导 师: 叶修梓
学科专业: H1203
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 浙江大学
摘 要: 本文首先在绪论部分介绍了研究背景、国内外研究现状及相关技术;第二章在介绍了元数据和XML的基本概念后,描述了本系统中的四类共享资源的元数据定义;后面着重介绍了从WORD格式的论文中提取关键信息的方法;第三章先介绍了各种P2P拓扑结构和常规的搜索方法,然后在此基础上提出了一种SUPER-PEERS网络结构;接着介绍了在此结构中进行P2P搜索的方法,还介绍了一种处理两个节点都不在线情况下的检索处理算法;第四章先介绍了本地信息管理;然后,在介绍了AGENT技术的特点后,着重介绍了本系统中AGENT的两种功能:主动服务和智能检索;最后一章作了整个系统的总结与展望. With the rapid development of networking technologies and the advent of peer-to-peer technologies, such distributed file-sharing systems as Napster and Gnutella, are becoming prevalent over time. Both systems possess their advantages as well as their disadvantages. Super-Peers networking overcome their disadvantages. We divide all peers into two groups: common peer and super peer. We look on the more powerful peer as super peer. These super peers will supervise the common peers near to it. Then,we introduced some search methods, and we focused more attention on a strategy which deal with the situation that both peer are not online simultaneously.As the information on the net is increasing dramatically, the accuracy of searching process of traditional method based on key words turned lower and lower. So we introduced metadata into the system. All the shared resource are divided into four types: papers, movies, songs and software. Each resource has his own metadata file of XML type. The search based on metadata proved more efficient and more accurate. We can attain the metadata manually and automatically. We can extract some important messages from the technology papers of doc type such as title, abstract, key words and writers. So we can get some important data automatically.From 1990s, the Agent technology has become one of the most important branch of AI/(Artificial Intelligence/) field. From the function view point, the Agent of each peer is an assistant. Each agent can provide with active service and intelligent search. We can learn the user's hobby by his search terms, so as soon as some new resource which fit for his hobby is added to our system, it will be informed the user. An ontology was built in our system which make the same meaning words be responding. If we enter a word, and we can find all the information related to this word.This thesis is organized as follows. Chapter 1 introduces background, previous work and related work. In chapter 2, we introduced the principal concepts of metadata and XML, th