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植物蛋白源与鱼粉组合对凡纳滨对虾(LITOPENAEUS VANNAMEI,BOONE)幼虾营养生理效应研究
The Study of the Effects of Combination of Plant Protein Sources and Fish Meal on Nutritional Physiology in Juvenile White Shrimp Litopenaeus Vannamei, Boone

导  师: 周小秋

学科专业: I0502

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 四川农业大学

摘  要: 本研究通过生长试验和消化率试验,测定凡纳滨对虾幼虾对11种蛋白原料的干物质、蛋白质、氨基酸、脂肪和能量的表观消化率,在此基础上研究了膨化豆粕、花生粕、玉米蛋白粉和大豆浓缩蛋白分别与鱼粉组合使用对凡纳滨对虾生长、饲料利用、全虾体成分、消化酶活性、血液生化指标、血清非特异性免疫酶活性及养分表观消化率的影响;通过膨化豆粕、花生粕和玉米蛋白粉按比例组成植物蛋白复合物与鱼粉组合,同时比较不同组合比例并平衡氨基酸的影响,分别确定不同蛋白原料与鱼粉组合的适宜比例。主要研究内容和结果如下: 1.凡纳滨对虾对11种蛋白原料养分表观消化率的研究 为研究凡纳滨对虾幼虾对鱼粉、发酵豆粕、膨化豆粕、大豆粉、花生粕、小麦蛋白粉、玉米蛋白粉、虾加工副产物、肉骨粉、鸡肉粉和血浆蛋白粉等11种蛋白原料的干物质、蛋白质、能量、脂肪和氨基酸的表观消化率。选择初始体重为1.05±0.02g凡纳滨对虾1440尾,平均分成12个处理,每个处理3个重复,每个重复40尾虾,分别投喂基础饲料和11种含测试原料的饲料。11种试验饲料以69.5/%基础饲料+30/%测试原料+0.5/%的Cr203组成,在36个0.5m3的玻璃纤维钢桶中,进行为期6周的消化率试验。 结果表明:不同蛋白原料干物质、蛋白质、脂肪、磷和能量的表观消化率存在显著差异/(P<0.05/)。鱼粉、小麦蛋白粉和玉米蛋白粉干物质的表观消化率显著高于其余8种原料的干物质消化率/(P<0.05/);肉骨粉和虾加工副产物的干物质表观消化率显著低于其余9种原料/(P<0.05/)。花生粕、血浆蛋白粉和鱼粉的蛋白质表观消化率显著高于鸡肉粉、肉骨粉和虾加工副产物/(P<0.05/),与其它原料差异不显著/(P>0.05/);肉骨粉和鸡肉粉显著低于其余9种原料的蛋白质表观消化率/(P<0.05/)。花生粕的脂肪表观消化率显著高于肉骨粉、鸡肉粉和血浆蛋白粉/(P<0.05/);肉骨粉的则显著低于其余10种原料/(P<0.05/)。动物性蛋白原料磷的表观消化率显著高于植物性蛋白原料/(P<0.05/),鱼粉显著高于肉骨粉、鸡肉粉和血浆蛋白粉原料/(P<0.05/);花生粕磷的表观消化率显著低于发酵豆粕、膨化豆粕、小麦蛋白粉和玉米蛋白粉的/(P<0.05/)。血浆蛋白粉、鱼粉、玉米蛋白粉、小麦蛋白粉和花生粕的能量表观消化率显著高于发酵豆粕、鸡肉粉、虾加工副产物/(P<0.05/);除了鸡肉粉和发酵豆粕外,虾加工副产物的显著低于其它8种原料/(P<0.05/)。膨化豆粕、花生粕和鱼粉等9种必需氨基酸及8种非必需氨基酸的表观消化率较高/(P<0.05/),而肉骨粉、鸡肉粉和虾加工副产物的氨基酸消化率显著低于其它原料/(P<0.05/)。 2.膨化豆粕与鱼粉组合对凡纳滨对虾生长、消化酶活性、血液生化指标和养分表观消化率的影响 选择初始体重为0.67±0.02g的健康幼虾720尾,分成6个处理,每个处理3个重复,每重复40尾虾,分别投喂以0、4.28/%、8.40/%、12.62/%、16.82/%和25.26/%的膨化豆粕分别与30/%、27/%、24/%、21/%、18/%和12/%的鱼粉组合配制成的6种等氮等能饲料,在18个0.5m3的玻璃纤维钢桶中,进行为期56d试验。 结果表明:当膨化豆粕与鱼粉等氮组合比例高于12.62/%:21/%,凡纳滨对虾增重率、SGR、成活率显著低于对照组、膨化豆粕为4.8/%/%和8.40/%组/(P<0.05/),而饲料系数则显著提高/(P<0.05/)。当膨化豆粕为4.28/%,随着膨化豆粕含量增加鱼粉含量降低,全虾体蛋白和磷的含量降低/(P<0.05/),而全虾脂肪含量显著升高/(P<0.05/)。膨化豆粕含量高于12.62/%,肝胰脏蛋白酶和脂肪酶活性显著低于膨化豆粕含量为16.82/%和25.26/%组/(P<0.05/),而淀粉酶活性则显著升高/(P<0.05/)。当膨化豆粕含量为4.28/%,随着膨化豆粕含量增加,血清葡萄糖和甘油三酯含量及AKP和ACP活性显著降低/(P<0.05/);当膨化豆粕含量高于8.40/%,血清中总蛋白含量和LZM活性显著降低/(P<0.05/)。对照组和膨化豆粕含量为4.28/%组,饲料干物质、蛋白质和能量的表观消化率显著高于为16.82/%和25.26/%组/(P<0.05/);对照组必需氨基酸及总氨基酸的表观消化率显著高于膨化豆粕为16.82/%和25.26/%组/(P<0.05/);膨化豆粕为25.26/%,必需氨基酸及总氨基酸的表观消化率显著低于其它各组/(P<0.05/)。然而,全虾的水分和灰分含量、血清总胆固醇含量和SOD活性、饲料脂肪表观消化率及天冬氨酸、丝氨酸的表观消化率均不受饲料中膨化豆粕含量的影响,各组间差异不显著/(P>0.05/)。本试验结果表明:/(1/)当饲料中膨化豆粕与鱼粉等氮组合比例高于8.40/%:24/%,随着膨化豆粕含量增加且鱼粉含量降低,则引起凡纳滨对虾的生长性能和饲料利用率下降,饲料中蛋白质、氨基酸和能量的表观消化率及肝胰脏中蛋白酶和脂肪酶活性以及血清总蛋白、葡萄糖和甘油三酯含量及ACP、ACP和LZM活性降低;/(2/)在饲料蛋白质为40/%、鱼粉含量为30/%的凡纳滨对虾基础饲料中,膨化豆粕与鱼粉适宜的组合比例为8.40/%:24/%。 3.花生粕与鱼粉组合对凡纳滨对虾生长、消化酶活性、血液生化指标和养分表观消化率的影响 选择初始体重为0.75±0.01g的健康对虾苗720尾,分成6个处理,每个处理3个重复,每重复40尾虾,分别投喂以0、3.83/%、7.65/%、11.48/%、15.30/%和22.96/%的花生粕分别与30/%、27/%、24/%、21/%、18/%和12/%的鱼粉组合配制成的6种等氮等能饲料,在18个0.5m3的玻璃纤维钢桶中,进行为期56d试验。 结果表明:当花生粕高于3.83/%,随着花生粕含量增加且鱼粉含量降低,凡纳滨对虾的增重率、SGR和蛋白质效率显著降低/(P<0.05/);花生粕含量高于11.48/%,显著提高饲料系数/(P<0.05/),而全虾蛋白含量则显著降低/(P<0.05/);花生粕高于22.96/%显著提高全虾脂肪含量/(P<0.05/);花生粕含量高于7.56/%,显著降低肝胰脏蛋白酶和脂肪酶活性/(P<0.05/),而淀粉酶活性则显著提高/(P<0.05/);花生粕为7.56/%组,血清总蛋白、葡萄糖和总胆固醇含量显著高于花生粕为22.96/%组/(P<0.05/)。饲料的干物质、蛋白质和能量表观消化率,对照组显著高于其余各组/(P<0.05/);当花生粕含量为3.83和7.65/%,蛋白表观消化率显著高于15.30/%和22.9/%组/(P<0.05/)。随着花生粕含量增加且鱼粉含量降低,总氨基酸的表观消化率、9种必需氨基酸和非必需氨基酸表观消化率显著降低/(P<0.05/),以对照组显著高于其它各组/(P<0.05/);花生粕为22.96/%组显著低于其余各组/(P<0.05/)。但是,花生粕与鱼粉组合比例的变化对成活率、全虾的磷和灰分含量及饲料脂肪表观消化率影响不显著/(P>0.05/)。本试验结果表明:/(1/)饲料中花生粕与鱼粉等氮组合比例高于3.83/%:27/%,随着花生粕含量增加且鱼粉含量降低则引起凡纳滨对虾的生长性能和饲料利用率下降,饲料中蛋白质、氨基酸和能量的表观消化率及肝胰脏中蛋白酶和脂肪酶活性以及血清中的总蛋白、葡萄糖和甘油三酯含量降低;/(2/)在饲料蛋白质为40/%、鱼粉含量为30/%的凡纳滨对虾基础饲料中,花生粕与鱼粉适宜组合比例为3.83/%:27/%。 4.玉米蛋白粉与鱼粉组合对凡纳滨对虾生长、消化酶活性、血液生化指标和养分表观消化率的影响 选择初始体重为0.712±0.012g的健康对虾苗720尾,分成6个处理,每个处理3个重复,每重复40尾虾,分别投喂以0、3.14/%、6.29/%、9.44/%、12.59/%和18.88/%的玉米蛋白粉分别与30/%、27/%、24/%、21/%、18/%和12/%的鱼粉组合配制成的6种等氮能饲料,在18个0.5m3的玻璃纤维钢桶中,进行为期56d试验。 结果表明:当玉米蛋白粉含量高于9.44/%,随着玉米蛋白粉含量增加且鱼粉含量下降,显著降低凡纳滨对虾增重率和SGR/(P<0.05/),饲料系数则显著提高/(P<0.05/);当玉米蛋白粉含量高于6.29/%,全虾蛋白质和磷的含量显著降低/(P<0.05/),而脂肪含量则显著提高/(P<0.05/)。但玉米蛋白粉含量为9.44/%,随着玉米蛋白粉含量增加且鱼粉含量下降,肝胰脏蛋白酶和脂肪酶活性显著降低/(P<0.05/),而淀粉酶活性显著升高/(P<0.05/);当玉米蛋白粉含量高于3.14/%,血清总蛋白和甘油三酯含量显著降低/(P<0.05/):当玉米蛋白粉含量高于6.29/%,则显著提高血清胆固醇含量/(P<0.05/);当玉米蛋白粉含量高于9.44/%,血清葡萄糖含量显著降低/(P<0.05/)。同时,当玉米蛋白粉为9.44/%,随着玉米蛋白粉含量增加且鱼粉含量下降,饲料干物质、蛋白质、脂肪和能量表观消化率显著降低/(P<0.05/),且饲料中赖氨酸、苏氨酸、蛋氨酸、亮氨酸、异亮氨酸、苯丙氨酸、缬氨酸和组氨酸等8种必需氨基酸的表观消化率显著低于对照组、玉米蛋白粉为3.14/%和6.29/%组/(P<0.05/);除丝氨酸外,甘氨酸、丙氨酸、脯氨酸、胱氨酸、谷氨酸、天冬氨酸和酪氨酸等7种非必需氨基酸表观消化率显著降低/(P<0.05/)。当玉米蛋白粉含量为12.59/%和18.88/%,精氨酸表观消化率显著低于其它各组/(P<0.05/)。但是,对虾的成活率和全虾灰分含量不随着玉米蛋白粉与鱼粉组合比例变化而变化/(P>0.05/)。本试验结果表明:/(1/)当玉米蛋白粉与鱼粉等氮组合比例高于9.44/%:21/%,随着玉米蛋白粉含量增加且鱼粉含量降低则引起凡纳滨对虾生长性能和饲料利用率下降,饲料中干物质、蛋白质、氨基酸、脂肪和能量的表观消化率、肝胰脏中蛋白酶和脂肪酶活性降低,以及血清总蛋白、葡萄糖、胆固醇和甘油三酯含量降低,提高淀粉酶活性:/(2/)在饲料蛋白质为40/%、鱼粉含量为30/%的凡纳滨对虾基础饲料中,玉米蛋白粉与鱼粉适宜的组合比例为9.44/%:21/%。 5.大豆浓缩蛋白与鱼粉组合对凡纳滨对虾生长、血液生化指标、非特异性免疫酶活性和养分表观消化率的影响 选择初始体重为0.44±0.002g的健康对虾苗840尾,分成7个处理,每个处理3个重复,每重复40尾虾,分别投喂以0、3.07/%、6.14/%、9.20/%、12.27/%、18.41/%和25.54/%的大豆浓缩蛋白/(SPC/)分别与30/%、27/%、24/%、21/%、18/%、12/%和6/%的鱼粉组合配制成的7种等氮等能饲料,在21个0.5m3的玻璃纤维钢桶中,进行为期56d试验。 结果表明:当SPC与鱼粉组合比例高于9.20/%:21/%,随着SPC含量增加且鱼粉含量降低,显著降低凡纳滨对虾增重率和SGR/(P<0.05/),显著提高饲料系数/(P<0.05/);当SPC与鱼粉组合比例高于12.27/%:18/%,显著降低蛋白质效率、蛋白质沉积率和成活率/(P<0.05/);当SPC含量为24.54/%,全虾脂肪含量显著低于其它各组/(P<0.05/);当SPC含量高于9.20/%,显著降低血清总蛋白和胆固醇含量、ACP、AKP、T-SOD和NOS活性/(P<0.05/);SPC含量高于12.27/%,显著降低血清葡萄糖含量/(P<0.05/),但是甘油三酯含量则显著升高/(P<0.05/);SPC含量高于12.27/%,显著降低干物质和能量表观消化率/(P<0.05/);对照组和SPC含量为3.07/%组的蛋白质和脂肪表观消化率显著高于其它各组/(P<0.05/),而当SPC含量为18.41/%和25.54/%,则蛋白质和脂肪表观消化率显著低于其它各组/(P<0.05/)。当SPC含量高于9.20/%,随着SPC增加且鱼粉含量降低,氨基酸的表观消化率显著降低影响/(P<0.05/);且SPC含量为24.54/%,所有必需氨基酸的表观消化率均显著低于其余各组/(P<0.05/)。当SPC含量为24.54/%,除了丝氨酸、酪氨酸和丙氨酸外,其余非必需氨基酸表观消化率显著低于对照组和SPC含量为3.07/%-12.27/%组/(P<0.05/)。但是,饲料中SPC与鱼粉组合比例的变化对全虾水分、蛋白质和磷含量影响不显著/(P>0.05/)。本试验结果表明:/(1/)当SPC与鱼粉等氮组合比例高于9.20/%:21/%,随着SPC含量增加且鱼粉含量降低则引起凡纳滨对虾生长性能和饲料利用率下降,饲料中干物质、蛋白质、氨基酸、脂肪和能量的表观消化率以及血清总蛋白、葡萄糖、胆固醇含量及ACP和AKP的活性降低,血清甘油三酯含量增加;/(2/)在饲料蛋白质为40/%、鱼粉含量为30/%的凡纳滨对虾基础饲料中,SPC与鱼粉适宜的组合比例为9.20/%:21/%。 6.植物蛋白复合物与鱼粉组合对凡纳滨对虾生长、血液生化指标、非特异性免疫酶活性和养分表观消化率的影响 选择初始体重为0.518±0.005g的健康对虾苗1440尾,分成12个处理,每个处理3个重复,每重复40尾虾,分别投喂12组试验饲料。试验饲料组成包括以0/%、3.91/%、7.82/%、11.73/%、15.64/%和23.46/%的植物复合蛋白源/(膨化豆粕:花生粕:玉米蛋白粉=38/%:17/%:45/%/)分别与饲料中30/%、27/%、24/%、21/%、18/%和12/%的鱼粉组合配制成的6种等氮等能饲料/(编号分别为:NO、N10、N20、N30、N40和N60/);同时,在此基础上,分别通过添加L-赖氨酸、DL-蛋氨酸、L-苏氨酸和L-精氨酸以平衡各组中氨基酸含量配制成相应的另6种等氮等能饲料/(编号分别为:C0、C10、C20、C30、C40和C60/)。在36个0.5m3的玻璃纤维钢桶中,进行为期56d试验。 结果表明:当植物蛋白复合物含量为15.64/%,随着植物蛋白复合物含量增加且鱼粉含量下降,凡纳滨对虾增重率、SGR、蛋白质效率、蛋白沉积率和全虾蛋白质含量显著低于其余各组/(P<0.05/),饲料系数显著高于其余各组/(P<0.05/);当蛋白复合物含量高于11.73/%,显著降低血清总蛋白和葡萄糖含量及ACP和AKP活性/(P<0.05/),而血清甘油三酯含量则显著提高/(P<0.05/);当蛋白复合物含量高于7.82/%,则显著降低饲料干物质、蛋白质、脂肪和能量表观消化率/(P<0.05/);当蛋白复合物含量高于11.73/%,随着蛋白复合物含量增加且鱼粉含量降低,显著降低饲料中赖氨酸、蛋氨酸、苏氨酸、精氨酸、亮氨酸、异亮氨酸、苯丙氨酸和缬氨酸等8种必需氨基酸的表观消化率及天冬氨酸、脯氨酸、谷氨酸、丝氨酸、甘氨酸和丙氨酸等6种非必需氨基酸的表观消化率/(P<0.05/)。但是,植物蛋白复合物与鱼粉组合比例的变化对成活率、肝体比、全虾水分、脂肪和磷含量、血清总胆固醇含量、T-SOD和NOS活性及丝氨酸的表观消化率影响不显著/(P>0.05/)。通过植物蛋白复合物与鱼粉组合并平衡氨基酸后,当植物蛋白复合物与鱼粉组合比例为3.91/%:27/%,显著提高对虾增重率和SGR/(P<0.05/);提高血清总蛋白的含量及AKP和ACP的活性/(P<0.05/);提高饲料干物质、能量的表观消化率及蛋氨酸和丝氨酸的表观消化率/(P<0.05/);当植物蛋白复合物与鱼粉组合比例为15.64/%:18/%,提高全虾蛋白质含量/(P<0.05/)。 本试验结果表明:/(1/)植物蛋白复合物/(膨化豆粕:花生粕:玉米蛋白粉=38/%:17/%:45/%/)与鱼粉组合比例高于11.73/%:21/%,随着蛋白复合物含量增加且鱼粉含量下降则引起凡纳滨对虾生长性能和饲料利用率下降,饲料蛋白质、氨基酸、脂肪和能量的表观消化率及血清总蛋白、葡萄糖和甘油三酯含量和AKP、ACP的活性降低;/(2/)当蛋白复合物与鱼粉组合比例为3.91/%:27/%并平衡氨基酸,则显著提高增重率、SGR、蛋白沉积率、饲料干物质表观消化率及蛋氨酸、丝氨酸的表观消化率以及血清总蛋白含量、ACP和AKP活性:/(3/)在饲料蛋白质为40/%、鱼粉含量为30/%的凡纳滨对虾基础饲料中,蛋白复合物/(膨化豆粕:花生粕:玉米蛋白粉=38/%:17/%:45/%/)与鱼粉适宜的组合比例为11.73/%:21/%。 综上所述:鱼粉是凡纳滨对虾饲料优质的蛋白原料,通过干物质、蛋白质、氨基酸、脂肪、磷和能量表观消化率的测定结果可知,膨化豆粕、花生粕和玉米蛋白粉与鱼粉的养分表观消化率相当。但膨化豆粕、花生粕、玉米蛋白粉和大豆浓缩蛋白分别与鱼粉组合,超过一定比例,随着鱼粉含量下降则引起凡纳滨对虾生长性能、饲料利用率、蛋白酶和脂肪酶活性、饲料干物质、蛋白质、氨基酸、脂肪和能量的表观消化率以及血清中的总蛋白和血糖含量、血清ACP、AKP酶活性降低;通过膨化豆粕、花生粕和玉米蛋白粉按比例形成植物蛋白复合物与鱼粉组合,高于一定组合比例也引起凡纳滨对虾生长、饲料利用、消化酶活性、养分表观消化率、血液生化指标及非特异性免疫酶活性的降低;在不同组合比例基础上平衡氨基酸可进一改善植物蛋白复合物与鱼粉高比例组合所产生的负面效应。在饲料蛋白质为40/%、鱼粉含量为30/%的凡纳滨对虾基础饲料中,膨化豆粕、花生粕、玉米蛋白粉和大豆浓缩蛋白与鱼粉的适宜组合比例分别是:8.40/%:24/%、3.83/%:27/%、9.44/%:21/%和9.20/%:21/%,而植物蛋白复合物与鱼粉的适宜组合比例为11.73/%:21/%。 The apparent digestibility coefficients of protein, amino acid, lipid, phosphorus and energy of 11 kinds of different protein sources were determined in the first study by growth experiment and digestive experiment for white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei Boone. Furthermore, others studies explored the effects of feeding with different proportions of extruded soybean meal, peanut meal, corn gluten meal and soybean concentration protein combination with fish meal on growth performance, feed utilization, whole body compositions, blood biochemical index, non-specific immunity and apparent nutrient digestibility of white shrimp, respectively. Compounded of fish meal and plant protein sources /(composited by extruded soybean meal, peanut meal and corn gluten meal/); at the same time, compare to the effects of different proportions of plant protein mixture compounding with fish meal based on the amino acids balance. Subsequently, the optimal proportion of fish meal compounded with extruded soybean meal, peanut meal, corn gluten meal, soy protein concentrate and plant protein mixture for white shrimp were determined, respectively. The results can be briefly summarized as follows: 1. Apparent digestibility of selected feed ingredients in the diets for white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei, Boone Apparent digestibility coefficients /(ADCs/) of dry matter /(DM/), crude protein /(CP/), crude lipid /(CL/), gross energy /(GE/), phosphorus, and amino acids in fish meal /(FM/), fermented soybean meal /(FSBM/), extruded soybean meal /(ESBM/), soybean meal /(SBM/), peanut meal /(PNM/), wheat gluten meal /(WGM/), corn gluten meal /(CGM/), shrimp by-product meal /(SPM/), meat and bone meal /(MBM/), poultry meat meal /(PMM/) and plasma protein meal /(PPM/) were determined for white shrimp /(Litopenaeus vannamei/). A reference diet /(RF/) and test diets /(consisting of 69.5/% RF diet and 30/% of the feedstuff/) were used with 0.5/% Cr2O3 as an external indicator. A total of 1440 shrimp /(initial mean body weight 1.05±0.01g/) were randomly stocked into thirty-six 0.5m3 fiberglass tanks with 40 shrimp per tank and 3 tanks per diet. Feces were collected from triplicate groups of shrimp by a fecal collection vessel attached to the shrimp rearing tank. The shrimp were fed to apparent satiation 4 times a day and the feeding experiment lasted for 6 weeks.Results showed that apparent digestibility coefficients of dry matter, protein, lipid, phosphorus and energy of among all feedstuffs were significantly difference /(P<0.05/). Apparent dry matter digestibility of FM, WGM and CGM were significantly higher than that of PNM, SBM, FSBM and PMM /(P<0.05/); apparent dry matter digestibility of MBM and SPM were significantly lower than that of other feedstuffs /(P<0.05/). Apparent protein digestibility of PNM, PPM and FM were significantly higher than those of PMM, MBM and SPM /(P<0.05/); MBM and PMM were significantly lower than that of others feedstuffs /(P<0.05/).The apparent lipid digestibility of PNM was significantly higher than those of MBM, PMM and PPM /(P<0.05/); MBM was significantly lower than those of other feedstuffs /(P<0.05/). The apparent phosphorous digestibility of animal protein feedstuffs was significantly higher than those of plant protein feedstuffs /(P<0.05/). The apparent phosphorous digestibility of FM was significantly higher than those of MBM, PMM and PPM /(P<0.05/); PNM was significantly lower than those of FSBM, ESBM, WGM and CGM /(P<0.05/). The apparent energy digestibility of PPM, FM, CGM, WGM and PNM were significantly higher than those of PMM, FSBM and SPM /(P<0.05/); except that PMM and FSBM, SPM was significantly lower than those of other feedstuffs /(P<0.05/). The apparent digestibility of all kinds of essential amino acids and non-essential amino acids of ESBM, PNM and FM were higher in all feedstuffs /(P<0.05/), but apparent amino acid digestibility of MBM, PMM and SPM were significantly lower than other materials /(P<0.05/)。 2. Effects of combination of extruded soybean meal and fish meal on growth, digestive enzyme activities, blood biochemical indexes and apparent nutrient digestibility for Litopenaeus vannamei Boone A total of 720 shrimp /(initial body weight 0.67±0.02g/) were randomly distributed into eighteen 0.5m3 fiberglass tanks with 40 shrimp per tank and 3 tanks per diet, fed respectively with six kinds of isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets, which composed by compounded 0,4.28/%,8.40/%,12.62/%,16.82/% and 25.26/% extruded soybean meal /(ESBM/) and 30/%,27/%,24/%,21/%,18/% and 12/% fish meal, respectively. The shrimp were fed 4 times a day and the feeding experiment lasted for 56 d. The results indicated that WG, SGR and SR of white shrimp significantly decreased /(P<0.05/), with the diet containing ESBM above 12.62/%, but FCR increased significantly /(P<0.05/).Compared to those of the diets containing 4.80/% and 8.4/% ESBM, respectively. With the containing of ESBM increasing and fish meal decreasing, when the diet containing ESBM was above 4.28/%, the protein and phosphorous content of whole body in shrimp significantly decreased /(P<0.05/), but the lipid content of whole body in shrimp, G and TC content and activity of AKP and ACP in serum were increased significantly /(P<0.05/). Activities of hepatopancreas protease and lipase significantly decreased /(P<0.05/) with the diet containing ESBM was above 12.62/%, while activity of amylase significantly increased /(P<0.05/). Total protein content and LZM activity in serum significantly decreased /(P<0.05/) with the diet containing ESBM above 7.56/%. Apparent digestibility of dry matter, protein and energy in diet with 4.28/% ESBM and the control diets were higher than those with 16.82/% and 25.26/%, respectively /(P<0.05/).The apparent digestibility of total amino acid, all kinds of essential amino acids and non-essential amino acids significantly decreased /(P<0.05/) with the diets containing 16.82/% and 25.26/% ESBM than those in control diets /(P<0.05/). But, changes in proportion combination of ESBM and fish meal showed no significant /(P> 0.05/) effect on SR, ash content of whole body in shrimp and apparent lipid digestibility, respectively. Results from this study indicated:/(1/) when the isonitrogenous compounded ESBM and fish meal was over 8.40/%:24/% in diet,it showed that with decrease in growth performance and FCR with ESBM increasing and fish meal decreasing of white shrimp; decrease in apparent digestibility of protein, amino acid and energy in diet and as well as the activities of hepatopancreas protease and lipase; decrease in content of total protein and triglyceride and acid phosphatase activities in serum; /(2/) the optimal proportion of compounding with ESBM and fish meal was 8.40/%:24/% in the control diet for white shrimp, which contained 40/% protein and 30/% fish meal. 3. Effects of combination of peanut meal and fish meal on growth, digestive enzyme activities, blood biochemical indexes and apparent nutrient digestibility for Litopenaeus vannamei Boone A total of 720 shrimp /(initial body weight 0.75±0.01g/) were randomly distributed into eighteen 0.5m3 fiberglass tanks with 40 shrimp per tank and 3 tanks per diet, fed respectively with six kinds of isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets, which composed of combinations of 0,3.83/%,7.65/%,11.48/%,15.30/% and 22.96/% peanut meal /(PNM/) and 30/%,27/%,24/%,21/%,18/% and 12/% fish meal, respectively. The shrimp were fed 4 times a day and the feeding experiment lasted for 56d. The results indicated:the diet containing PNM was above 3.83/%, WG, SGR and PER of white shrimp significantly decreased /(P<0.05/), with PNM increasing and fish meal decreasing. FCR increased significantly /(P<0.05/) with the diet containing PNM was above 11.48/%, while the protein content of whole body in shrimp significantly decreased /(P<0.05/). The lipid content of whole body in shrimp significantly increased /(P<0.05/) with PNM was above 22.96/% in the diets. Activities of hepatopancreas protease and lipase significantly decreased /(P<0.05/) with peanut meal was above 7.56/% in the diets, while activity of amylase significantly increased /(P<0.05/). In the group with 7.56/% PNM, content of total protein and cholesterol, and acid phosphatase activities in serum were significantly higher than those of the diet with 22.96/% PNM /(P<0.05/). The apparent digestibility coefficients of dry matter, protein and energy in control diet were significantly higher than those of other diets /(P<0.05/). Apparent protein digestibility in group with containing 3.83/% and 7.65/% PNM was higher than those with 15.30/% and 22.9/% PNM /(P<0.05/).The apparent digestibility of total amino acid, nine kinds of essential amino acids and non-essential amino acids significantly decreased /(P<0.05/) with PNM increasing and FM decreasing, at the same time, those in control diet were significantly higher than those in other diets /(P<0.05/). The group containing 22.96/% PNM was significantly lower than those of others /(P< 0.05/). However, changes in compounded proportion of PNM and FM showed no significant /(P> 0.05/) effect on SR, phosphorus and ash content of whole body in shrimp and apparent lipid digestibility. Results from this study indicated:/(1/) with the isonitrogenous compounded proportion of PNM and FM was above 3.83/%:27/% in diet, it showed that with decrease in WG and FCR of white shrimp with PNM increasing and FM decreasing, decrease in apparent digestibility of protein, amino acids and energy in diets, and as well as the activities of hepatopancreas protease and lipase; decrease in total protein content and triglyceride and acid phosphatase activitiesd in serum; /(2/) the optimal proportion of compounding with PNM and FM was 3.83/%:27/% in the control diet for Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp, which contained 40/% protein and 30/% fish meal. 4. Effects of combination of corn gluten meal and fish meal on growth, digestive enzyme activities, blood biochemical indexes and apparent nutrient digestibility for Litopenaeus vannamei Boone A total of 720 shrimp /(initial body weight 0.712±0.012g/) were randomly distributed into eighteen 0.5m3 fiberglass tanks with 40 shrimp per tank and 3 tanks per diet, feeding respectively with six kinds of isonitrogen and isoenergetic diets, which composed by combination of 0,3.14/%,6.29/%,9.44/%,12.59/% and 18.88/% com gluten meal /(CGM/) and 30/%,27/%,24/%,21/%,18/% and 12/% fish meal /(FM/), respectively. The shrimp were fed 4 times a day and the feeding experiment lasted for 56 d. The results showed that the diet containing CGM was above 9.44/%, weight gain /(WG/) and SGR of white shrimp significantly decreased /(P<0.05/) with corn gluten meal increasing and fish meal decreasing, while FCR increased significantly /(P<0.05/); the content of CGM in diet was above 6.29/%, the protein and phosphorus content of whole body in shrimp significantly decreased /(P<0.05/), while lipid content significantly increased /(P<0.05/). The diet containing CGM was 9.44/%, accompanied with its increasing and fish meal decreasing, protease and lipase activities of hepatopancreas significantly decreased /(P<0.05/), while activities of amylase significantly increased /(P<0.05/). Total protein and triglyceride content in serum significantly decreased /(P<0.05/) when the diet containing CGM was above 3.14/%, while glucose content in serum significantly decreased significantly /(P<0.05/) with the diets containing CGM above 9.44/%. The cholesterol content in serum significantly increased /(P<0.05/) when CGM was above 6.9/%. Acid phosphatase activities in serum significantly decreased /(P<0.05/) when the content of CGM in the diet was above 9.44/%. Meanwhile, the apparent digestibility of dry matter, protein, lipid and energy significantly decreased in diet /(P<0.05/), and apparent digestibility of essential amino acids /(lysine, threonine, methionine, leucine, isoleucine, phenylalanine, valine and histidine, respectively/) were significantly lower, when the diet included 9.44/% CGM, accompanied with its increasing and fish meal decreasing, than those in control and groups included 3.14/% and 6.29/% CGM in diet, respectively /(P<0.05/). Apparent digestibility of non-essential amino acid /(glycine, alanine, proline, glutamic acid, aspartic acid and tyrosine/) significantly decreased /(P<0.05/) except serine. Apparent arginine digestibility in group included 12.59/% and 18.88/% CGM were significantly lower than that in other groups /(P<0.05/). But the variations were not marked /(P> 0.05/) in SR and ash contents of whole body among treatments. Results of this study indicated:/(1/) the isonitrogenous proportion compounded of CGM and fish meal was above 9.44/%:21/% in the diets, it showed that with decrease in growth performance of white shrimp and FCR with CGM increasing and FM decreasing; decreasing of apparent digestibility of dry matter, protein, amino acid and energy in diets and as well as the activities of hepatopancreas protease and lipase, the content of total protein, cholesterol, glucose and triglyceride, and acid phosphatase activities in serum; but, increasing activity of lipase; /(2/) the optimal proportion of compounding of CGM and FM was 9.44/%:21/% in the basic diet for Litopenaeus vannamei, which contained 40/% protein and 30/% fish meal. 5. Effects of combination of soy protein concentrate and fish meal on growth, blood biochemical indexes, activities of non-specific immune enzymes, and apparent nutrient digestibility for Litopenaeus vannamei Boone A total of 840 shrimp /(initial body weight 0.44±0.002g/) were randomly distributed into twenty- one 0.5m3 fiberglass tanks with 40 shrimp per tank and 3 tanks per diet, fed respectively with six kinds of isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets, which composed by compounded of 0,3.07/%,6.14/%,9.20/%,12.27/%,18.41/% and 25.54/% soy protein concentrate /(SPC/) and 30/%,27/%,24/%,21/%,18/%,12/% and 6/% fish meal/(FM/). respectively. The shrimp were fed 4 times a day and the feeding experiment lasted for 56d. Results indicated that the compounded proportion of SPC and FM was above 9.20/%:21/% in the diet, weight gain /(WG/) and SGR of white shrimp significantly decreased /(P<0.05/) with SPC increasing and fish meal decreasing, but FCR significantly increased /(P<0.05/). When the compounded proportion was above 12.27/%:18/%, protein efficiency ration /(PER/) and survival rate /(SR/) significantly decreased /(P<0.05/). The lipid content of whole body in shrimp with the diet containing 24.54/% SPC was significantly lower than that of other groups /(P<0.05/). Content of protein and cholesterol and activities of ACP, AKP, T-SOD and NOS in serum all significantly decreased /(P<0.05/), with the diet containing 9.2/% SPC. With containing SPC above 12.27/% in diets, acid phosphatase activities, apparent digestibility of dry matter and energy decreased significantly /(P<0.05/), on the contrary, the content of triglyceride glucose /(TG/) in serum were increased significantly /(P<0.05/). Apparent digestibility of protein and lipid in control group and the group with containing 3.07/% SPC, were higher than those in other groups significantly /(P<0.05/), then, there were in group with 18.41/% and 25.54/% SPC were lower than other groups, significantly /(P<0.05/).When the content of SPC in diet was above 9.20/%, accompanied with SPC increasing and fish meal decreasing, apparent digestibility of AA significantly decreased /(P<0.05/); With containing 24.54/% SPC in the diets, apparent digestibility of all the essential AA were lower than those of other groups, significantly/(P<0.05/), at the same time, apparent digestibility of all non-essential amino acids were significantly lower than those in control group and group with containing SPC ranging from 3.07/%-12.27/%, with the diet containing 25.54/% SPC /(P<0.05/), except phenylalanine, tyrosine and serine. But the variations were not marked /(P> 0.05/) in moisture, protein and phosphorous contents of whole body among treatments. Results from this study indicated:/(1/) with the isonitrogenous compounded proportion of SPC and fish meal was higher than 9.20/%:21/%, it showed that with decrease in growth performance of white shrimp and FCR as SPC increasing and FM decreasing, decrease in apparent digestibility of dry matter, protein, AA, lipid and energy, the content of protein, cholesterol and activities of ACP, AKP, NOS and SOD, increase in the content of triglyceride glucose; /(2/) the optimal proportion of compounding with SPC and FM was 9.02/%:21/% in the basic diet for shrimp, which contained 40/% protein and 30/% FM. 6. Effects of combination of the plant protein mixture and fish meal on growth, blood biochemical indexes, activities of non-specific immune enzymes, and apparent nutrient digestibility in Litopenaeus vannamei Boone A total of 1440 shrimp /(initial body weight 0.518±0.005g/) were randomly distributed into thirty-six 0.5m3 fiberglass tanks with 40 shrimp per tank and 3 tanks per diet, fed respectively with six kinds of isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets composed by compounded of 0,3.91/%,7.82/%,11.73/%,15.64/% and 23.46/% plant protein mixture /(ESBM:PNM:CGM=38/%:17/%:45/%/) and 30/%,27/%,24/%,21/%,18/% and 12/% fish meal /(number:NO, N10, N20, N30, N40 and N60/), respectively; at the same time, on this basis, adding crystalline amino acids/(AA/) /(including L-lysine, DL-methionine, L-threonine and L-arginine/) in order to balance content of AA to produce corresponding other six diets /(number: C0, C10, C20, C30, C40 and C60/), The shrimp were fed 4 times a day and the feeding experiment lasted for 56 d. Results from this study indicated: WG, SGR, PER and the protein content of whole body in shrimp were significantly lower than those in other groups of white shrimp /(P<0.05/), with the diet containing plant protein mixture was above 15.64/% accompanied with its increasing and FM decreasing, while FCR significantly higher than other groups /(P<0.05/).When the complex protein was above 11.73/%, accompanied with its increasing and FM decreasing, the content of TG in serum of white shrimp were significantly increased /(P<0.05/). With the diet containing complex protein was above 7.82/%, the apparent digestibility of dry matter, protein, AA and energy were significantly decreased /(P<0.05/). With the diet containing complex protein was above 11.73/%, the apparent digestibility of eight essential amino acids including lysine, methionine, threonine, arginine, leucine, isoleucine, phenylalanine and valine were significantly decreased /(P<0.05/), and so as well to the six non-essential amino acid including aspartic acid, proline, glutamic acid,serine, glycine and alanine /(P<0.05/). But, the variations were not marked /(P>0.05/) in moisture and lipid content of whole body, SR, HBI, total cholesterol content and activities of T-SOD and NOS in serum and apparent Serine digestibility among treatments. When the proportion was 3.91/%:27/% in the die with amino acid balance, the WG and SGR of shrimp, the total protein content and activity of AKP and ACP in serum were significant increased /(P<0.05/), meanwhile, the apparent digestibility of dry matter, energy, methionine and serine were significantly increased/(P<0.05/). With the proportion of plant protein mixture compounded with fish meal was 15.64/%:18/% in the diet with adding crystalline amino acids, the protein content of whole body in shrimp significantly increased /(P<0.05/). The results showed that /(1/) when the proportion of plant protein mixture /(including ESBM: PNM: CGM=38/%:17/%:45/%/) compounded with FM above 11.73/%:21/%, growth performance and feed utilization, apparent digestibility coefficients of protein, AA, lipid and energy, the total protein content and TG in serum were significantly decreased of juvenile shrimp /(P<0.05/), so as well to the activities of ACP and AKP; /(2/) When the proportion of compounded plant protein mixture with fish meal was 3.91/%:27/% in the diet with adding crystalline amino acids, WG, SGR, the apparent digestibility of dry matter, energy and methionine and serine, total protein content and activities of ACP and AKP in serum were significantly increased /(P<0.05/); /(3/) the optimal proportion of plant protein mixture /(ESBM:PNM:CGM=38/%:17/%:45/%/) compounding with FM was 11.73/%:21/%, in the basic diet for Litopenaeus vannamei, which contained 40/% protein and 30/% fish meal. In summary, fish meal is a high quality protein resource for Litopenaeus vannamei, and the experiments results of the apparent digestibility of dry matter, protein, AA and energy revealed ESBM, PNM and CGM are comparable to fish meal regarding bioavailability. However, through the differential combinations of extruded soybean meal, peanut meal, corn gluten meal and soy protein concentrate with fish meal, respectively, growth performance feed utilization reduced as content of FM decreasing; the activities of proteinase and lipase and the apparent digestibility of dry matter, protein, AA, lipid and energy decreased of Litopenaeus vannamei. As well as, the total protein and glucose content in serum decreased too, same as to the ACP and AKP activities. Decreased.in the growth, protein utilization, digestive enzyme activity, apparent nutrient digestibility, blood biochemical index and non-specific immunity, when exorbitanced proportion of plant protein mixture /(composed by:ESBM:PNM: CGM=38/%:17/%:45/%/) compounding with FM in the diets. Based on the different compounded proportion, balanced AA could reduce the negative effect, which caused by compounded of plant protein mixture and FM. In the control diet which containing 40/% protein and 30/% FM for white shrimp, the optimal proportion of ESBM, PNM, CGM and SPC, respectively, compounding with fish meal were 8.40/%:24/%, 3.83/%:27/%,9.44/%:21/% and 9.20/%:21/%, respectively, and the optimal proportion compounded of plant protein mixture and FM was 11.73/%:21/%.

关 键 词: 凡纳滨对虾 鱼粉 植物蛋白源 组合 表观消化率

分 类 号: [S96 S95]

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学] [农业科学] [农业科学]


作者 刘小玲
作者 傅学丽


机构 华南农业大学
机构 广东海洋大学


作者 李振义
作者 吴晨
作者 张琳
作者 丁培强
作者 吴肖林