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Design of Project Manager Motivation Programme in GA Enterprise

导  师: 孙卫敏

学科专业: 120202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 山东大学

摘  要: 我国的建筑业一直在国民经济中占有支柱地位,随着改革的不断深入和经济社会的不断发展,建筑企业竞争日趋激烈,行业利润率进一步下降。在这种形势下,建筑企业只能提高项目管理水平,由以往的粗放式管理模式向精益化、集约化管理转变,在规范管理中求得高效益。项目经理是建筑企业实现这一目标最重要的承载人和实践者。建筑企业要设计符合行业特点的科学、长期、有效的激励体系,对项目经理进行长期、有效地激励,提高这个群体的主观能动性,促使他们把握好项目进度、严格监管项目质量,严格控制项目成本,通过项目部的成长与发展,不断推进整个企业的发展与壮大。 GA公司是由原国有建筑公司于2000年改制而成,是具有国家建筑工程总承包一级资质的中型建筑企业。改制之初,GA公司的经营业绩提升迅速,一跃成为当地的建筑业龙头。但是近年来,GA公司效益出现提升乏力,始终维持在年产值两亿元左右的水平。是什么原因使得GA公司的业绩增长出现缓慢态势呢?本文认为,缺乏对项目经理的有效激励是主要原因。因此,找出影响GA公司项目经理有效激励的因素,为GA公司设计全面科学的项目经理激励方案是本文研究的目的所在。 本文以激励的相关理论为基础,结合建筑企业的行业特点和GA公司实际,通过访谈法、问卷调查法、数据分析法等得出薪酬福利水平、绩效考核、职业经理人选拔与职业发展三个方面存在的问题是影响GA公司项目经理有效激励的主要因素,并针对这些影响因素对GA公司的项目经理激励方案进行重新设计,为GA公司设计了以绩效考核激励、薪酬福利激励、职业经理人选拔与职业发展激励、培训提升激励和建立学习型组织激励机制为主要内容的全面解决方案。 本文创新点在于没有局限于激励的某一方面研究,而是研究 In China, construction industry has been in the pillar position of national economy. With the constant reform and the development of economic society, competition between construction enterprises have increased and their profits have declined further. In this situation, the construction enterprises have to promote their project management, and change the previous extensive management model into the lean intensive one, and get good profits during the process of standard management. Project manager is the load-bearing and practitioner of the construction enterprise to achieve this goal. What construction companies should do is to design scientific, long-term and effective incentive systems to the project managers to improve their initiative and to make them to accelerate project schedule, make strict supervision of project quality, and strictly control project costs. Through the development of project department, the whole company will develop and become stronger continuously. GA Company which is a middle-sized company with the first class qualification of main contractor for national projects, comes from a former state-owned construction company in the 2000 enterprise restructuring. At the beginning of restructuring, the operating results of GA improved rapidly, and became the leading local construction company. But in recent years, the benefit of GA appears the weak improvement, and the annual output value remains around 200 million. What makes the trend of slow growth of GA? The author thinks that the main cause is the lack of an effective motivation system for the project managers. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to find out the effective motivation factors for GA project managers, and design a comprehensive scientific motivation programme for GA project managers. Based on the related motivation theories, and the combination of constructio industry characteristics and actual situation of GA, and through the methods of interview, questioannaire, and data analysis, this paper draws the conclusion

关 键 词: 激励 项目经理 建筑企业

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


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机构 华南理工大学
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机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学管理学院
机构 华南理工大学法学院


作者 廖刚
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作者 张丽娟