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导  师: 江沛

学科专业: F0107

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 南开大学

摘  要: 中国国民党改组后,仿行苏俄体制自上而下建立了一整套新的党务组织系统,采用了代表大会制和委员制。按照民主主义集权制的组织原则,以全国代表大会、地方代表大会、地方党员代表大会为各级权力机关,以各级执行委员会为执行机关。全国代表大会闭会期间为中央执行委员会,中央执行委员会全体会议闭会期间执行职权之机关是中央常务委员会。此即中国国民党中央执行委员会常务委员会这一机构的由来,它的创立是结合中国实际与苏俄组织的一个创举,然而,学术界对于它的研究却相对薄弱,除在个别论著和论文中简要提及外,尚无专文系统论述。 由于全国代表大会及中央执行委员会会期间隔较长,召开次数有限,不能及时对相关问题做出决策,而作为中央执行委员会常设机关的中央常务委员会,定期开会,每周至少开会一次,而且出席人员相对固定,能及时决策相关问题,更是由于国民党一党执政的关系,中常会因而成为中国国民党重要的决策中心,具有代行最高权力的功能,是党内政策的发源地和最高立法机关,是党务系统得以运转的总指挥。 作为国民党党务的最高决策机构,它掌理国民党组织、宣传、训练、人事及财务等相关事宜,决策党内法令规章,指导国民党中央党部及各级地方党部工作,对于中央各部会及地方党部的呈请事项及时做出决策,使得国民党党务系统正常运转;另一方面它指导国民党政务施行,中常会对政务的指导体现在对中政会及国防最高委员会呈送之相关政务问题的处理,中政会作为国民党与国民政府之间的桥梁,指导国民政府施政,然而中政会的组织条例及人选由中常会决议,中政会的决议案须报告与中常会,由中常会交由国民政府执行,战时特殊时期,名义上国防最高委员会统一指挥党政军大权,它代行中政会职权,实际上,对于党务问题仍由中常会直接决策,国防最高委员会依然将决议案报告于中常会,呈请中常会备案。训政前期,中常会作为法理上代表国民行使政权的最高常设决策机构,使得国民党党务系统逐步建立和完善。 中常会自1926年1月创立,在实际运行中,经历了一个过程,广州国民政府时期,它主要负责指导党务工作,制定各级党部组织法规,指导各地党部建立及及时处理党部纠纷及财务等问题,武汉国民政府时期,中常会统一指挥党政军大权,而南京国民政府时期,中常会则继续掌理党务工作。训政前期,中常会的地位得以正式确立,《训政纲领》在法理上确立其代行国民行使政权的地位,在实际运作中,它是国民党党务的决策中心。战时特殊时期,虽然中常会依然决策党务,但是总裁的设立,使得中常会对总裁负责,对于重要议案及人事任免等问题,由总裁核准后,中常会“照章通过”,直至战后,依然如此,中常会的职权逐渐虚化。 此外,国民党内派系纷争,也影响了中常会职能的发挥,汪系、胡系、蒋系之间纷争不断,体现在中常委的变化及组织、决策等方面,占主导地位的一方,中常委人数较多,而且对其决议能否通过具有决定性影响,在国民党派系内耗中,以军事起家的蒋介石最终取胜,中常委人数不断增多至55人,成为蒋介石平衡其内部各派利益的工具。 综上所述,在中国国民党的历史上,中常会发挥了重要的作用,它透过决策组织法规及人事任免等方式,制定党务活动的准则,指导国民党党务运作,使得国民党党务系统逐步完善,国民党各级党部建立,党员人数有一定的发展,宣传与训练工作也取得了一定的成效,虽然其职权最后虚化,但是其在法理上的地位一直没有改变,即使是对总裁负责,总裁的决议也需由中常会决议后,以法的形式,交由相关机构执行,对政务的指导亦是如此。 After reorganization, the Chinese Kuomintang imitated the Soviet Union system, established a whole set of new system of party organization from the top down and adopted the representative assembly system and the committee member system. According to the democratic principles of centralized system of organization, Kuomintang took the National Congress, the Local Assembly, and the Local Party Members Assembly as different levels of organs of power and the Executive Committees as executive institutions. When the National Congress is not in session, the Central Executive Committee is the highest ruling body of the Party and when the Central Executive Committee is not in session, the Central Standing Committee takes the responsibility. This is the origin of the Chinese Kuomintang's Central Standing Committee of the Central Executive Committee, which combined the creation of the actual conditions of China and the Soviet organization, however, the academic research in this field has been relatively weak. Except very few works and papers which briefly mentioned that, there is no monograph or treatise yet. Because the National Congress and the Central Executive Committee had relatively longer intervals and limited sessions, they could not make timely decisions on related issues, while being the permanent organ of the Central Executive Committee, the Central Standing Committee held regular meetings at least once a week, and the participants were relatively fixed and could deal with issues in time. And also, due to Kuomintang's one-party rule, the Central Standing Committee became an important decision-making center of the party and could function as the highest authority, which was the birthplace of the party policies, the highest legislature and the commander-in-chief of the system's smooth operation. Being the highest decision-making organ of Kuomintang, the Central Standing Committee managed the organization, publicity, training, personnel, finance and other related issues of the party, set the party laws and regulations, guided the Kuomintang headquarters and the work of the party place at all levels, discussed timely matters for the central ministries and local party petition, and made the normal operation of the Kuomintang party system; On the other hand, the Chinese Kuomintang Central Standing Committee was to guide the implementation of the Kuomintang's political affairs, which embodied in managing affairs submitted by the Central Political Committee and the Supreme Council of National Defense Council. Although as a bridge between the party and the national government, the Central Political Committee guided the national government to implement policy, the organization regulations and candidates of the Central Political Committee were decided by the Central Standing Committee, resolutions of the Central Political Committee should be reported to the Central Standing Committee and the Central Standing Committee then would send them to the National Government which finally would implement the resolutions. In the wartime, the Supreme Council of National Defense nominally unified and commanded the party, government, and military power, taking the place of the Central Political Committee, in fact, the Central Standing Committee still made direct decisions on party issues, and the Supreme Council of National Defense should still report to the Central Standing Committee which was to put on files. In the early days of allocution, the Central Standing Committee was the highest national decision-making body on behalf of the whole nation, and the Kuomintang party system was gradually established and perfected. Since it was established in January 1926, the Central Standing Committee went through a process in its actual operation. During the period of the Guangzhou National Government, it was mainly responsible for the guidance of party work, party organizations at all levels, formulated laws and regulations, guided and set up the party at all levels, dealt with disputes and financial and other issues effectively. During the period of Wuhan National Government, the Central Standing Committee unified the command of party, government, and military power, but in the period of the Nationalist Government in Nanjing, it again turned to deal with the party work. In the early days of allocution, the status of the Central Standing Committee was formally established by the Guiding Principle of Political Tutelage, which entitled the committee to execute power on behalf of the people. In real operation, the Central Standing Committee was Kuomintang's decision-making center. During special periods of war, although the Central Standing Committee still made decisions, the establishment of the president made the Central Standing Committee became responsible to the president; the president would decide the appointment, removal, the motions and other important issues etc, and the Central Standing Committee had to 'go by the rules' until after the war, and the function of the Central Standing Committee was gradually weakened. In addition, the Kuomintang factional disputes affected the function of the Central Standing Committee. The constant disputes among Wang, Hu and Jiang factions, was reflected in the changes of the Standing Committee, the organization and decision-making. The dominant faction always had a larger number of committee members in the Standing Committee, and its resolution could be passed with a decisive influence. Chiang Kai-shek's military finally started to win in the internal factions of the Kuomintang and the Standing Committee number increased to 55 and became Chiang Kai-shek's instrument of balancing the interests between internal factions. To sum up, the Central Standing Committee played an important role in the history of the Chinese Kuomintang. It guided the operation of the Kuomintang through its laws, regulations and personnel appointments and removals, etc., and thus the Kuomintang system was gradually improved, their party headquarters were set up at all levels, the number of party members increased, promotion and training became effective. Although its function later was weakened, the legal status of the Central Standing Committee was not changed. Even when it was responsible to the president, the resolutions of the president must still be decided and delivered to relevant departments in the form of law by the Central Standing Committee. So was the implementation of government guidance.

关 键 词: 中国国民党党国体制 中央常务委员会 中央政治会议 委员会 国防最高委员会 国民党派系

分 类 号: [K26]

领  域: [历史地理] [历史地理]


作者 刘曼容
作者 莫世祥
作者 党彦虹
作者 刘山鹰
作者 曹清华


机构 华南师范大学政治与行政学院
机构 学院
机构 中山大学
机构 南方医科大学马克思主义学院
机构 深圳大学当代中国政治研究所


作者 徐佳宁
作者 曾彧
作者 杨卫华
作者 欧阳娟
作者 武小平