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The Ecology Design Research on the Display Design of the Exhibition

导  师: 王耀伟

学科专业: 050403

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 福建师范大学

摘  要: 本文在研究过程中遵循理论分析与实证分析相结合、历史分析与现实分析相结合的原则,分析展览会展示设计的现状与存在问题,借助生态学思想,对展览会展示设计的发展进行研究。提出现代展览会展示设计必须遵循生态设计理念,进行展览会展示设计的生态设计。首先,提出展览会展示设计的生态设计系统、展览会展示设计的生态设计概念及内容,分析展览会展示设计的生态设计要求、原则及内容;然后,根据展览会展示设计的生态设计系统的构成,对展览会展示设计各要素进行生态设计;最后,结合具体的案例,对世博会的部分场馆进行分析,验证了生态设计在展览会展示设计中的可操作性,从而为推广该理论提供依据,并设想展览会展示生态设计的发展趋势。 以下简述论文的主要研究成果: 1.展览会展示设计的生态设计系统 展览会展示设计的生态系统就是展览会展示设计与周围环境之间所构成的生态系统,其包括展品、展示环境、展示材料、展示技术、观众和设计师等设计要素。 2.展览会展示设计的生态设计展览会展示设计的生态设计就是运用生态学原理与美学原理对展品、辅助设备、展示空间、展品组合造型、色彩、灯光等进行合理设计,既能突出展示主题、文化内涵又能体现生态内涵。特别是所使用的材料和技术要有利于环境保护 3.展览会展示设计的生态设计原则 展览会展示设计的生态设计原则有五个,分别是动态协调原则、以人为本原则、艺术性原则、人-机系统原则、整体性与均衡原则。 4.展览会展示设计的生态设计内容 展览会展示设计的生态设计内容包括展示空间的生态设计、展示材料的生态设计采光照明的生态设计、展品组合造型的生态设计,在设计过程中将空间、展示材料、展示技术、采光、色彩� This paper follows the principles of the combination of theoretical analysis and empirical analysis and the combination of historical analysis and realistic analysis in the process of research. It analyzes the present situation and existing problems of the display design of the exhibition and does research into the development of the display design by using the idea of ecology. It puts forward the modern display design must follow the idea of ecological design. First, it puts forward the system, concept and content of the ecological design and analysizes its requirements, principles and content; second, according to the constitution of the system of the ecological design, it does ecological design to each constitute of the display design. At last, with specific cases, the paper analyzes some venues of World Expo which verify the maneuverability of the ecological design in the display design. Therefore, a basis for popularizing this theory is provided and the development trend of the ecological design of the display design is also prospected. The main research achievements of this paper are as follows: l.the system of the ecological design of the display design The ecological system of the display design refers to the ecological system that consists of the display design and surroundings. It includes such design factors as exhibits, display environment, the materials for display, display techniques, audience and desiqners. 2. the ecological design of the display design The ecological design of the display design refers to using the principles of ecology and the principles of aesthetics to design exhibits, auxiliary equipment, exhibition space, exhibit combinaton modelling, colors, lighting reasonably. The ecological design can not only highlignt the exhibition theme and cultural connotation, but also embody the ecological connotation. The most important thing is that the materials and techniques used are good for environment protection 3.the principles of the ecological design The princ

关 键 词: 展览会 展示设计 生态设计

领  域: [艺术]


作者 罗小燕
作者 赵鹏
作者 陈韵
作者 郭淑芳
作者 余构雄


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南农业大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学政治与行政学院


作者 张宁
作者 贾华
作者 谭昕
作者 彭朝林
作者 王方良