导 师: 李霞
学科专业: C0105
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 山东大学
摘 要: 在老龄化社会到来的今天,越来越多的成年人因为疾病、意外、年老等原因逐渐丧失了完整的民事行为能力,与之相对应,我国在成年人监护领域的法律规范却十分不完备,社会矛盾凸显。英国于2007年实施了新的意思能力法案——2005年意思能力法案,在该部法案中,详细规定了有关成年人监护制度的规范。希望通过本文对该法案的介绍,能为我国成年人监护制度的建立和完善有所启发。 本文共分四个部分,主要通过对英国2005年意思能力法案的介绍和对比我国的现状,全文通过比较法,从学理和实践的角度,较为全面的介绍了成年人监护制度的完善。 第一部分,简要介绍英国2005年意思能力法案的基本结构和意思能力法案与相关法学理论的关系。通过对该部分的介绍,形成对意思能力法案的基本认识。 第二部分,详细介绍英国2005年意思能力法案的全部内容,主要包括成年人行为能力认定标准、代理人的选任、持续新代理权制度、保护法院的相关内容。 第三部分,从法理和实践的角度上,进一步说明该法案核心内容——成年人民事行为能力认定标准、持续性代理权制度、公权力机关对监护制度的监督作用。 第四部分,通过对比我国目前的状态和英国2005年意思能力法中规定,找出我国制度中存在的不足,在此基础上,通过借鉴他国的先进经验,构建适于我国国情的成年人监护制度体系。 In today's arrival of an aging society, more and more adults due to illness, accident, old age and other reasons lose a full civil capacity, corresponding to our country in the field of adult guardianship laws and regulations but it is very non-complete and prominent social contradictions. The United Kingdom in 2007, meaning the ability to implement the new Act-meaning the ability Act of 2005, in which the Department bill, detailed provisions relating to adult guardianship system specifications. Hope that through this paper, the bill introduced for our adult guardianship system, establishment and improvement of some inspiration. This paper is divided into five parts, mainly through the ability of the United Kingdom Act of 2005 meant the introduction and contrast the status of our paper by comparing the law, from a theoretical and practical point of view, a more comprehensive description of the adult guardianship system, perfect or not. The first part briefly describes the United Kingdom Act of 2005 meant the ability of the basic structure and meaning of the Bill and related capacity-law theory relationship. Through that part of the introduction to the meaning of the ability to form a basic understanding of the Bill. The second part, details of Britain in 2005 meant the ability of the entire bill, which mainly includes the ability adults finds that standards of conduct, the agent of selection, continuing the new power of attorney system to protect the Court's relevant content. The third part, from a legal and practical point of view, to further the core of the bill-an adult capacity for civil conduct Standards, persistent power of attorney system, the public authority of the guardianship system, a supervisory role. Part IV, by comparing the current state of China and the United Kingdom in 2005 the provisions of the law meant the ability to identify shortcomings in our system, on this basis, through learning the advanced experience of other countries to construct suitable for China's national conditions adult guardianship institutional system.
关 键 词: 英国 年意思能力法 持续性代理权 意思能力 公共监护人
分 类 号: [D9]
领 域: [政治法律]