导 师: 刘李伟
学科专业: A0101
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 华南师范大学
摘 要: In the course of human civilization, human Perception was depressed and strangled. As one of the important means to realize man ’ s comprehensive developmentrather than regard it as the only method to do it, because the basics and modern meaning of aesthetic education is perceptual education. The essay discusses in the rationality-dominated culture and education how aesthetic education emancipates and develops the perception of people, which keeps the balanced and harmonious development between one’ s perception and reason. The Man’ s all-round Development is the orientation and the eldest intent for human being. In this sense, Aesthetic Education is an indispensable approach for human’ s free and whole development.
分 类 号: [B83]
领 域: [哲学宗教]