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Exploition and Application of the Computer Assisted Instruction in Sprint Skill

导  师: 陈润松

学科专业: 040303

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学

摘  要: 随着知识经济的到来,学校面临着培养二十一世纪人才的严峻挑战。改革传统的教学思维模式与方法,不断地丰富教学手段,愈来愈成为教育界不可回避的重要课题。面对多媒体技术的迅速发展,计算机辅助教学技术在体育术科教学中的应用已经是未来发展的必然趋势。短跑技术教学作为体育院、系田径教学的重点内容之一,当前面临着教学时间减少,教学中学生能力培养不够,教学效率低等问题。针对短跑教学的现状,本文广泛收集了国内外的理论、图片和录象等资料,以计算机辅助教学的基本原理和教学软件开发的基本原理,作为指导思想,以短跑项目的特点作为研制的教学目标,对课件的整体方案、交互界面、各单元的内容、情景等方面进行具体的设计和脚本的编写,然后对各种媒体素材进行编辑、制作,尝试研制出短跑技术cai课件。本人对其从专家评定、教学应用和自学使用这三个方面进行综合测评。通过对专家的鉴定和两份问卷调查表的反馈上来对制作的短跑技术课件进行检测,以求丰富田径课堂教学理论,加强现代教学理论与体育实践的有机结合,为具体的体育教学课件的制作提供一定的参考经验和模式。 Along with the coming of the knowledge economy ,our school is facing the tough challenge of cultivating talents for the 21s ccntury.Innovating the tradilioiia models and methods of instruction and enriching the means of instruction are becoming inevitably important topics.lt also becomes urgent in our implementation of quality educationAVith the rapid development of network and multimedia technology,The applicarion of CAI to physical science instruction is becoming a trend . sprint teaching is one of important lesson in RE teaching, and now it faced with the decrease of teaching time inadequate cultivation of student s ability ,low effectiveness of teaching etc.With the situation J try to exploit the courseware of sprint kilLthen to apply.By referring to various of empirical data home and abroad ,the researcher designed and compiled some scripts in accordance with the underlying rationale of CAI software developmenLFeatures of sprinting was the object of teaching in the present study.The scripts were designed in relation to macroplaiynteractive interface,contents and situations in each unitAfter that various software data were edited and processed.In order to test their quality and efteciecy,the reseacher assesses the software in three dimensions :expert indentification ,pedagogical application and self-study application. It can feedback on time and befavorable for individualized instruction,thus raise the quality as well as efficiency of the education.Thtough the validation of exploition theory and application ,the writer tends to enrich physical educational classroom teaching theory ,enhance the combination of modern teaching theory and physical educational reality,and provide some experience and gist of patterns.

关 键 词: 短跑技术 课件 田径教学 计算机辅助教学

分 类 号: [G434]

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 贺越先
作者 卢孝旋
作者 李圣洁
作者 胡俊峰
作者 温健


机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广州体育学院
机构 广州大学
机构 中山大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟