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Research on Industry Agglomeration and Its Spatial Organization in Changchun-Jilin Area

导  师: 马延吉

学科专业: G0502

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中国科学院

摘  要: 产业集聚作为工业化过程中一个引人注目的经济地理现象,日益引起人们的关注。经济地理学、经济学和管理学等学科领域的学者们从不同的角度、不同的空间尺度,运用不同的方法对产业集聚展开了广泛而深刻的研究。然而目前对于产业集聚的研究多是以国家为研究区的宏观尺度上的研究,以省域内经济联系密切的区域为研究区的较微观尺度研究还不多见。研究产业在不同空间尺度的集聚模式和空间组织状况,有助于深化人们对产业集聚的认识。本文以吉林省内的长吉地区为研究区,研究了该区的产业集聚。文章在简要回顾区域产业集聚研究进展的基础上,采用空间基尼系数测度了长吉地区的产业集聚,归纳总结了该区产业集聚的特征,运用回归分析方法测度了产业特性对该区产业集聚的影响,然后结合相关理论,分析了长吉地区的区域特性对产业集聚的影响,最后对长吉地区汽车产业空间布局演变状况和空间组织类型进行了着重分析。开展对长吉地区产业集聚及其影响因素和空间组织的研究,有助于回答“在所研究区域更适合什么样的产业集聚发展”的问题,能为进一步优化区域产业布局提供思路;揭示产业地理集聚的影响因素也有助于理解区域经济增长机制,对于区域产业政策的制定也具有参考意义。 本文共分为四个部分。第一部分产业集聚理论综述和国内外研究进展。为进一步明确本文研究对象,该部分首先辨析了与产业集聚有关的几个概念,然后系统地梳理了有关产业集聚研究的经典理论,最后从产业集聚的测度方法、产业集聚的影响因素及其空间组织三个方面对近年来国内外产业集聚的研究进展进行了文献综述。第二部分长吉地区产业集聚的区域背景分析,分析了长吉地区产业集聚的资源环境基础和社会经 As a remarkable economic geography phenomenon during the process ofindustrialization, industry agglomeration has caught much more attention in recentyears in the field of Economic Geography, Management Science and so on. And muchwork has been done and series of achievements have been achieved. Yet the study ofindustry agglomeration at present which base on national macro scale for study area ismore often, a microscopic region's research, especially research on a region with closeeconomic ties within one province is unusual. However, study industry agglomerationmodel and its spatial organization in different space scale helps to deepen theunderstanding of it. The purpose of this article is to provide empirical evidence on thegeographic concentration of manufacturing industry in a micro scale withinChangchun-Jilin area, to explore the influencing factors of this phenomenon and tostudy the characteristics of spatial organization of automobile industry in this area.And it is hoped that the research on industry agglomeration in this area can shed lighton cultivating regional environment of industrial agglomeration, improving regionalcompetition and making use of the industry agglomeration advantages to improveregional economic development. The main contents include the following aspects: 1. Some related concepts about industry agglomeration are discussed firstly,based on which this paper combs the theories related to the industry agglomeration,such as industry district theory, industrial location theory,the new industry districttheory, new trade theory, the new economic geography theory and the competitiveadvantage of nations theory. After that, a comprehensive review on regional industryagglomeration is conducted through three perspectives of the measure of industryagglomeration, the influencing factors and spatial organization of industryagglomeration. 2. Regional backgrounds of industry agglomeration in Changchun-Jilin area areanalyzed, including resources and environment basis and social-economic basis.

关 键 词: 产业集聚 影响因素 空间组织 长吉地区

领  域: [自然科学总论]


作者 罗光帆
作者 黎沛权
作者 覃伟芳
作者 张倩男
作者 刘淑春


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院


作者 高怡冰
作者 罗秋立
作者 范冬萍
作者 叶广宇
作者 陈征楠