导 师: 张铁微
学科专业: C0107
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 黑龙江大学
摘 要: 瑕疵股权转让是股权转让纠纷中较具代表性的一类案件。本文结合《公司法》和《公司法司法解释(三)》,立足广义视角,将出资瑕疵股权和隐名投资瑕疵股权纳入瑕疵股权范围,对其转让效力问题进行系统探讨。 本文共分四部分进行系统论述。首先,对瑕疵股权转让问题进行概述,界定了瑕疵股权范围,对瑕疵股权转让性、转让原则和法律效力进行探讨,为本文立足广义视角奠定了基础。其次,论述了出资瑕疵股权转让效力,通过对出资瑕疵股权的成因、表现形态、股东资格认定以及转让效力进行分析,得出出资瑕疵股权转让效力受转让人与受让人之间的意思表示影响的结论。再次,论述了隐名投资瑕疵股权转让效力,通过对隐名投资的成因、表现形态,股东资格的认定以及股权转让的效力进行分析,得出只有名义股东具有股东资格,股权转让的效力依实际出资人和名义股东之间是否达成隐名出资协议而不同的结论。最后,通过分析瑕疵股权转让后的责任承担和权利救济问题,来进一步探讨瑕疵股权转让法律效力的实现机制。 The defective share transfer are more representative in share transfer disputes.Combined with the“Company Law”and“Company Law judicial interpretation /(Ⅲ/)”and based on the broad perspective, this paper put the defective capital contribution anddefective share of dormant investment into the defective share range and probe intotransferring effectiveness systematically. The paper is divided into four parts to discourse systematically. Firstly, anoverview of the defective share transfer contains to define the defective range and probeinto the action, principle of the defective share transfer and effectiveness, which laid thefoundation for the broad perspective. Secondly, discuss the share transferringeffectiveness of defective capital contribution. Through analyzing the causes,manifestations, qualification as a shareholder, and effectiveness of the transferring,concluded the share transferring effectiveness of defective capital contribution isaffected by the mean between the assignor and the assignee. Thirdly, discuss thetransferring effectiveness of dormant investment. Through analyzing the causes,manifestations, qualification as a shareholder and effectiveness of the share transfer,concluded only the named shareholder has the qualification as a shareholder and theeffectiveness of the share transfer varies according to whether reaching the dormantcontribution agreement between the actual investors and named shareholders. Finally,through analyzing the responsibility and rights relief after transfering the defective shareto explore the implementation mechanism of effectiveness of defective share transferfurther.
关 键 词: 瑕疵股权转让 出资瑕疵 隐名出资人 名义股东 法律效力
分 类 号: [TS1]
领 域: [轻工技术与工程]