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Study on Plant Species Diversity Compositions of Park Green Space in Wuhan

导  师: 包满珠;陈龙清

学科专业: I0706

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华中农业大学

摘  要: 城市公园绿地是城市园林绿地系统的主体,也是城市里植物物种多样性最集中的地方,对城区公园绿地植物物种多样性进行研究也是探索实现保护和建设城市生物多样性的一个重要途径。本文选取了武汉市九个不同类型的公园,对公园植物进行了详细的调查,同时为了对比,特选取了郊区的马鞍山森林公园,作为和城市公园绿地植物多样性做对比,以期获得城市化进程对城市公园和郊区公园植物多样性的影响。主要内容如下: 1.所调查公园绿地的物种多样性。实地调查了市内的8个公园和郊区的一个公园,共调查到植物物种644种,隶属于136科390属,其中本地植物367种,外来植物277种。市区公园有植物508种,隶属于31科332属,其中外来植物为225种,本地植物为283种;郊区公园有植物360种,隶属于110科256属。 2.武汉外来植物分析。在所调查的植物种,共有外来植物277种,隶属于86科201属,其中草本植物145,木本植物132种,栽培种有262种,作为观赏植物的有242种。中国引种为100种,美洲72种,欧洲31种,来自其亚洲和非洲国家的有74种。超过10种以上的科有:柏科13种,蔷薇科10种,豆科13种,忍冬科12种,菊科31种,禾本科21种,木犀科10种,百合科10种。外来入侵种有共有29种,隶属于15科24属,作为观赏植物和园林应用引入的有10种,占入侵总数的34.5%,原产地为美洲的有21种,占外来入侵植物的72.4%,其它的来源于欧洲、非洲和亚洲的一些地方。 3.武汉市植物多样性的保护。植物多样性的保护包括两个方面:单个植物物种的保护和生态系统的保护。单个植物物种的保护,首先要解决的问题就是那种植物物种要优先保护,对于单个物种保护的选择一般从四个标准出发:(1)珍惜濒危、特有性,受胁状态及其实用性。(2)物种在生态系统及群落中的地位。(3)物种的进化意义。(4)具有特定文化意义的植物物种。生态系统的保护主要是森林生态系统的保护和湿地系统的保护。同时应该强调植物在园林绿地设计中的应用,注重乡土植物的利用,借鉴英国伦敦利用植被控制城市发展的方法进行城市建设。 Urban biodiversity is the foundation of urban sustainable development .And as the body of urban biodiversity, urban plant diversity plays a very important role to improve the urban environment and the lives of urban residents. However, with the accelerated process of urbanization, a lot of farmland, wetlands, forests and other non-urban land use were transformed into urban land, making the original vegetation damaged to a large extent, reducing a large number of native plants. Due to human aesthetic and green garden building needs, a large number of foreign ornamental plants were introduced to the city, making the city more exotic plant and less native plants , it not only diverted surviving the space of native plants, but also brought the invasion of exotic plants, which made the local ecosystems under great threaten. It's an important way to protect and built the urban diversity by the researching of plant diversity in urban park, where the diversity is richest and it's the body of the city green system. This article selected nine different types of parks in Wuhan, and carried out a full investigation. Meanwhile, by contrast, we take the forest park as an object to evaluate the effect of urbanization to the plant diversity. There are following key elements: 1. The directory of plants in the park. There are 508 plant species in urban parks belonging to 136 families 324 genus, of which 225 plant species are alien, and 283 plant species are local while there are 360 plant species in suburb park,belonging to 110 families 256 genus, of which 116 plant species are alien ,and 244 plant species are local. there are a total of 644 kinds of plant species in the field survey of eight city parks and a suburban park , belonging to 136 families 324 genus, and of which 367 kinds are local plants and 277 kinds plants are exotic . 2. Analysis of exotic plants in Wuhan.In the survey,, a total of 277 kinds of exotic plants is belonging to 86 families 201 genus, of which 145 herbaceous plants, 132 wooden plants,262 cultivated species, as ornamental plants about 242 species.There are 100 kinds introduced from China 100 , 72 from America,31 from Europe and 74 kinds from Asian and African countries. The family are more than 10 kinds :cupressaceae 13, Rosaceae 10, leguminosae 13, caprifoliaceae 12, Compositae 31, gramineae 21, Oleaceae 10, Liliaceae 10.Invasive species are a total of 29 species belonging to 15 families and 24 genus, as ornamental plants and landscape use are introduced 10 species, accounting for 34.5 /% of the lnumber of the invasion. There are 21 kinds of invasive plants from American , accounted for 72.4/%, the other from Europe, Africa and some other parts of Asia. 3. The protection of plant diversity in Wuhan.The protection of plant diversity includes two aspects: a single plant species conservation and ecosystem protection.As single plant species protection, we must first solve the problem thatwhich species is protected firstly . There are four standards of the choice: /(1/) Cherish endangered, local, threatened status and its usefulness /(2/)the Species's status in the ecosystem and communities. /(3/)Significance of the evolution of species /(4/) the plant species of a specific cultural significance The protection of the ecological system is mainly included forest ecosystems and wetland system . At the same time, it should be emphasized that the application of plants in the garden design , especially the native plants,learning the way of appling vegetation to control urban development in urban construction.

关 键 词: 武汉市 城区公园绿地 地被植物 物种多样性

分 类 号: [S688.4]

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]




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