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A Study of Pearl River Delta on Relationship between Urbanization and Real Estate Industry

导  师: 冯邦彦

学科专业: 020202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: 改革开放以来,珠三角地区的城市化与房地产业都取得了辉煌的成就,然而由于缺乏发展经验等原因也暴露出许多的问题。目前关于城市化与房地产业的独立研究已经较为透彻,但缺乏将两者有机结合的研究成果。因此,基于此背景来研究珠三角地区城市化与房地产业的关系,具有理论和现实两方面的意义。 本文以城市经济学、区域经济学以及房地产经济学理论为基础,运用规范分析与实证分析相结合、定量分析与定性分析相结合、微观分析与宏观分析相结合等研究方法,围绕城市化与房地产业的关系这一核心问题展开研究。本文首先通过梳理已有的理论基础和研究成果,提出了本研究的切入点;其次从两方面着重探讨了城市化和房地产业之间的关系,一方面提出了城市化对房地产业的三种影响机制,另一方面概括了房地产业对城市化影响的三种途径,并总结了两者间不协调发展的三种模式;再次,结合珠三角的情况,对珠三角地区的城市化与房地产业发展的相互影响进行了实证分析,最后根据理论和实证的结果,提出了相关政策建议。 本文主要结论如下:一,城市化对房地产业的影响主要通过经济增长、产业结构变动和技术进步三种机制,导致房地产业在总量、结构以及布局上发生相应的调整;二,房地产业主要从产业带动、行业周期以及政策调整三方面对城市化施加影响;三,房地产业的发展必须与当地的城市化水平、宏观经济、产业结构等因素保持合理的比例,否则会导致房地产业与城市化两者间的失衡;四,实证分析显示,珠三角地区城市化与房地产业的发展具有明显的互动关系,呈正相关性,两者较为协调,但基本处于低水平的协调状态;五,城市化对房地产业的影响力度要强于房地产业对城市化的影响程度;六,从健全房地产发展的体制和� Since the reform and the open policy, the urbanization and the real estate industry in the Pearl River Delta has undergone a rapid development,but as lack insufficient experience, both emerge many issues. Nowadays, the research on the urbanization and the real estate industry were carried on separately is countless, lack organic synthesis research, therefore, the study on the urbanization and the real estate industry in the Pearl River Delta has significance on the realism and theory. This study based on city economics, real estate economics, regional economics,combining normative analysis and empirucal analysis,qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, macroscopic analysis and microscopic analysis,attempted to research the relationship between the urbanization and the real estate industry. Firstly, on the basis of the theory foundation and former studies, this paper proposes its cut-in point. Secondly, this paper discuss the relationship from two facets, on one hand, it agree that the urbanization influenced the real estate industry with three mechanism and vice versa. This paper also summarize three models about the harmony between them. Thirdly, considering the situation of the Pearl River Delta, this paper dose the empirical analysis of the relationship of the urbanization and the real estate industry. Finally, it proposes relevant policy recommendations based on theoretical and empirical and empirical results. The main conclusions of this paper were as follows:1,the urbanization can influence the real estate industry through economic growth、industry structure changed and technological progress mechanisms, it bring the results about the change of the gross,the structure and the position in the real estate industry;2,the real estate industry mainly affect the urbanization with three ways: industry drive、industry period and policy adjustment;3,the development level of real estate should keep balance with local urbanization level,macro economic situation,industrial structure;4,empirical analy

关 键 词: 珠三角地区 城市化 房地产业 影响机制 协调发展

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 姚丽斌
作者 方亮
作者 吴强
作者 夏励嘉
作者 杨观来


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南农业大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟