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Studies on the Flora and Ecological Distribution Pattern of Moss in the Jiwozi Area of Qinling Mountain

导  师: 王玛丽

学科专业: 071001

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 西北大学

摘  要: 鸡窝子地区位于陕西省长安区内,秦岭牛背梁自然保护区北坡,距离西安市60多公里。牛背梁自然保护区横跨秦岭南北,地理坐标为108°45'~109°03'E、33°47'-33°55'N,总面积16520hm2。该保护区内海拔高度差悬殊,地形复杂,气候湿润,植被茂盛,其独特的地理环境,为苔藓植物的生长提供了优越的自然条件。鸡窝子地区森林植被类型多样,分布特点明显,不仅具有较为丰富的苔藓植物资源,同时也利于对该地区的藓类植物生态分布进行调查。 本文在野外考察和室内鉴定的基础上,查阅大量相关文献,分析了鸡窝子地区的藓类植物区系组成和其生态分布格局。经过统计,共纪录鸡窝子地区藓类植物20科,52属,97种。在该地区不同森林类型内进行藓类植物的生态样方调查,在所调查样方内共采集纪录藓类植物18科,44属,80种。对调查结果进行DCA/(除趋势对应分析/)排序研究,总结出鸡窝子地区藓类植物的分布格局。 在鸡窝子地区藓类植物区系组成中,丛藓科、真藓科、羽藓科、青藓科、绢藓科为此地区藓类植物的优势科;扭口藓属、真藓属、提灯藓属、牛舌藓属、青藓属、绢藓属为该地区的优势属。这些种类不仅是鸡窝子地区藓类植物的主要组成成分,同时也是该地区生长环境下的适生类型。单一科、属的存在表明该地区藓类植物科属结构比较简单,分化程度不高。鸡窝子地区藓类植物区系地理成分共9种类型,其中北温带成分最高,具有明显优势,约占该地区藓类植物总种数的37.35/%;东亚成分次之,约占19.28/%;中国特有成分位列第三,约占总种数的9.64/%。 为了更好地说明鸡窝子地区藓类植物分布与自然环境的关系,通过野外样方调查和DCA排序研究,对该地区的藓类植物分布格局进行了一系列分析讨论。结果显示,鸡窝子地区藓类植物的分布与森林类型相对应,其中阔叶林以尖叶提灯藓,万年藓,狭叶小羽藓,鼠尾藓等为主;针叶林和针阔混交林以土生扭口藓,短月藓,中华木衣藓,褶叶青藓,金灰藓等为主。 Jiwozi area is located in Chang'an country of Shaanxi province, more than 60km from Xi'an city, which belong to the Niubeiliang Nature Reserve in Qinling Mountain. Niubeiliang Nature Reserve step across the north and south slope of Qinling Mountain, its geographical coordinates is between 108°45'~109°03'E、33°47'~33°55'N, and the total area is 16520hm2. Its unique geological features include the great disparity of altitude difference, varied topography, humid climate and luxuriant vegetation, which provide superior environmental conditions for Moss surviving. The diversity types and distinct distribution of forest, not only grow rich moss resources, moreover it is very propitious to the survey of the ecological distribution of moss in the Jiwozi area. Baed on the field survey and identify, refer to a large number of related reference, the flora composition and ecological distribution pattern of Moss in the Jiwozi area were analyzed. The statistics of Moss 97 species belong to 52 genera and 20 families were recorded. Through the ecological quadrat surveying of Moss in different forest types and the DCA researching of all the numbers, it can sum up the distribution pattern of Moss in this area. In the Moss flora composition, it can found that the Pottinales, Bryaceae, Mniaceae, Thuidiaceae, Brachytheciaceae, Entodontaceae are the dominant family, and the dominant genera are Barbula Hedw.、Bryum Dill.、Mnium Hedw.、Anomodon Hook., Brachythecium B. S. G、Entodon C.Muell. They are not only the components of the Moss, but also the suitable habitat types under the conditions of this area. The presence of single family and genera indicate the Moss of this area is less differentiation. The geographical elements of mossflora include 9 types in Jiwozi area, among them the North Temperate element is obviously advantage, accounting for 37.35/%; The second one is E. Asia accounting for 19.28/%; Endemic of China element is the third one which accounting for 9.64/%. To give a better explanation about the relationship between Moss distribution and nature environment, we used the ecological quadrat surveying and the DCA researching to analyze, the result showed that the distribution of moss is correlated with forest types. In broad-leaved forest, Mnium cuspidatum Hedw., Climacium dendroides /(Hedw./) Web. et Mohr., Haplocladium angustifolium /(Hamp. Et Muell./) Broth. and Myuroclada maximowiczii /(Borszoz./) Steetre et Schof. were the main moss. Barbula vinealis Brid., Brachymenium nepalense Hook., Drummondia sinensis C. Muell., Brachythecium salebrosum /(Web.et Mohr/) B. S. G. and Pylaisia polyantha /(Hedw./) B. S. G. were the main moss in coniferous forest and mixed broadleaf-conifer forest.

关 键 词: 鸡窝子地区 藓类植物 区系分析 群落调查 分布格局 排序

分 类 号: [Q948]

领  域: [生物学]


作者 陈淑环
作者 姜旭之
作者 汪凤翎
作者 叶达树
作者 钟正岚


机构 暨南大学华文学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 广东工业大学机电工程学院
机构 广州大学
机构 佛山职业技术学院


作者 丁培强
作者 徐松林
作者 徐枫
作者 陈光慧
作者 孙有发