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The Manage of Specialization Making in Outfitting

导  师: 陈佳;鲁广军

学科专业: L0101

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 大连海事大学

摘  要: 通过对比国内外的造船生产效率,得出分段预舾装以及中间产品成品化已经为一种先进的造船生产流程的结论,这种生产模式已经逐步的被国内造船企业所接纳。但是,我们注意到,在接纳这种提高中间产品成品化观念的同时,各造船企业还没有将舾装件的生产单独开辟出来作为一个独立的生产部门来专门生产舾装件,目前的通用做法是将这部分产品的生产任务交由分段部门制作,专业化生产作为制造业的一种必然趋势在此并没有得到很好的体现。因此本课题的研究目标是研究将由分段部门承担的舾装件生产任务剔出后成立一个专业化的舾装件生产部门,通过舾装件的专业化生产按分段/(总装/)部门的需求向分段/(总装/)制造部门提供各分段/(总装/)所需要的舾装件,从而使分段/(总装/)部门可以专职进行分段制造,提高分段制造速度和保证分段质量。另一方面,通过结合舾装件产品的特点提出了标准化、物流化、成品化的生产的模式。在实际过程中由于我国造船企业和日韩造船企业的企业文化等诸多因数的不同,从而造成在日韩能够有效提高生产率的舾装件专业化生产模式,搬到中国后会产生这样或那样的问题,而如何解决这些问题就是本课题的研究重点。本文将研究的方向放在了提出舾装件专业化生产过程中可能会出现的问题,并针对这些问题的本质原因提出解决方案。 To compare the efficiency of the shipbuilding internal and oversea, we can conclude that subsection pre-outfitting and semi finished product commercial is the advanced flow in the shipbuilding, this kind of flow will be accepted by the Chinese shipbuilding enterprise. In the same time, it must notice that many Chinese shipbuilding enterprises have not yet get ready to separate a special department to produce outfitting specially. This function is charged by the subsection department currently, so the advantage of the special making is not accepted at all.The purpose of this disquisition is finding a way to solve the problem, according special making to satisfy the requirement of the subsection department, so that they can finish their own work full time, this also can improve the quality and efficiency.on the other hand,in order to show the advance of this flow, it also suggests the method of produce should be Standardization、logistics and finished.But as the different of the Corporate Culture between then Chinese and South Korea, many Production models which can improve productivity in South Korea is invalid in china, and it also is then main problem we need to Solution in this disquisition. The Research direction of this disquisition is giving the questions and answers about the Outfitting specialized production.

关 键 词: 舾装件 专业化 标准化

分 类 号: [U66 X38]

领  域: [交通运输工程] [交通运输工程] [环境科学与工程]




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