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The Key Technology Study of Clay Stabilized in ECO-material Way

导  师: 庄心善;曾三海

学科专业: H1401

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 湖北工业大学

摘  要:   本研究采集武汉地区具有一定代表意义的素土和粉煤灰、炉渣,分别进行了加固处理,所用的胶凝材料是较为基础的水泥与生石灰,基于岩土工程学和材料学,运用现代测试试验技术,对水泥、石灰类加固土的加固机理进行了详尽分析。通过大量室内试验,主要分析了加固土的无侧限强度特性,并对加固土的液塑限变化进行了分析。水泥-石灰稳定复合土的无侧限抗压强度随着外加剂掺量和龄期的增加而增加,且水泥掺量对水泥-石灰稳定复合土强度的影响比掺石灰的影响更大,加固效果更好。复合土样中的炉渣具有粉煤灰类似的活性,可促使体系中生成更多的C-S-H凝胶,增强了复合土体自身的粘结力。同时其自身的“粗集料效应”,为加固复合土体强度起积极作用。在水泥-石灰稳定素土中引入大掺量的粉煤灰、炉渣,既可以显著提高水泥-石灰稳定土材料的无侧限抗压强度,又有利于保护环境,降低成本,拓宽其应用领域。 It is a high technology of clay stabilized in eco-material way that was focused in Civil Engineering recently. The high technology can be used wildly in various researches and can be used in engineering construction easily, furthermore the cost of it is very low. Thus the technology is very needed in some present projects such as roadbed in highway and foundation strengthen in civil engineering. This experimental research bases on conventional ways which used cement or lime stabilizing clay. At the same time, the experiment used largely industrial wastes such as fly-ash and slag presents such a best optimizing proportioning that can be used sufficiently in roadbed projects and foundation strengthen projects. This paper presents the experimental results on unconfined compressive strength /(UCS/) and limit of water and plastic /(WL, WP/) of the clays stabilized with industrial wastes such as fly-ash and slag. Four kinds of the compound clays are produced with different proportions of fly ash, clay, and slag, and then the compound clays are reinforced by adding cement and lime respectively. Based on Geo-technical Engineering and Materials Engineering and using the modern testing technology, this paper analyses the mechanism of the strengthen soils. The experimental results from the laboratory tests show that the compound clays can be better reinforced by using cement instead of lime. The relationship among UCS, curing time and cement content has been verified by using the laboratory test results in this study. The high technology uses industrial wasters and improves environment as well as stabilize soil. It can improve the UCS of the compound clays by adding fly-ash and slag largely, can be beneficial for environmental protecting and cost reducing contemporarily.

关 键 词: 土壤生态固化 加固土 粉煤灰 炉渣 无侧限抗压强度

分 类 号: [TU472 U416.1 P642.16]

领  域: [建筑科学] [建筑科学] [交通运输工程] [天文地球] [天文地球] [天文地球]




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