导 师: 蒋静坪
学科专业: H08
授予学位: 博士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 浙江大学电气工程学院
摘 要:
Cluster analysis is a main branch of Pattern Recognition, which is widely used in many fields such as pattern analysis, data mining, information retrieval and image segmen-tation. In these fields, however, there is usually little priori knowledge available about the data. In response to these restrictions, clustering methodology come into being, which is particularly appropriate for the investigation of interrelationships between unlabeled data points. In other words, Cluster analysis is the formal study of algorithms and methods for grouping or classifying unlabeled data points, and its task is to find the inherent structure of a given collection of unlabeled data points and group them into meaningful clusters. In the typical clustering algorithms, data points for clustering are fixed in their positions, and they are grouped by designing different functions to find the clustering centers or bound-aries. In recent years, however, a new idea has emerged in clustering algorithms that some researchers begin to consider data points as movable agents or the like. They move in space according to some simple rules and form clusters automatically.
In addition, Quantum Computation is an extremely exciting and rapidly growing field. More recently, an increasing number of researchers with different backgrounds, ranging from physics, computer sciences and information theory to mathematics and philosophy, are involved in researching properties of quantum-based computation. During the last decade, a series of significant breakthroughs have been made. One was that Peter Shor surprised the world by proposing a polynomial-time quantum algorithm for integer factor-ization in 1994, while in the classical world the best-known classical factoring algorithm works in exponential time. Three years later, Lov Grover proved that a quantum computer could search an unsorted database in the square root of the time. These successes make us realize that powerful quantum computers can figure out solutions faster and better than the best kn