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Risk Management Based on Beijing Olympic Games Event Tickets

导  师: 田以麟

学科专业: 040301

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 北京体育大学

摘  要: 2008年北京奥运会既是我国级别最高、影响力最大的国际赛事,也是中国自古以来最具代表意义的重大体育盛典。然而,尽管北京奥运赛事十分出色,但是在其票务风险管理方面却也出现了“黄牛党”倒票、门票预售第二阶段奥运票务网站瘫痪等类似的严重问题。究其原因,这完全与当初未能制定细致入微的票务风险管理预案有关。鉴于此,本研究拟分为五个部分予以论述之: 第一部分为风险识别——北京奥运门票销售中的网络信息不够畅通、票务政策严重失误、门票制作瑕疵不断、财务管理不够到位、意外情况频频发生等各种风险则要求相关责任人必须予以认真识别: 第二部分为风险评级——北京奥运门票销售中以防止各种风险发生则以其大小、强弱为序依次评定了“红色风险”、“橙色风险”、“黄色风险”、“蓝色风险”、“绿色风险”等五个级别用以随时警示票务责任人 第三部分为风险控制A——北京奥运门票销售的顺利与否,关键在于风险控制的预防措施,诸如成立票务中心、指定独家供应商、提供票务服务、增强门票性能、宣传票务政策、规避财务风险等; 第四部分为风险控制B——北京奥运门票销售的成功与否,关键在于风险控制的应急预案,诸如防止恶性事件发生、积极与客户保持沟通、确保门票制作质量、预留部分应急门票等; 第五部分为风险恢复——北京奥运门票销售一旦出现风险,既要采取措施制止事态蔓延以尽快恢复影响,也要认真查找原因立即解决问题,更要出台新的门票销售政策及时启用应急方案以确保风险恢复的速度。 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is the highest level、the largest influential international competitions happened in China, and is the major sporting events of the most representative since ancient times. However, despite all aspects of the work are very well during the Olympic Games, there have been some flaws in Olympic ticket sales, for example:scalping ticket phenomenon and Olympic ticket website paralyzed in the sale of the second. All of these phenomena are related to ticket risk management, and can be avoided maximum if we develop detailed plans for the ticket risk management. Anyway, this paper is divided into five parts to dissertation. The first part describes risk identification. There are various risks are described as below. E.g.The network information were not smooth enough during Beijing Olympic ticket sales period, there were serious mistakes in ticketing policy respect, and there were always built-in flaws, financial management wre inadequate, unexpected situations always occurred. All of these risks requires the responsible person pay attention enougy. PartⅡdescribes risk rating. To avoid the occurrence of various risks during Beijing Olympic ticket selling, which are divided 5 the risk rating for alerting ticket responsible at any time, that is red, orange, yellow、blue and green from high to low. Part III describes risk control A. Whether Beijing Olympic ticket sales success, it lies mainly in the emergency measures for risk control, they are described below:to establish Ticket Center、to appoint exclusive supplier、to provide ticket clerk service、to Enhancement admission ticket performance、to advocacy ticketing policies、to Circumvention financial risk and so on. PartⅣdescribes risk control B. Whether Beijing Olympic ticket sales success, it lies mainly in the contingency plans for risk control, they are described below:to prevent adverse events、to maintains the communication positively with the customer、to guarantee tickets manufacture quality、to reserve ti

关 键 词: 北京奥运会 赛事票务 风险管理

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 黄群玲
作者 周智星
作者 林卓英
作者 刘文诚
作者 谭志强


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 广州体育学院
机构 中山大学岭南学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟