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Between Aspiration and Nothingness

导  师: 彭小燕

学科专业: 050106

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 汕头大学

摘  要: 上世纪90年代,郭小东凭借“中国知青部落三部曲”为知青文学添上了重要的一笔。但目前对郭小东“中国知青部落三部曲”的研究没有从作者创作的心路历程变化入手,全面分析贯穿在作品中关于人生“虚无”体验的思考,很少系统地深入挖掘作者对“虚无”的真切体验。本文的研究点正是由此出发,着重对郭小东影响较大的“中国知青部落三部曲”系列小说进行一次全面的整理和深入分析。郭小东所描写的知青群体是处在不同的年代、不同的生存环境,经历了从理想到虚无这一特殊阶段的特殊人物。他们曾经是狂热的理想主义者,但却因为理想幻灭而陷入“虚无”,成为了在“虚无”中沉沦、挣扎、反抗的虚无主义者。从这样一种生存困境的变化历程中辨证地看待郭小东的“中国知青部落三部曲”,对于深入探讨郭小东知青小说在中国当代文学中的作用,具有较好的研究意义。 With his 'Trilogy of China's Intellectual Youth Generation,' Guo Xiaodong became a big name in China's literature of intellectual youth in the 1990s. Current studies of Guo's 'Trilogy' haven't been focused on the writer's interior life changes that run through all of his works about his reflections on the meaning of life, not to mention a systematic exploration of his 'void' experience. As an amendment for such an inadequacy in the current studies, this thesis will conduct a comprehensive and systematic study of the influential 'Trilogy.' Living in different time periods and different environments, Guo's main characters are a special generation of intellectual youth whose mental world went through such a transformation from great aspiration to nothingness. Idealists as they once were, their encounter with disillusionment made them fall into a 'void' and become a group of protesting and struggling nihilists. Reading Guo's 'Trilogy' from such an existential perspective will contribute some knowledge to the study of the significance of Guo's fiction in contemporary Chinese literature.

关 键 词: 理想 虚无 遭遇 对抗 沉沦

分 类 号: [ZZ]

领  域: [文化科学]


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作者 彭娜
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机构 深圳大学
机构 东莞理工学院城市学院
机构 中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院
机构 华南理工大学新闻与传播学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学国际商务英语学院


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