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The Several Key Problems Analysis in Construction of Construction Enterprises

导  师: 王幼松;何旭和

学科专业: 081304

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 建筑市场是竞争最激烈的市场之一,施工企业要想在激烈的竞争环境中保持优势,结合知识管理的信息化建设正是提高企业核心竞争力的有效途径。 本文通过分析研究信息化过程的关键工作,与珠江总承包公司信息化建设的实例相结合,通过几项关键工作,如基础设备、软件需求、人员培训、建设运行与维护成本、应用效果分析等,提出一些见解和方案。 组织架构方面,应该充分考虑各种影响因素及信息化建设的阶段性,根据本企业的实际情况选择合适的组织架构形式。基础设备方面,必须考虑到实用性与可扩展性相结合。软件需求方面,有必要充分调研、加强沟通与协调、量力而行、逐步实施。人员培训方面,重点是对培训工作要有足够的重视。建设运行与维护成本方面,有必要详细分析、充分预算。应用效果分析方面,强调经济效益评价量化的重要性。每个行业、每个企业都有自身的特点,如何抓住企业信息化的关键点,让信息化工作和企业的管理有效的结合起来,成功的打造一个适合的、有效的信息化系统,并使的企业的竞争力得以提升,是企业信息化的关键问题。 信息化实践在珠江总承包公司得到应用,结论证实,与传统模式相比,信息化的成功应用每年带给珠江总承包的可衡量经济效益高达6520万元,工程质量更有保障,工期平均缩短3/%,成本可以下降3.8/%,工程收益提高4/%。 本项研究为施工企业提高管理水平打下一定基础,通过信息化建设的完善,相信可以带来更加明显的经济效益和社会效益。 Construction market can be described as one of the most competitive markets, to maintain our favorable position in this fiercely competitive environment, informatization construction combined with knowledge management technology is the right effective way to improve the core competitiveness. Base on a analysis of key works in the process of information construction , combined with the problems incurred from the informatization process of Zhujiang EPC company, such as basic devices, software requirement, personnel training, construction operation and maintenance cost, implementary effect analysis, this paper come up with some opinion and options on these key works. For the organization structure, all factors should be taken into account as well as the characters of different stages in the process of informatization construction, and then choose the right organization structure type. For the basic devices, combining practicality and scalability is necessary. As to the software requirement, it is necessary to make full research on it, enhance communication and coordination, do according to the company's ability, and implement gradually. For the personnel training, the focus is to pay enough attention to training. Construction operation and maintenance costs, a detailed analysis and fully prepared budget is essential. Implementary effects analysis should emphasize on the importance of quantification of economic effectiveness evaluation. Every industry and every enterprise has their own characters, the issues how to grasp the key works and how to combine the informatization with management effectively to make a suitable and effective informatized system is the key problem in the informatization of enterprise. Informatization has been implemented in Zhujiang EPC company. The result has proved Compared with the traditional model, the successful application of informatization has brought a measurable economic benefit up to 652 million yuan, more secure quality of the project, average reduced duration of 3/%, reduced cost of 3.8/%, and increased project revenue of 4/%. This study provides a foundation for construction enterprises to improve their management level. Through the perfection of informatization construction, it is believed that more obvious economic and social benefits will be brought.

关 键 词: 施工企业 信息化 关键问题 组织架构 基础设备 软件需求

分 类 号: [F270.7 F426.92]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


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机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南农业大学


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