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On the Occurrence and Acceptance of Cultural Misreading in Translation

导  师: 王东风

学科专业: E0201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学

摘  要: 翻译是一个复杂的文化交流活动。文化是语言赖以生存的土壤,而语言则是文化的载体,所以作为语际交流手段的翻译,不仅是语言信息的转换过程,更是文化信息的移植。德国16世纪著名的哲学家莱布尼茨曾说:“世界上没有两片相同的树叶”。所以文化之间的差异是客观的存在。由于文化的差异性,不同文化之间的误读在所难免。“误读”这一概念原本是阅读活动中的一种现象。它是指读者对其阅读活动的对象,即文本的不正确理解或创造性阐释。文化误读是指对自己本族或其他民族文化中的某些生僻或普遍问题产生误解的现象。本文将分析翻译中的文化误读现象产生的原因及其在译语国家的接受情况,这里的所讨论的文化误读主要是在翻译过程中译者对他者文化的有意或无意改写,而不是指一个简单的错误或失误。 传统翻译研究的重点主要集中在源文本与目标文本的关系上,忠实和对等是翻译标准的关键。学者们大都把注意力主要放在作品本身而忽略了读者的接受。本文主要建立在哲学阐释学和接受理论的基础上,读者的作用进一步受到重视。在文化的大背景下,文化误译的产生源于诸多因素。一方面,文化差异及文本的历史性、不确定性使得误读成为必然。另一方面,由于理解的历史性,文化误译现象不可避免;偏见的存在说明翻译不是对原作的简单复制,而是译者对原作的创造性叛逆;译者的当下视域很难与原作者的视域完全融合,文化过滤现象无法避免;译文的读者不是原作的隐含读者;期待视野的存在决定译者翻译策略的选择。本文由引言、四个章节和结论三部分构成。 引言部分从整体上介绍了文化误读现象产生的原因、这一问题的研究现状和研究这一现象的意义以及本文的写作目的。 第一章阐述什么是文化和文化误读以及文化误读的分类,为理解文化的复杂性和引起文化误读现象客观因素提供基础。 第二章阐述了全文的理论依据。运用哲学阐释学、接受美学和操纵流派的观点,分析了文化误读现象存在的可能性。 第三章论述了导致文化误读的主、客观因素。作者、译者和读者等主观因素与文化差异等客观因素最终导致文化误读。 第四章从接受环境、个体差异和译语国家的需要三个方面对翻译中的文化误读现象在译入语国家的接受情况进行详细分析和进一步探讨。它把我们的焦点从语言细节转移到译本在译入语国家的功能上。 第五章分析了文化误读的积极和消极意义。文化误读在一定程度上阻滞了文化交流,应尽量避免。但文化误读作为一种客观存在,有其积极意义。在文学史上,误读带来了一些意想不到的结果:它引起了某一文学运动或使某一类作者成为某文学学派的先驱。 结语部分指出翻译作为文化性很强的活动,应该放在广泛的文化背景下进行评价。文化误读作为翻译中不可避免的现象,应该予以正确看待。而且文化误读对于翻译研究、评论具有不同寻常的意义,译界对之更应予以重视。 Translation is a complex cultural and communicative activity. Culture is the soil that language is rooted for existence, while the language is the carrier of culture. Therefore, as a means of communication between languages, translation is not only the transfer of language information, but the transplantation of cultural information. Leibniz, a famous German philosopher in the 16th century once said:“There are no two identical leaves.”Therefore, the difference between cultures is an objective existence, which will inevitably induce misreading between different cultures. The concept of misreading is originally a phenomenon of reading activities. It refers to readers’incorrect understanding or creative interpretation to the source texts which are the objects of their reading activities. Cultural misreading is a phenomenon of readers’misunderstanding to some of the common or uncommon problems in their own culture or other cultures. This thesis is to analyze the occurrence and acceptance of cultural misreading in translation. And the author of this thesis is to mainly discuss such kind of cultural misreading that translators from different cultures may intentionally or unintentionally rewrite the other culture in the process of translation when communicating with each other rather than a simple error or mistake. Traditional translation studies focus mainly on the relationship between the source text and the target text, and faithfulness and equivalence are taken as key criterion. The scholars tend to concentrate their attention on the work itself while paying little attention to the acceptance of readers. This thesis is mainly based on philosophical hermeneutics and reception theory, and more attention is paid to the roles of readers. In the context of culture, cultural misreading emerged as a result of many factors. On one hand, cultural differences, historicity of texts and uncertainty of meanings of texts make the misreading inevitable. On the other hand, cultural misreading is inevitable because of the historicity of understanding. The existence of bias illustrates translation is not a simple copy to the original but the translator’s creative treason. It is hard for the translator to fully fuse his immediate horizon with the horizon of the original author, and the phenomenon of cultural filtering can not be avoided. The target readers are not the implied readers of the original, and the existence of horizon of expectations influences the translator’s choice of translation strategies. This thesis consists of three parts: the introduction, five chapters and the conclusion. Introduction gives a brief account of cultural misreading, situation of its present study, its causes and great significance. Also, the purpose of this thesis is presented. Chapter one expounds the definition of culture and cultural misreading as well as the classification of cultural misreading, providing a basis for the understanding of the complexity of culture and the objective factors that induce cultural misreading. Chapter Two provides the theoretical foundation of this thesis. By applying some core concepts of hermeneutics and reception theory, this chapter analyzes the possibility of cultural misreading. Chapter Three elaborates the subjective and objective factors that cause cultural misreading. Subjective factors such as the author, the translator and the target readers along with the objective factors such as the cultural discrepancies contribute to cultural misreading. Chapter Four presents a detailed analysis and further exploration of the acceptance of the cultural mistranslations in the target countries from the aspects of the acceptant foundation, individual difference and needs of the target countries. It shifts our focus from the language details to the function of the translated versions in the target countries. Chapter Five analyzes the positive and negative significance of cultural misreading. On one hand, cultural misreading should be avoided because it restrains the cultural exchanges to a certain extent. On the other hand, cultural misreading, as an objective existence, has its positive significance. In the history of literature, misreading brought some unexpected results: it gave rise to certain literary movements or made an author become a pioneer of a certain school of literature. In conclusion, translation, as a cultural activity, should be evaluated in a wide range of cultural backgrounds. Cultural misreading, as an unavoidable phenomenon in translation, should be treated reasonably. Since cultural misreading has significant influences on translation studies, more importance should be attached to it.

关 键 词: 文化误读 理解的历史性 期待视野 文化差异

分 类 号: [I5]

领  域: [文学]


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机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广州大学外国语学院
机构 华南农业大学外国语学院


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