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China's Export-oriented Labor-intensive SMEs Response to International Financial Crisis

导  师: 李雪梅

学科专业: L02

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 北京交通大学

摘  要: 出口导向劳动密集型中小企业对中国的经济发展和社会稳定具有关键的作用。随着改革开放的加深,它们有了突飞猛进的发展。但是近些年来受国际宏观经济形式影响,这类企业暴露了越来越多的问题。中国的出口导向劳动密集型中小企业正面临产业结构调整和制度创新的关头。2008年,世界性的金融危机以侵入实体经济的方式蔓延到中国,出口导向劳动密集型中小企业面临了前所未有的困境,大量企业纷纷倒闭。中国的出口导向劳动密集型中小企业该如何调整战略、采取行动,以平稳度过全球性的金融危机,获得日后的发展,是亟待研究和解决的问题,具有非常重要的理论和现实意义。 本文在产业经济学、金融学、管理学关于产业结构、金融危机和战略管理的理论基础上,结合中国出口导向劳动密集型中小企业的特点,运用SWOT分析法和安索夫战略矩阵分析法,具体内容如下: 第一章阐述选题的现实背景,揭示课题的理论意义与现实意义,通过对国内外研究文献的综述确定了研究方法,并一一指明课题的研究范畴。 第二章理清了课题研究的理论基础,是后文分析和归纳的理论依据。 第三章指明了金融危机中出口导向劳动密集型中小企业受到的威胁和可以把握的机遇。 第四章指明了出口导向劳动密集型中小企业自身的优势和劣势。 第五章全面的阐述了出口导向劳动密集型中小企业应对金融危机可以采取的战略。 第六章以B公司为实例说明了SOWT分析和安索夫战略的实用性。 第七章是全文的结论,对文章的和现实成果作了总结并提出了工作的不足和未来的研究方向。 Labor-Intensive SMES In The Export Sector /(LSMESE/) play a crucial role in China's economy and society. They have had great developments during recent years, on the other hand their shortages have gradually exposed due to the fluctuation of international macro economy. They are confronting of restructuring and innovating. In 2008, financial crisis invaded China, caused lots of bankrupt of the Labor-Intensive SMES in the Export Sector. The concerns about how can they survive the crisis and keep developing after the disaster are very vital these days and are of important significance. By means of SOWT analysis and Ansoff strategies Matrix, the conclusions were sought based on relevant theories of Industrial Economics, Finance and Management considering the characteristics of China's Labor-Intensive SMES in the Export Sector: PartⅠintroduces backgrounds of this research and its significance, the status quo of studies both home and abroad, methodology to conduct this research. PartⅡProvides a wide range of theories, mainly defining some basic concepts and introducing analysis methods applied to the study. PartⅢaims at analyzing external threats and opportunities to labor-intensive SMEs in the export sector in China. PartⅣfocus on analyzing operational strength and weakness inside labor-intensive SMEs in the export sector in China. Part V provides ideas available to the labor-intensive SMEs in the export sector in financial crisis. PartⅥsummarizes the conclusions and points the shortages and future work out. Finally, by the practice of using these strategies of enterprise B in the financial crisis, the relevance and feasibility was proved.

关 键 词: 出口导向劳动密集型中小企业 金融危机 企业战略 分析

分 类 号: [F8]

领  域: [经济管理]


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机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学经济学院
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院


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