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The Syncronization and Controlling Circuit Experiment Study of the Delayed Chaos System

导  师: 陈菊芳

学科专业: H0902

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 东北师范大学

摘  要: 本文主要围绕延时混沌系统的电路实现以及延时logistic混沌系统的同步和控制进行研究。以实际电子线路实验为主,结合理论分析和数值计算,对于文中研究的延时混沌系统的同步和控制问题都给出了充分、正确的论证结果。 首先,从理论上和数值计算两方面对延时logistic混沌系统的动力学特性进行研究,观察到系统由倍周期分岔通向混沌的道路。其次,在实际电路中用普通电子元件如电感、电容搭建了能产生时间延迟的延时单元电路,突破了以往的实验研究中没有合适的延时器件这一局限。在此基础上,构建了延时混沌电路系统,并与数值计算结果相比较,得到的实验结果与数值计算结果基本一致,验证了系统的混沌特性,并证明了延时单元电路的切实有效性。另外,分别将变量反馈同步法、双向耦合同步法以及参数扰动同步法用于延时混沌系统的同步研究,并在电路实验中加以实现,得到了与数值计算基本一致的结果。最后,在电路中实现了“凹”槽型双t桥带阻滤波器,并将其用于控制延时混沌电路系统的研究,得到了较好的控制效果,与数值计算结果基本一致。 本文用电子线路实验研究延时logistic混沌系统同步和控制的结果,无疑会为实际延时混沌系统的同步提供重要的实验依据。 Synchronization and controllingof the delayed Logistic system are researched bymeansof circuit experiments and numerical calculation , as well as theoretic analysis . At last , itends with respective reasonable conclusion to problems of the delayed Logistic system. Firstly , based on the theoretic analysis and numerical calculation , chaos characteristicof the delayed Logistic system is obtained , and a route from double period bifurcation tochaos is observed . Secondly , the delayed circuit as well as the delayed Logistic system arerealized in circuit experiment . It brokes the limitations of previous experimental study ,which did not fit the delayed circuit unit . The numerical results is consistent with theexperiment results , and proves the delayed circuit unit as well as chaos characteristic of thedelayed Logistic system effectively . In addition , the methods of variable synchronizationchaos , such as , Synchronization of variable feedback , Coupled two-way synchronizationmethod and Synchronization of disturbance parameters are applied to the system in circuitexperiment , and the numerical calculation results are in good agreement with circuitexperimen tresults.Lastly,chaos controlling with not chfilter feedback signal for the delayedLogistic system is realized in circuit experiment,and the periodic orbits are obtained. This paper studies synchronization and controlling of delayed Logistic system by circuitexperiment and numerical calculation , and undoubtedly the conclusions are very importantand help ful for further researches in such subjects.

关 键 词: 延时混沌系统 动力学特性 系统同步

分 类 号: [O415.5 TN702]

领  域: [理学] [理学] [电子电信]


作者 张家珍
作者 胡静静
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机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院
机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院心理应用研究中心
机构 广州中医药大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学


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作者 彭刚
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