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导  师: 卫海英

学科专业: L02

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: t电信公司隶属中国电信集团公司,从1999年开始,t电信的市场份额逐年萎缩,业务增长率也远远低于其主要竞争对手,2002年1月份的业务收入和去年相比仅增长了0.9%;与此同时企业内部却有大量的用户欠费、坏帐损失产生,年平均用户欠费约占其业务收入的3%~4%。案例部分还介绍了t电信营销服务渠道、收费服务渠道、欠费管理体系和相关的管理信息系统情况,最后提出了本案例要讨论的问题:t电信该采取什么样的策略来加强用户欠费管理,降低坏帐损失。案例分析从t电信的用户欠费帐龄结构分析和用户结构入手,然后结合管理服务质量的理论,对t电信的收费服务以及欠费管理中存在的问题进行分析,剖析t电信产生高额用户欠费的根源。在这些问题分析基础上提出实行有效的信用管理、认识和细分用户、改进业务支撑系统、提高收费服务水平的策略,最终达到提高收费服务水平,降低用户欠费比率,减少坏帐的目标。 T-Telecomm belongs to China Telecomm Group, its market share has greatly reduced since 1999 , and its business growth ratio is also behind its main competitors. T-telecomm only gained 0.9/% growth ratio in Jan. 2002 , compared with the same period of last year. T-telecomm also has large numbers of bad debts , because thousands of customers haven't paid their billing , and the total arrearage is between 3/% and 4/% of T-telecomm's revenue per year. The author introduces the marketing place , business supporting systems , charging services ,the customer arrearage management system in the case. The discussion is what strategies T-telecomm should take to improve its customer arrearage management. In the case analysis, the author analyzed the customer structure and time structure of T-telecomm's customer arrearage firstly , and then using the Services-Gap model to discuss the problems in T-telecomm's charging services and the customer arrearage management systems , so we could have a clearly comprehension about why T-telecomm has such high bad debts. Based on these reasoning , the author give T-telecomm the following proposals, T-telecomm could carry out effective customer credit management systems , acquaint and segment customers based on customers' credit scores, and upgrade business supporting systems, improve charging services quality totally , fill up the bugs in the customer arrearage management system. So T-telecomm could not only reduce bad debts but also improve services quality.

关 键 词: 电信公司 电信市场 信用管理 营销服务

领  域: [经济管理]


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作者 粟娟
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机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东金融学院
机构 广东工业大学


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作者 张丽娟