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The System of Solving the Conflicts of the Enterprise Name Right and Trademark Right

导  师: 李冬梅

学科专业: 030105

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 大连海事大学

摘  要: 近年来,随着社会主义市场经济的不断发展,企业名称权与商标权冲突的案件越来越多,已经成为社会关注的热点问题。企业名称权与商标权的种种纠纷不仅侵害了相关权利人的合法权益,还扰乱了正常的经济秩序,造成了严重的社会后果,尤其对市场经济的有序发展造成了严重的影响。因此,为了保护市场主体的合法权益,维护良好的市场经济秩序,推动我国社会主义市场经济持续健康发展,有必要对企业名称权与商标权权利冲突的问题进行系统研究,并完善相关冲突解决机制。 本文针对现实生活中企业名称权与商标权冲突问题进行分析研究,主要从三个方面进行了阐述:论文的第一部分对企业名称权和商标权进行了基本论述,并在此部分最后提出了企业名称权与商标权冲突的一般表现形式。论文的第二部分首先阐述了权利冲突的一般理论,在此基础上归纳总结出企业名称权和商标权冲突的特点,并重点分析了企业名称权与商标权冲突产生的原因。通过这部分的论述为完善企业名称权与商标权冲突的解决机制奠定了基础。本部分主要指出企业名称权与商标权冲突产生的原因,有主观上的原因也有客观上的原因。主观上的原因不仅表现为权利人不规范行使自己的权利,还表现为不法者为牟取不正当利益,恶意搭便车。因为企业名称和商标都是企业商业信誉的载体都能够给企业带来巨大的商业利益,所以导致了大量的不法经营者为牟取不正当的利益而实施违法行为。客观的原因不仅有知识产权本身的特点,也有企业名称与商标构成和功能上的相似性原因,但更主要的是由于企业名称权与商标权管理体制和授权机制的分散性这一根本原因。通过对企业名称权与商标权冲突产生原因的法理分析,为完善企业名称权与商标权冲突解决机制奠定了理论基础,也为文 In recent years, with the socialist market economy developing, the case that enterprise name right conflicts with the trademark right is increasing, which has become a hot social concern. All kinds of disputes about enterprise name right and the trademark right, not only infringe upon the related obligee's legitimate rights, but also disturb the normal economic order, resulting in the serious social consequences, especially for the orderly development of the market economy. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out an analytical investigation about the confliction of the enterprise name right and the trademark right and perfect the related solution, promoting the healthy and continual development of the socialist market economy. The first part of the thesis discusses the enterprise name right and the trademark right and indicate the general conflicting forms of them in the last of this part. The second part of the thesis starts with the general theory about the rights confliction, focusing on the characteristics and the reason of the confliction. This discussion offers a basis for perfecting the related solution. The part mainly point out the subjective and objective reasons of the confliction. It is the subjective reasons are that the lack of standardization of the obligee's right action and the lawless persons'malicious hitchhiking to seek improper interest. Because of the huge commercial interests resulting from the enterprise name and the trade mark that are the carriers of the commercial reputation for enterprise, the lawless persons implement the unlawful action to seek improper interests. As for the objective reasons, it refers to the characteristics of the intellectual property and the similarities in the composition and the function of the enterprise name and the trade mark, as well as the historical reasons and the primary cause that the management system of the enterprise name right and the trademark right decentralize with the licensing scheme. In the last part discusses the general principles and speci

关 键 词: 企业名称权 商标权 权利冲突

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 蔡锻炼
作者 马铮
作者 宋炳辉
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作者 刘恒


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学法学院
机构 华南理工大学法学院


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作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
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