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Anti-mold Coating of Starch-based Materials Research

导  师: 刘雄

学科专业: H3203

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 西南大学

摘  要: 我国是一个淀粉生产大国,每年都会生产出大量的淀粉制品。从而使得淀粉成为一种来源广泛,价格低廉且具有可再生和生物降解等优点的物质,广泛应用于多个行业中。淀粉涂膜材料的盛行利用已经成为未来的一种的趋势。然而淀粉涂膜材料自身也有缺点,容易被微生物所利用,发生霉变和腐坏,破坏淀粉基涂膜材料的原有性能。防止淀粉基涂膜材料发生霉变是现在急需解决的问题,这个问题的解决能够提高淀粉基涂膜材料的利用率,使淀粉基涂膜材料具有广阔的应用前景。 本文以淀粉原料为主,通过对原淀粉的抗霉性和变性淀粉的抗霉性对比,定期进行观察,筛选出最优抗霉性变性淀粉。再通过添加防腐抗霉剂于淀粉培养基中,筛选出最优的防止淀粉基涂膜材料霉变的配方。最后应用于果蔬的涂膜保鲜和内墙涂料。其研究结果如下: 1、通过实验可知,10/%的浓度的原淀粉溶液相比5/%的浓度的原淀粉溶液总的说来失水率较大,在培养基内可以观察到有较大的裂口产生,不利于做涂膜材料,5/%的浓度的原淀粉溶液的成膜性相对较好,选用5/%为原淀粉溶液涂膜浓度。而5/%的浓度的原淀粉涂膜材料的抗霉性能优劣情况如下:红薯淀粉、豌豆淀粉霉变现象最严重。其中,红薯淀粉霉变最严重,其次是豌豆淀粉;然后分别是玉米淀粉,马铃薯淀粉,木薯淀粉。原淀粉的抗霉变时间为3天。 2、本实验结果表明变性淀粉的抗霉变性能最好的是羧甲基淀粉。羧甲基淀粉不易发生霉变,室温下放置于培养皿中培养二十一天,直至培养基水分蒸发完毕时,仍然未发生霉变。 3、淀粉涂膜基材料发生霉变腐坏后,主要生长出的霉为青霉、毛霉、黑曲霉、黄曲霉、根霉这五种霉菌。 4、通过试验发现,在果蔬涂膜应用中,对草莓进行羧甲基马铃薯淀粉涂膜,通过涂膜五种不同的浓度与空白对照组相比得知,浓度为1.50/%的羧甲基马铃薯淀粉涂膜材料对抑制草莓的霉变和腐烂的效果最好,在第六天腐烂率为12.5/%,而空白组第五天就达到了56.25/%。 5、适当的添加防霉抗菌剂于涂膜材料中,对防止涂膜材料的霉变的效果有大大的改善。在果蔬涂膜剂中,添加植酸和脱氢醋酸钠作为防霉剂时,与空白组相比,效果有所提高,脱氢醋酸钠的效果较明显。添加脱氢醋酸钠浓度为0.05/%的涂膜溶液失重率最小,在第六天失重率为14.68/%。第四天仍然全部完好,腐烂率为0。用壳聚糖涂膜材料作为对照涂膜实验组时,结果表明添加了0.05/%脱氢醋酸钠的羧甲基马铃薯涂膜材料的防霉抗菌保鲜效果优于用壳聚糖涂膜的对照组。 6、用5/%和2.5/%的羧甲基马铃薯淀粉涂膜溶液涂膜墙壁时,发现浓度为5/%的涂膜剂起皮现象严重。通过实验比较,选取浓度为2.5/%的浓度为墙体胶的实验浓度。为了更进一步研究墙体胶的霉菌生长情况,制造极端条件,观察墙体胶的霉变情况,在最适合霉菌生长的温度为25℃和湿度为90/%时,仍然未有霉变现象产生。羧甲基马铃薯淀粉溶液的抗霉效果优良,适合作为墙体胶应用。 China is a starch producing countries, are produced a large number of starch products each year. So that the starch was a wide variety of sources, low price and has the dvantages of a renewable and biodegradable materials, which are used in many industries widely. The prevalence of the use of starch coating materials has become a trend in the future. However, starch coating material has its own shortcomings, likely to be used by micro-organisms, mildew and rot, which will destroy the starch-based coating material of the original performance. Preventing Starch-based coating material to mildew is now an urgent problem.Sloving this problem can improve the utilization of starch-based coating material, so that starch-based coating material has broad application prospects. In this paper, contrast resistant starch on the original mold and mildew resistant starch, regular observation, selected the best mildew resistant starch. Then by adding a preservative antifungal agent in the starch medium, selected the best materials to prevent mold starch-based coating formulations. Finally, the coating applied to fruit and vegetable preservation, and interior paint. The results were as follows: 1. The experiment shows, the concentration of 10/% compared to 5/% starch solution have a greater generation gap, the concentration of water loss rate of starch solution in general larger, so it is not conducive to doing film material. The concentration of 5/% film-forming starch solution is relatively good, the choice the 5/% concentration of native starch coating. The concentration of 5/% original starch coating material advantages and disadvantages of anti-mildew properties as follows:sweet potato starch, pea starch mold which the most serious. Among them, the most serious moldy was sweet potato starch, followed by the pea starch; then was corn starch, potato starch, cassava starch. Mildew resistant starch in the original was 3 days. 2. The experimental results show that the anti-mildew properties of modified starch is the best carboxymethyl starch. Carboxymethyl starch was less prone to mildew at room temperature and culture twenty-one days. It still does not mildew until the conclusion of medium evaporation. 3. Starch-based materials mildew spoilage film, the main growth out of the mold is Penicillium, Mucor, BlackBerry, Aspergillus, Rhizopus. 4. Coating applications in fruits and vegetables, strawberry carboxymethyl potato on the film. The concentration of 1.50/% carboxymethyl potato coating materials inhibition of strawberry mildew and rot was the best by coating the concentration of five different compared with the control group, the decay rate was 12.5/% in the sixth day. 5. Additing the appropriate antimicrobial agent in the mold coating materials, coating materials to prevent mildew on the effect of a greatly improved. Balm in fruits and vegetables, add the phytic acid and sodium acetate as preservatives dehydrogenation when compared with the control group, the effect is increased, the effect of sodium acetate dehydrogenation obvious. Add dehydrogenation of sodium acetate concentration of 0.05/% of the coating solution, the smallest weight loss, weight loss rate was 14.68/% in the sixth day. Decay rate of 0 in the fourth day. In the sixth day, the decay rate is still low, 15.63/%. Used Chitosan coating materials and the experimental group as the control film, added 0.05/% sodium acetate dehydrogenation of carboxymethyl potato antibacterial and antifungal preservative coating material is better than the control group with chitosan coating. 6. The concentration of 5/% of the balm from the skin is serious by coating the walls with 5/% and 2.5/% of carboxymethyl potato starch coating solution. Through experiments, the selected concentration of 2.5/% of the concentration of the experimental was plastic wall concentration. To further study the growth of the wall of plastic mold, manufacturing, extreme conditions, observe the situation of the wall plastic mold, mold growth in the most suitable temperature of 250C and humidity of 90/%, there is still no mildew phenomenon.

关 键 词: 淀粉 涂膜 草莓保鲜 墙体胶

分 类 号: [S64 TS9]

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学] [轻工技术与工程]




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