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The Case Study of WK Forign Trade Corportation's Financial Risk Management

导  师: 沈乐平

学科专业: 120202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 中国加入WTO之后,我国经济的市场化程度越来越高,企业在经营中遇到的不确定性、风险因素日益增多,许多企业,尤其是外贸企业的经营面临着更多的财务风险。能否有效防范财务风险,关乎企业的生死存亡。WK外贸公司成立于1953年,是新中国最早成立的专业外贸进出口公司之一。在过去,WK外贸公司作为一家国营外贸企业,长期受到国家优惠政策的支持,但自从加入WTO以后,外贸行业的竞争越来越激烈,国家开始调整政策,减少以及彻底消除了对WK外贸公司的优惠政策。 本文通过对WK外贸公司的财务风险指标的计算,结合财务报表对筹资风险、投资风险和经营风险进行风险评估,发现WK外贸公司由于资本结构不合理,负债比例过高,筹资风险较大;WK外贸公司的投资项目获利能力很弱,投资风险也较大;WK外贸公司的存货周转率、应收帐款周转率以及流动资产周转率较高,经营风险较低,但有上升趋势。 根据财务风险识别与评估结果,主要从外部因素和内部因素两方面对WK外贸公司的财务风险进行了成因分析。影响WK外贸公司财务风险的外部原因主要包括国际关系、国家政策变动、汇率变动、金融危机、行业环境影响等;内部影响因素主要是主观对财务风险的意识不足,防控风险的能力弱,财务决策缺乏科学性等。 结合中国国情和WK外贸公司发展的具体实际,本文提出了WK外贸公司防范财务风险的具体措施,包括建立审计委员会、筹资多样化、构建外汇风险防范体系、转移海外投资风险、积极开拓市场应对金融危机、加强应收账款的管理以及熟悉政策导向防范退税风险。 After China's accession to WTO, China's economy grows degree, of market, with increasing uncertain risk, and many businesses, especially foreign trade enterprises are faced with more financial risk. WK foreign trade company founded in 1953.It is the establishment of new China's first professional foreign trade companies. In the past, WK as a state-owned foreign trade companies, long-term supported by national preferential policies, but since the accession to WTO, countries began to adjust policies. Based on the WK company's financial risk calculation, combined with the financial statements on the financing of risk, investment risk and operational risk, found that WK's debt ratio is too high, and it rises the financing risk; WK company's investment risk is also high; WK company's inventory turnover, asset turnover accounts receivable turnover rates and higher liquidity, lower business risks, but on the rise. According to financial risk identification and assessment results, we analyze the causes of the financial risk both from external factors and internal factors. The external factors mainly include the international relations, the changes of national policy, exchange rate movements, financial crisis, and the environmental impact. The internal Influencing Factors largely subjective lack of awareness of the financial risks, weak risk prevention and control, financial lack of scientific decision-making and so on. After the analysis above, some measures are proposed to against the financial risks, including establishment of the Audit Committee, funding diversification, building foreign exchange risk prevention system, the transfer of foreign investment risk, and actively explore the market response to the financial crisis, strengthen the management of accounts receivable, and familiar with the tax rebate policy guidance to prevent the risk.

关 键 词: 财务风险 筹资风险 外贸企业

分 类 号: [F740.45]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


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