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Research on the Yi-ology Data Contained in the Notes of Song Dynasty

导  师: 王承略

学科专业: E0104

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 山东大学

摘  要: “笔记”作为一种随笔记录的杂散材料,由来已久,至两宋时期蔚为大观。据江苏广陵古籍刻印社1983年刻印的《历代笔记小说大观》、上海古籍出版社1992年出版的《四库笔记小说丛书》等笔记丛书,可知宋人笔记的数量至少约四、五百种,多为宋代士人随笔记录的所见所闻或读书心得,涉及政治、历史、文化、自然科学、社会生活等诸多领域,内容丰富,其中不乏真知灼见,但因内容繁杂、体例多样、长短不一等因素,这类典籍的学术价值尚未得到深入挖掘。进入二十世纪后,学者开始对浩如烟海的宋人笔记进行初步整理,陆续出版了一系列笔记丛书,在此基础上,从多角度、多层面对其进行了审视和研究,在小学、文学、医学、民俗、政治、历史、典章制度等方面,取得了可喜成就,但迄今为止,还没有专门的论文或著作详细探讨其中的易学资料。宋人笔记中的易学资料数量众多,按其主要内容,可大体分为以下几类:1.宋人已亡佚的易著和易说方面的资料;2.非主流学者治易之法和易学思想的资料;3.《周易》训诂、校勘等方面的资料;4.宋代易学传承等方面的资料。这些易学资料多为贯通经、史的学者撰写或记录,其中的一些人还曾供职于内阁秘府,有机会接触到皇家藏书,因此他们所撰写的易学资料大多富有创见,由此我们可以窥探著作已亡佚的易家的治易思想和方法,亦可管窥一些当时尚存但后来亡佚的《周易》专著的情况。这些材料为我们了解《周易》经、传的早期面貌提供了宝贵的文献资料,为古籍整理、版本校勘提供了参考依据,为我们厘清“援史证易”的缘起、发展及兴盛提供了很多有价值的线索。还有一部分学者不但精于易学,而且对当时盛行的理学亦有独特体认,所以通过梳理和研究这部分学者所撰写的易学资料,可以全面把握汉唐易学在宋� As a causal record of spurious materials, Notes has a long history. But til Song Dynasty, it became prevalent. According to Biji Daguang of Successive Dynaties, imprinted by The Jiangsu Guangling Ancient Book Imprinting Agency in 1983,and Biji Series of Si Ku, published by Shanghai Ancient Book Publishing House in 1992, we know that the species of the Song Notes come to 400 to 500 at least, most of which are causally recorded by the Song Dynasty Scholars of what they saw and heard and what they learned from their studies, covering political, historical, cultural, natural sciences, social life and many other fields. There are no less insights in such a rich content. But the academic value of these species has not yet been thoroughly excavated because of their complex contents, diverse styles, different lengths and other factors. When it came to 21 century, scholars began to collate the tremendous amount of the Song Notes initially and a series notes in succession books were published. Also in this basis, the scholars made a multi-angle, multi-level observation and investigation of these notes, and has made gratifying achievements in Xiaoxue, literature, medicine, folklore, politics, history, laws and institutions and so on. So far, however, there are no specific papers or books which detailed the Yi-ology, which take a large number in Song Notes. Based on the main contents of these Yi-ology notes, they can be roughly divided into the following categories:/(1/) Data about Yi-ology ideas and works that have been scattered and disappear; /(2/) Data about the Yi-ology learning methods and Yi-ology thoughts that belong to the Non-mainstream scholars; /(3/) Data of collation and explanatory notes of Yi-ology, /(4/) Data of Yi-ology inheritance in Song Dynasty. Mostly written or recorded by those scholars who had a thorough knowledge of Jing and Shi and some of whom had worked at the Cabinet Secretariat Government and had the chance to access the royal collection, these data were full of original ideas. From these data w

关 键 词: 宋人笔记 易学资料 述论

领  域: [历史地理] [历史地理] [历史地理] [历史地理]


作者 武小平
作者 钟东
作者 杨清华
作者 孙爱玲
作者 颜小华


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学历史文化学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院历史系
机构 暨南大学文学院中国文化史籍研究所


作者 徐佳宁
作者 曾彧
作者 杨卫华
作者 欧阳娟
作者 武小平