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Investigation of Clostridium Perfringens Toxin Types Isolated from Animals in Shandong Province by Multiplex-PCR

导  师: 柴同杰

学科专业: I0602

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 山东农业大学

摘  要: 为搞清楚山东省魏氏梭菌毒素型真实分布情况,建立了MULTI-PCR检测方法,对近5年内本省流行过该病的德州、泰安、枣庄等地的24个养殖场采集的692个样品进行了检测,共分离到124株魏氏梭菌,检出率为17.9﹪;经MULTI-PCR检测均为A型。本研究共分四部分:第一部分:魏氏梭菌的分离和初步鉴定将采集的粪便样品分别无菌称取5G稀释到50ML营养肉汤中,置于厌氧培养箱中43℃增菌18H,然后取出按“三线分离法”接种到血培养基上,43℃厌氧培养12H,可见圆形、突起、边缘整齐、表面湿润、光滑、双溶血环微绿的菌落。然后将菌落涂片,染色,镜检,同时对照在有氧环境中培养无菌落生长。第二部分:魏氏梭菌的PCR快速诊断方法的建立及应用建立了聚合酶链氏反应魏氏梭菌α毒素基因的检测方法,通过不断摸索条件优化了试剂使用剂量,缩短了反应时间,第三部分:魏氏梭菌MULTI-PCR检测方法建立及在空气样品检测上的应用根据GENBANK上发表的序列设计了四对引物,通过不断优化反应条件,建立了快速、高敏感度的MULTI-PCR检测方法。第四部分:山东省魏氏梭菌病疫区MULTI-PCR调查采用MULTI-PCR方法对近5年内山东省流行过该病的德州、枣庄、泰安、临沂、青岛、烟台等地24个养殖场的692个样品进行检测,共检出124个菌株,检出率为17.9﹪,均为A型。 In order to confirm the real Epidemical situation of Clostridium perfringens toxin types in Shandong Province, multiplex-PCR was established, by which we investigated 692 samples isolated from Dezhou,Taian, Zaozhuang,Qingdao,Linyi and Yantai. We detect 124 Clostridium perfringens positive,and all are type A.The survey result is absolutely true,which provide theory guide for previntion. The study established a fast PCR detect method to Clostridium perfringens,which has high specifity and possesses latent application prospect.The study consists of four parts.Part Ⅰ:Isolation and Toxin-type Identification of Clostridium perfringens of samples. 124 strains of Clostridium perfringens were isolated from animals feces. The study result showed isolation strains were toxin type A by API-20A biochemical test method.Part Ⅱ:A pair of primer was succeeded in designing and synthesizing according to the published sequence of the α -toxin of Clostridium perfringens.The PCR can amplify 325bp specific α -toxin fragments.It accords with the predicted amplification segament, however,it has no positive result with system to amplify Salmonella 、 E-coli 、 Enterococcus and Staphylococcus,so ,it can demonstrate the PCR amplification system has good specificity.In addition,it also possesses very high sensitivity because the system can detect the 1CFU//ml dilute template. The PCR technique was applied tor the detection of Clostridium perfringens in localized areas of Shandong province.The result showed that 21 of 102 samples were positive which is basically identical with other bacteria isolation methods.According to the above results ,the study has developed a Clostridium perfringens quick detection method which possesses latent application prospect. Part Ⅲ:For detection of Clostridium perfringens toxin types four pairs of primer for alpha, beta, epsilon and jota toxin gene were succeeded in designing and synthesizing according to the published sequence.It can distinguish type A,B,C,D and E of Clostridium perfringens.The specific of PCR is high,only Clostridium perfringens show positive,other strains such as Salmonella > E-coli^ Enterococcus and Staphylococcus all show negative. The multiplex PCR was applied for the identification of toxin types of Clostridium perfringens from samples which were collected from cattle stable and had been identified by ELISA.The PCR result accord with the ELISA method.So the muliplex-PCR can be applied to epidemiology survey. Part IV: The multiplex PCR was applied for the identification of toxin types of Clostridium perfringens from samples which were collected from earlier epidemic districts of Shandong province. The results showed that all isolated 124 samples /(17.9/%/) were Clostridium perfringens toxin type A, that was alpha toxin positive which is different from abroad reports.

关 键 词: 魏氏梭菌 毒素型 流行病学

分 类 号: [S852.616.3]

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学] [农业科学]


作者 黄铁兵
作者 黄增章
作者 谢震
作者 刘玉


机构 南方医科大学
机构 惠州学院体育系
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南农业大学
机构 广东省社会科学院


作者 李振义
作者 吴晨
作者 张琳
作者 丁培强
作者 吴肖林