导 师: 张永安
学科专业: L02
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 暨南大学
摘 要: 本文在案例部分首先介绍了add公司存在着较高的员工流失率的问题,并指出这种状况已对add公司的正常运作产生了诸多负面的影响,add公司人力资源部经理frank就此展开了一系列认真细致的工作:辞职报告的收集整理,员工访谈,员工满意度调查,掌握了第一手的数据和资料。在案例分析部分,对员工流失对企业产生的消极影响和积极影响及工作满意度进行了分析,并提供了解决add公司高员工流失率的方案: 第一、确立“以人为本”的管理思想; 第二、抓好员工招聘关口; 第三、留住有价值的员工(对影响员工流失的7个因素展开分析); 第四:建立和实施科学合理的绩效管理体系。 The human resource manager Frank of ADD company is confronted with her first problem that the employee turnover rate of the company is high. So he decided to analyze the current situation by collecting resignation report and face to face talking and investigating job satisfaction . This thesis center around the main reason of high resignation in the company in the aspect of enterprise human resource manager , Frank draw the following conclusion to prevent the company from high resignation. 1. Showing respect to Employee; 2. Strictly controlling recruiting; 3. Holding the value Employee; 4. Establishing and implementing effective Performance Management system.
分 类 号: [F272.92]