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A Study on Ecological Benefits of Urban Forest Based on GIS Technology

导  师: 吴泽民

学科专业: I0706

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 安徽农业大学

摘  要: 本文基于gis技术,运用city-green模型,对安徽省合肥市、蚌埠市、马鞍山市三城市森林生态效益进行研究,运用该技术对多个城市城市森林生态效益分不同研究层次进行分析,依据研究方法和研究结果,一方面探讨city-green模型在国内森林生态效益研究方面的技术;另一方面为不同城市城市森林的建设和管理提供依据理论依据和指导。具体研究内容包括三个方面: ㈠运用gis技术,结合实地调查,对合肥市、蚌埠市、马鞍山市三城市tm遥感影像数据进行解译并划分用地类型,在此基础上运用city-green模型分析各城市森林在固碳、净化空气、削减地表径流方面的生态效益。结果表明:(1)三城市的景观要素分为六类,分别为城市森林、建筑及硬质铺装地面、水体、裸地、一般绿地和农田。其中合肥、蚌埠、马鞍山城市森林景观在城市景观中所占比例分别8.03%, 7.53%,16.59%,反映不同城市由于地理维度差异、地方经济差异等,城市森林建设和管理存在很大差异,呈现“南多北少”格局。(2)三城市城市森林所产生的综合生态效益分别为合肥56929.66万元,蚌埠31231.49万元和马鞍山60804.68万元,单位面积(hm2)森林所产生的生态效益分别为5.82万元,5.75万元和9.21万元,表明马鞍山市在综合效益及单位效益方面都明显高于合肥市、蚌埠市市。(3)合肥市一环以内区域与1、2环间区域城市森林所占比例分别为9.51%和7.67%;城市森林产生的综合生态效益分别为13340.49万元和43589.19万元;单位面积(hm2)森林所产生的生态效益分别为6.99万元和5.54万元,表明合肥市一环以内森林覆盖率较高,城市森林所发挥的生态效益明显高于1、2环间区域。 ㈡通过对合肥市逍遥津公园、杏花公园和马鞍山市雨山湖公园的景观构成分析和森林生态效益分析,结果表明:(1)雨山湖公园、逍遥津公园和杏花公园的城市森林分别占整个公园景观构成的44.02%、52.62%和13.00%,表明逍遥津公园和雨山湖公园内森林景观所占比重均较大,公园内以高大乔木为主要植物景观,而杏花公园内以草坪种植为主,森林覆盖率较低。(2)雨山湖公园、逍遥津公园与杏花公园的森林所产生的综合生态效益分别为2610.17万元、515.03万元和135.43万元;单位面积(hm2)生态效益分别为18.69万元,14.40万元和4.74万元。表明雨山湖公园在城市中发挥的生态效益最高。 ㈢通过对安徽农业大学老校区景观构成及树木生态效益的分析,得出以下结论:安徽农业大学老校区森林覆盖总面积约为303750m2,占校园总面积的45%,树木产生的生态效益折合人民币价值共548.28万元。通过对校园内不同区域选定不同样方进行研究,结果表明校园内不同区域内树木由于树木种植时间、种植模式及密度等条件的差异,因而在发挥其生态效益方面也有很大差异。对于同一类型的样地,由于森林覆盖率、树木年龄等因素的不同,其产生的生态效益也有很大差异。因此,作者认为应建立校园树木的管理系统,对校园内的树木进行科学动态的管理,在对校园环境进行改造时,要适当考虑对校园内原有树木的保护,尽量减少校园建设对绿化用地的占用。 Based on the GIS technology,City-green computer model was used in this paper to estimate ecological benefits of urban forest in three cities,Hefei,BengBu Maanshan in Anhui province.It used this technology to make an analysis on urban forest ecological benefits for different cities in this country.On the one hand,Author discussed how to use the technology of CITY-green model developed in USA to account urban forest benefits in this country.On the other hand,the results produced in the paper will provide a reference and guidance for construction theory and management practice of urban forests in city.This paper includes three aspects: 1/)TM remote sensing data in three cities of Hefei,Bengbu and Maanshan has been interpreted by GIS technology,meanwhile field surveys was made to check the imaging interpretation results,and some adjustment was added if it is necessary.Based on these, the ecological benefits of urban forest,such as carbon sequestration,air clean,surface runoff reduce,was accounted using CITY-green model.The results showed that: /(1/) There were 6 major landscape elements including urban forest,construction and hard pavement surface,water,bare land,the general green belts and farmland.The urban forest patch occupied 8.03/%of total land area in the Hefei,7.53/%in Bengbu,and 16.59/%in Maanshan respectively.It reflected that there are different for urban forest area in different cities in this province,and the urban forest area in the three cities increased southward,thus means that each north city has more urban forest patch area compared to the south one.The reasons could be summed up in three points,or geographical dimensions,management policy and economy situation. /(2/) The integrated ecological benefits of urban forest in the three Cities are as follows: Hefei reached to 569.2966 million yuan totally,Bengbu 312.3149 million yuan and Maanshan 608.0468 million yuan.According to the benefits per unit area,Hefei city reached to 58,200 yuan per hector and 57,500 yuan for Bengbu city,and 92,100 for Yuan Maanshan city.It shows that the benefits from urban forest in Maanshan is better than that of Hefei and Bengbu in both overall and units benefits. /(3/) Urban forest patch occupied 9.51/%of land area in the inner city of firs ring road, which cover about 20km~2,and 7.67/%of land area could be classified as urban forest patch in the area between first ring road and second ring road,which covers about 78 km~2. The integrated benefits of urban forest for these two parts as follows:the former reached to 133.4049 million yuan,the latter is 435.8919million yuan.According to the benefits per unit area,69,900 yuan per hector for the former and 55,400 yuan per hector for the latter.It shows that the inner city is better than that area between the first ring road and the second ring road in the overall and unit benefits. 2/) Three city parks,such as XiaoyaoJin Park,XingHua Park in Hefei and Yushanhu Park in Maanshan City,was selected for being analyzed using CITY-green.Benefits from woodlands of these park was accounted and,and the results showed that: /(1/) Woodland patches in Yushanhu park occupied about 44.02/%of park land area, XiaoyaoJin Park 52.62/%,and XiaoyaoJin Park 13.00/%respectively,This indicated that there are more big trees and higher canopy coverage in both parks of Yushanhu and XiaoyaoJin which was built in 1950's to 1960's,but larger area lawn becomes major landscape,while low canopy coverage was in XingHua Park built in 1990's. /(2/) According to integrated benefits of woodlands,Yushanhu Park reached to 26.1017 million yuan and was listed at top,then XiaoyaoJin Park 5.1503 million yuan and Xinghua Park 1.3543 million yuan in order.If it was listed in accordance with benefits per unit land area,Yushanhu Park was at the top with its benefits of 186,900 yuan per hector,XiaoyaoJin Park 144,000 yuan per hector and Xinghua Park 47,460 yuan.It shows that the Yushanhu Park has the highest ecological benefits compared with other two city parks. 3/) Landscape pattern of the old campus of Anhui Agricultural University covered about hectors was analyzed in the paper,meanwhile ecological benefits of trees at the campus was estimated as well using City-green model.The results as the follows: Tree canopy cover at the campus is up to 303750 m~2,which occupied 45/%of total land area,the ecological benefits from trees could reach to 5.4828 million yuan.Through the analysis of different regions selected from campus,the different regions,such as education square,residential neighborhood,sport field,recreation area,have different ecological benefits due to different planting patterns,stand density,tree age and growth conditions. Therefore,the authors suggest that the campus should establish a systematical management system for tree maintain.It is necessary to take considerations to preserve both of extant big trees and green lands when make constructions at the campus.

关 键 词: 城市绿化 城市森林 生态效益 环境评价

分 类 号: [TU985.1 X820.2]

领  域: [建筑科学] [环境科学与工程]


作者 许飞
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机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南农业大学经济管理学院
机构 东莞职业技术学院
机构 华南师范大学


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