第三方物流市场准入制度应适当提高仓储业务的准入条件,对于运输业务准入条件可在综合个地方准入制度的基础上确定平均水平,作为最低准入条件。积极辅之以信息披露制度、市场推出制度以及相关惩罚措施。 For third-party logistics access system research, are not yet in formation system standard. Which we can found are fragments content suchlike, Courier、postal and other government or authorities have issued a related enter and exit mechanism. Throughout the development trend of China's logistics with our government economic policy is not divided, in order to promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, strengthen its financing ability, the way to warehouse receipt to the bank financing impawn financing channel. But the third party logistics company in this business is acted as the third party supervision, however for this role in regulation and the regulators by whom? This paper is based on this starting point, borrow logistics bank risk, for example, from two aspects of theory and practice, and then discusses how to introduce the essence of the third-party logistics access condition and procedure, the current conditions of the third party logistics market access system should be appropriately increase storage business admittance conditions, for transportation business access conditions can be in comprehensive a place to access system are determined on the basis of average, as the lowest access conditions. Actively assisted by information disclosure system, market launch system and relevant punishment.
分 类 号: [F259.2]
领 域: [经济管理]