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Study on Dilemma and Measures of Non-governmental Organizations Development in China

导  师: 帅学明

学科专业: L0401

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东海洋大学

摘  要: 20世纪70年代以来,非政府组织的数量提升、规模增大,得到空前发展,形成了“全球结社革命”,促进了整个世界多元社会的发展。非政府组织不仅满足了人们的各方面需求,还构成了重要的经济力量,对政治、社会生活做出了重大贡献。在中国,非政府组织也是一项既重要又复杂的组织领域。1978年以来,中国逐渐由传统的高度集中的计划经济体制转向社会主义市场经济体制。中国经济改革开放带动社会进步,中国逐渐形成了企业、政府和非政府组织这三大部门。我国的非政府组织包括大批有党政背景的社会团体、基金会和民办非企业单位、转型中的事业单位,更包括千千万万自下而上公民自发成立的草根民间组织。它们经过30多年的发展,数量迅速增多,种类更加齐全,能力有所提高,影响力日益增强,与国际非政府组织的合作日益增多,承担起越来越多的社会责任。论文首先介绍了该论题的研究背景、意义、思路和方法,并概述国内外对非政府组织存在的原因和发展困境等相关研究的进展情况。接着对非政府组织的概念、基本特征等一般理论进行了梳理,并分析了非政府组织的作用和发展现状,并以新公共管理理论、治理理论、公共选择理论为依据,运用文献分析法、比较分析法与案例研究法对我国非政府组织面临的困境及对策研究进行了比较详尽的分析和探讨。我国非政府组织面临的外部制度困境主要包括非政府组织法律体系有待改进与完善,政府控制型管理取向亟待转变这两方面。自身缺陷困境主要包括非政府组织功能定位不明晰,资源不充沛,自律机制不健全,行为不规范,整体发展不平衡这五个方面。以武汉流浪动物救助中心为例,分析了地方性非政府组织发展状况,说明了类似非政府组织所普遍面临的问题,包括缺乏带动和辐射能力,发展前景不明,� Since the 70s of the 20th century, the numbers and scales of non-governmental organizations are increasing. NGOs have unprecedentedly developed and came into 'global association revolution', promoting the development of pluralistic societies in the world. NGOs not only meet the needs of all people, but also constitute an important economic power to make significant contribution in political and social life. NGOs are also important and complex organizations in China. Since 1978, the traditional highly centralized planned economic system gradually turned to socialist market economic system in China. China's economic reform and opening up made social progress, and China gradually formed three departments such as business, government and NGOs. The NGOs in China including a large number of social groups with party and government backgrounds, foundations and private non-enterprise units, transformation of institutions, but also including hundreds of thousands of citizens have established bottom-up grass-roots civil society organizations. After 30 years, NGOs rapidly increase in the number, complete in type, improve in ability, and cooperate with international NGOs, and take more and more social responsibility. This paper introduces the research background, meaning, ideas and methods of the topic, and outlines the related research of domestic and international NGOs in the causes and plight of development. And then explain the concept and the basic characteristics of NGOs, and analyzes the function and the condition of NGOs. According to new public management theory, governance theory, public choice theory, and uses document analysis, comparative analysis and case study method to analyze and discuss the dilemma and measures of NGOs. China's NGOs face difficulties outside the system, including NGOs major room for improvement and perfection of legal system, the Government-controlled management Tropism changes in both. Their own deficiencies, including NGOs, the plight of the main function of orientation is not clear,

关 键 词: 非政府组织 制度困境 对策

领  域: [文化科学] [经济管理]


作者 向薇
作者 李在法
作者 郑苑妃
作者 郭鸿炜
作者 崔洪瑞


机构 暨南大学
机构 广东海洋大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学公共管理学院


作者 张健
作者 张方超
作者 彭铁牛
作者 彭飞
作者 徐广生